Chapter 41 Can you still do this?

   Shi Qingluo's words made the old lady's face even more ugly.

   The resentment and dissatisfaction with the woman is getting stronger and stronger.

  If that woman were here, they would probably want to slap her.

  The Wang family couldn't help but scolded in a low voice, "This little hoof is going to eat alone, no wonder it keeps stopping us from going, damn, shameless vixen..."

  The old lady patted the table angrily, "There is still such a thing, she is an orphan who wants to hold all the good things of my son and wants to eat it."

   She hasn't enjoyed being a mother yet, so why is the little hoof?

   She asked Shi Qingluo, "You said, what should we do?"

   After all, he is the disciple of the old immortal, so there must be a good way.

  Shi Qingluo had been waiting for the old lady to enter the set, "You sold all the house and land in your family, and then brought all the entanglements into Beijing."

   Old Mrs. Xiao asked in confusion and disapproval: "What? Why did you sell the house and land?"

   Shi Qingluo thought to himself, of course, to let you guys not be brought back to the village by those two people in a short period of time.

   However, there was a look of concern for the old lady and others on his face.

   "Only in this way, he can no longer drive you back, otherwise where will you live? What will you eat?"

   "Could it be that the general would let his parents sleep on the streets and starve to death?"

   "If he dares to do this, you will sue."

   "Even if you are forced to come back one day, let him give you money to buy new fields, and you have to double it."

   "Build another best house in the village, or you will lose the face of his general."

   "When the time comes, you can also earn double, but you won't lose money."

   She instigated again, "Anyway, when you go, you look like you are going to fight. Whoever is cruel will win."

   Originally, Mrs. Xiao and several people did not agree, but after listening to what Shi Qingluo said, they found that it was too reasonable.

  Without houses and fields, how will they live when they come back?

   No matter how ruthless the second child is, it is impossible for them to be refugees, right?

  If it's really so cruel, then they will sue him. It's a big deal to let him stop being that general. They won't enjoy it anyway.

   Mrs. Xiao found that although this dead girl was not likable, she was able to come up with ideas.

   "It makes sense, let's go back and discuss."

   After saying that, I can't wait to get up and want to go back.

   was stopped by Shi Qingluo, "What is the old lady anxious about?"

   "As soon as you go out now, what you want to do will be revealed to Xinghong outside."

   "She is the spy that the woman deliberately placed next to you, encouraged you to find fault with my husband, and deliberately monitored and fooled you not to go to the capital and rob her of her right to be the master of the house."

   "Once your motives are exposed in advance, the woman will definitely blow the pillow wind and let the general prevent you from entering Beijing."

   Mrs. Xiao sat back again, "How about that?"

   "After all, Xinghong is waiting by my side, we are going to sell the house and land, she must know!"

   Shi Qing gave you a stupid look, "Then don't keep her!"

   She came up with an idea: "You guys will go out, don't reveal that you are going to the capital."

   "Then pretend to swear."

   "Tomorrow, let the uncle or the third uncle go to the county town to find Renyazi and sell her directly, and bring someone to the village to drag her away, so it will not be exposed."

  Old Mrs. Xiao was shocked, how could she still do this?

   Don’t say it, it’s really feasible.

  Shi Qingluo continued to instigate, "That girl is good-looking and has a good figure. She used to be the maidservant of the general's wife. If you sell it in the right place, dozens of taels are probably fine."

   "If she goes to inform, it is to prevent you from enjoying happiness and cut off your wealth. This is an enemy, and you can't be soft-hearted."

   "When you sell people, you earn money, and people don't have to get in the way, you kill two birds with one stone."

  Xinghong provoked the people who instigated the old house and dragged Xiaomei to the Wu family to marry and be buried with her.

   Participated in finding someone to buy Shi Langzhong to poison Xiao Xianggong, and even killed Erlang by drowning, an unforgivable crime.

   She in turn encouraged the best people to sell the other party, let the other party have a taste of it and eat the consequences.

   She said it very clearly, where can you sell it at a high price? Of course it's a brothel.

   It's a pity that the young master of the Wu family is dead, otherwise he could have encouraged the old lady and others to send him to his funeral.

   Sure enough, Mrs. Xiao and several others showed a moving look, "Let's think about this."

   said that, and in my heart I had already decided to listen to Shi Qingluo.

   Save Xinghong from getting in their way.

   Shi Qingluo approached the old lady, Wang and Wu again, and taught them a lot of ways to deal with the woman and the scumbag after they went to the capital.

   For example, the woman pretended to be weak and cried in front of the general, so the old lady cried even louder, shouting that she finally pulled her son up, but he married a daughter-in-law and forgot his mother.

   Another example is that the woman wants to cover up and covertly, deduct their food and clothing expenses, and let the old lady take her two daughters-in-law to go outside to find someone to cry.

  It is best to go to a teahouse or restaurant where there are many people.

   If that woman goes too far, let the three of them sit at the gate of the General's Mansion and cry and sprinkle.

   Shi Qingluo also taught the three old ladies how to deal with white lotus and green tea **** that he had seen before.

   Just saw how the three of them played.

   She believes that the power of the best sprinkles will definitely be great!

   Old Mrs. Xiao did not expect that they could deal with people like this.

  A door to a new world is opening towards them, done!

   This dead girl is worthy of being the disciple of the old immortal, and this practice is really high.

  Old Mrs. Xiao and the others wrote down Shi Qing's teachings, and at the same time were a little afraid and afraid of her.

   This dead girl is not a good bird, with a stomach full of bad water, the tricks taught them are not ordinary damage.

   But if it's used to deal with that little hoof in the capital, they like...

   So the three of them had something they didn't understand, so they asked Shi Qingluo for advice, and they got together and chatted happily.

   Xiao Hanzheng couldn't help laughing and laughing when he saw it. He didn't know how good their relationship was...

   When Shi Qingluo finished speaking what he taught and instructed, he expelled him.

   "You guys hurry up and get ready now, don't delay if you can enjoy it early."

   Mrs. Xiao and the others couldn't wait to go back to discuss, "Okay, that's it."

   So I completely forgot the purpose of today's visit, the tofu workshop is no longer needed, and the purpose of picking things is also neglected.

   Shi Qingluo deliberately dug a hole for Xinghong.

   She reminded the old lady, "After you go out, Xinghong will definitely ask all kinds of questions, old lady, don't let her lead her by the nose again, and accidentally tell the things you just discussed."

   Old lady Xiao waved her hand, "That can't be done." She wasn't really stupid.

   Then several people were extremely excited, and were sent out of the courtyard gate by Shi Qingluo.

  Xinghong put away the displeasure on her face when she saw them come out.

   greeted him with a smile, "Old lady, why did that dead girl let you in?"

   "Have you managed the tofu workshop? Why didn't you bring anything?"

   She asked several questions one after another as usual.

   If it was in the past, Mrs. Xiao would not think much.

   At this moment, he couldn't help but think of what Shi Qingluo just said.

  I didn’t feel it before, but now I feel it.

   This Xinghong has always wanted to lead them by the nose and use them as spearmen. It's really hateful and should be sold!

   Today's update is over, thank you for tipping and voting dear~~

   Luoluo: I'm just that bad!



   (end of this chapter)

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