Chapter 407 I beg you to be a person

   After concubine Hua Fang entered the study, she repeated what Shi Qingluo said.

  King Jin was a little surprised, "I didn't expect her to be so refreshing today. Not only will she give you recipes for making paper, but also recipes for recipes."

   Concubine Hua said with a chuckle: "This concubine is not in the light of the prince."

   "Moreover, Shi Qingluo is a smart person. When I saw the recipe for transforming the paper, she gave it to the prince through the hands of my wife."

  Why would Shi Qingluo agree? It's definitely not her, but the King Jin behind her.

   King Jin played with Concubine Hua Side's hand, "Concubine Ai is really smart."

   "Tomorrow, this king will go to the teahouse with you."

   happened to take the old Taoist over there.

   Concubine Hua had no objection, and asked: "My lord, are we taking this recipe for nothing, or what price do we have to pay?"

   King Jin raised his eyebrows, "Do you think the world will drop pie?"

  Hua Side Concubine shook her head, "Naturally not."

   King Jin smiled, "So Shi Qingluo won't give it to us for nothing, go see what she wants tomorrow."

   Concubine Hua Fei now understands, no wonder the prince is going to follow him tomorrow. It turned out that he was going to discuss the price.

   She smiled and said, "With the lord here, the concubine will be relieved."

   The two talked again, and Concubine Hua side left.

   Deputy Governor's Office.

   Taoliu went to Xiao Yuanshi's courtyard after returning to the house.

   Xiao Yuanshi is practicing calligraphy in his study, which has become his daily compulsory course.

   Seeing Liu Ru coming back, he put down his pen.

   "Did you encounter anything today?"

   He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Liu Ru came back safe and sound.

  Although he sent a lot of people to protect him, he was afraid that Shi Qing would find fault.

   Taoliu walked over and said with a smile, "It's okay, everything went well with my concubine's trip to King Jin's mansion today."

  Xiao Yuanshi thought for a while and asked, "Sh Qing is gone, did something happen?"

   He always felt that no matter where the bad daughter-in-law went, it seemed abnormal that nothing happened.

   Taoliu didn't hide it, and repeated what he heard.

   Xiao Yuanshi was shocked, "You mean that Shi Qingluo came up with the idea of ​​making money for Concubine Hua?"

   Taoliu nodded, "Well, out, the two of them have an appointment to go to the teahouse tomorrow to continue their conversation."

   She also admires that Shi Qingluo can come up with so many ways to make money.

   Xiao Yuanshi frowned, "What is she trying to do?"

   Previously, when King Jin gave money, Shi Qingluo and his wife refused, which also showed that they should not want to have a relationship with King Jin.

  But he took the initiative to attend the banquet, and even made an idea for King Jin's side concubine in public, which made him incomprehensible.

   Although Liu Ru has been trained before, her vision is limited, so she doesn't understand Xiao Yuanshi's words.

   She thought about it and said, "Looking at Shi Qingluo's appearance, the concubine seems quite willing to approach Concubine Hua."

   Xiao Yuanshi frowned deeper, "Okay, I see."

   He reached out and touched Liu Ru's stomach, "You're tired too today, go back to the yard to rest."

  Liu Ru nodded wisely, "Okay."

  Xiao Yuanshi sat in the study for a long time and thought about it, but he was still very confused. Could it be that Shi Qingluo wants to join King Jin?

   In the end, he couldn't hold back and sent someone to Shi Qingluo's yard to invite her over.

   When Xiao Yuanshi came with him, Shi Qingluo was chatting with Xi Rong.

   She was not surprised to hear that the scumbag wanted to see her.

   said to Xi Rong and followed him to Xiao Yuanshi's yard.

   Xiao Yuanshi was not in the study, but sat on the stone bench in the courtyard.

   Meeting the divorced daughter-in-law alone in the study room is inappropriate. If it is in the courtyard, the guards and servants are watching, it doesn't matter.

After    Shi Qing fell in, he took the initiative to sit opposite the scumbag.

   She took the initiative to speak, "Is there anything the Deputy Governor is looking for me?"

   Xiao Yuanshi urged his followers to walk farther away, so that no one could hear their conversation.

   That's when he said to Shi Qingluo: "There is really something I want to talk to you about."

  Shi Qingluo smiled and said, "If you have anything, just talk straight to the point."

   Xiao Yuanshi didn't go around in circles, "You help Concubine Hua Side come up with the idea of ​​making money?"

   Shi Qingluo nodded, "Yes."

   Xiao Yuanshi frowned and asked, "I don't mention the recipe in advance, it's not important, but the paper can be modified to reduce the cost and selling price, what impact will it have, do you understand?"

   Shi Qingluo asked: "What do you think will be the impact?"

   Xiao Yuanshi said truthfully: "First of all, King Jin can benefit a lot from it."

  Daliang has paid great attention to the cultivation of civil officials since the beginning of the dynasty, so there are many students from various places, and the consumption of paper is huge.

  The paper made by Jinwangfu is of the same quality but cheaper than other companies. As long as you are not a fool, you will definitely buy Jinwangfu.

   This will also allow Jin Wangfu to accumulate a fortune.

   "Secondly, when the price of paper comes down, King Jin will definitely let people go everywhere to publicize that this is a good deed for Xin Xin students, which will greatly benefit him in terms of reputation."

   Anyway, I will definitely get the favor of many students.

   Shi Qingluo nodded, "You're right, but what does it matter?"

   "It is always good deeds, so that more people can afford to read books, and many poor families and small families can save a lot of money every year."

  Xiao Yuanshi: "..." Does this girl really understand, or is she pretending not to?

   "Then have you thought about what would happen if this matter reached the emperor's ears?"

   "You don't think about Zheng'er?"

   Shi Qingluo raised her eyebrows, "Ex-Father-in-law, I really didn't see that you still care about your son."

   "You don't have any plans, do you?"

   Xiao Yuanshi: "..." Are you talking about human words?

  Why can't he care about his son?

   Of course, he will find Shi Qingluo today to ask him clearly, the point is that he doesn't want her to disrupt his deployment plan.

   For the son of Xiao Hanzheng, he is very complicated. On the one hand, he does not want the other party to go astray, and on the other hand, he does not want the other party to go too far in his career.

   If one day Xiao Hanzheng walked farther than him and stood taller than him, it would mean that his previous choice was a huge mistake.

  If he wants to survive in the cracks of Beicheng, he must find opportunities.

   King Jin and Xiao Hanzheng restrain each other, and even if Shi Qingluo and King Jin go against each other, this is an opportunity.

   Who would have thought that Shi Qingluo did not act according to common sense.

   He sneered: "I just don't want you to go astray, what can I do."

   Shi Qingluo looked at him and asked with a smile, "What is the wrong way?"

   Xiao Yuanshi found that this bad daughter-in-law was really too difficult to deal with. After talking for a long time, he still did not find her intention to do so.

   He said earnestly: "Don't take things too simple."

   "It is indeed a good thing that you want to do good deeds for the poor students, but you also need to see who the target is."

   "You make money for King Jin, and for his fame and fortune, will the emperor be happy?"

   "I'm not going to take my anger on you and Zheng'er by then, I just want to remind you that you have to think twice before doing anything."

   Shi Qingluo said playfully: "Are you advising us not to get on King Jin's boat?"

   Xiao Yuanshi nodded, "Of course."

  Shi Qingluo suddenly asked: "But I heard that you received 50,000 taels of silver from King Jin's mansion, so are you considered to be on King Jin's boat?"

   Xiao Yuanshi: "..." I beg you to be a person.

  Poke wherever it hurts, this bad daughter-in-law is really not a good thing.

   (end of this chapter)

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