Chapter 422 I hope you can laugh in the future

   Zhuozheng certainly wanted to do all the work in all workshops.

   But it certainly cannot be said.

   He thought about it and said, "Then the cannery, I'm curious about what a can is."

  Candles, soaps and soaps are all available outside now, but they are in cans, and no one knows what they are like.

   When he learns to make cans, he will find an excuse to go to another workshop.

  Shi Qingluo was not surprised by his choice, "Okay, the cannery can start work in a few days when everything is ready, so you can go to work."

   Zhuo Zheng smiled shyly, "Thank you sister, you are really kind."

   Shi Qingluo thought to himself, I hope you can still laugh in the future.

   Zhuo Zheng looked at her expectantly and asked: Then can I move to your guest house? "

   The guest house is right next to the main house. He can also see if he can find a chance to touch the main house to find some useful things.

   Shi Qingluo shook his head apologetically, "I'm afraid this won't work."

   Zhuo Zheng didn't expect her to refuse, "Why not?"

   Shi Qingluo replied: "Because if you want to work in the workshop, you will naturally not be our guest."

   "If you live in the guest house and go to work in the workshop, there will definitely be gossips coming out, saying that you went through the back door or something. How ugly!"

   Zhuozheng: "..."

   He pulled out a smile, "It's okay, I'm not afraid of gossip, they can talk about it as they like."

   He wouldn't stay with those people for long anyway.

   Shi Qingluo laughed, "You're not afraid, but I'm afraid!"

   Seeing that Zhuo Zheng was a little confused, she explained, "Because this is a workshop built by the county government, if someone says you go through the back door, they will say things like my husband's injustice."

   "In order not to affect his reputation, you can't stay in the hospital."

   Zhuozheng: "..." Dare to be affectionate is because he is affectionate.

   She deliberately looked good for Zhuo Zheng and said, "Actually, it's been ten days since you came out. Your mother might be in a hurry. Why don't I have someone send you back to Beicheng?"

   Zhuo Zheng immediately shook his head, "No, I don't want to go back so quickly when I come out this time."

   He looked pitiful again, "If I don't live in the hospital, where do I live? I have no money now."

  Shi Qingluo said as a matter of course: "The workshop has also built a dormitory for people who work overtime or work far away from home."

   "You can move in today."

  Since she wanted to work, she fulfilled him.

   If you want any special treatment, don't think about it.

   And when she said so, she kept Zhuo Zheng and couldn't find any reason to refute it.

   Sure enough, although Zhuo Zheng wanted to stay in the hospital, Shi Qingluo had said so, so he couldn't refuse.

   Otherwise, she really wants to have someone send him back to Beicheng, he is not worth it.

   So he nodded obediently, "Okay, I'll listen to my sister."

   Shi Qingluo gave him a smile, "Very good, I knew you were a peace of mind."

   She added: "Do well, if you become an official in the future, this experience will also help you."

   Zhuozheng nodded happily, "Okay, I will do my best."

   If his father succeeded in rebelling, her mother said that she would let him sit in the position of the prince.

   If there is such a day, knowing more about people's livelihood now will be really useful in the future.

   Zhuozheng agreed, and Shi Qingluo asked Xiao Hanzheng's people to take him to the dormitory of the canning workshop.

After    and others left, Shi Qingluo's lips raised an arc, hoping that Zhuo Zheng could hold on for a while longer.

The    workshop is not a single dormitory, but a room for six to eight people.

   Last night, she agreed with Xiao Hanzheng, if Zhuo Zhengzhen chooses to work in the workshop.

   Then put Zhuo Zheng and the other three spies together, as well as four big men who were short-tempered, very loud, and had stinky feet and other problems.

   The workshop has not yet officially started, but there are already five people living in the dormitory.

   After Zhuo Zheng entered, he smelled a smell that made his complexion change several times.

   He couldn't help but ask, "Can I change a room?"

   The servant shook his head apologetically, "Master Zhuo, this is the last dormitory with vacant beds."

   "If you don't live, you can only go out and rent a house or an inn."

   "Working in the morning and evening, living in a dormitory is actually the most convenient."

   Zhuozheng: "..." His purse was stolen, otherwise why would he need to live in such a crappy dormitory.

   It is possible to ask for money from someone who is secretly protecting, but in front of Shi Qingluo, he can't get it right.

   And this is Xiao Hanzheng's territory. If he is accidentally found to be in contact with those people, it will be troublesome.

   He suddenly felt so difficult.

   He could only say: "I want to see Sister Shi again."

  The servant refused at first, but Zhuozheng insisted on it.

   He could only take Zhuo Zheng to see Shi Qingluo again.

   Zhuo Zheng asked to borrow money as soon as he saw Shi Qingluo, and wanted to go out and continue to stay at the inn.

   However, Shi Qingluo refused.

   Shi Qingluo gave him two choices, either go to the dormitory to work in the workshop, or have someone send him back to Beicheng immediately.

   Zhuozheng had to endure grievances in order to investigate the situation of the canning workshop and learn the recipe.

   was sent to the dormitory by the servant again.

   Seeing three other people who didn't look like villagers, covering their noses with sweat towels, he could only follow them.

   and deliberately started talking to the three of them.

   I also felt a little resentment towards Shi Qingluo in my heart, why is this woman so cruel.

   He is a gentleman of Bai Yuqianqian, how could he be willing to let him suffer this crime.

  But he boasted in front of many people that he would definitely get the recipe, and no matter how disgusting he was, he could only endure it.

   I just hope to get in touch with the core as soon as possible and get the recipe.

   arranged Zhuo Zheng, and Shi Qingluo put his affairs aside.

   took people to several villages with many wildflowers, taught the villagers to keep bees, and signed a contract for the purchase of honey and beeswax in the future.

  This is also very suitable for growing wolfberry and red dates.

  Shi Qingluo went to more than a dozen villages, took the villagers to plant wolfberry and red jujube trees, and also signed the purchase contract.

   After a busy few days like this, we made a batch of clay pots and wooden bottle caps that the canning workshop needed.

   Shi Qingluo checked it again, and it was done very well and tightly, and the bottle cap with the rubber ring would not leak.

   To make mutton seasoning, she had asked Xiao Hanzheng to collect it before.

   Her craftsmanship is average, so she asked her mother-in-law and sister-in-law to help with seasoning.

   It took several days before, and cooked dozens of catties of mutton, so that the taste was adjusted to the best.

After the    clay pot was successfully made, she taught the selected people to make braised mutton, braised mutton, and canned mutton stew.

   Stewed meat is not difficult for anyone to learn. At most, the stewed meat is not so delicious.

   So the key to making canned mutton is how to make the canned meat airtight, so that it can be stored for a long time without deterioration.

   Shi Qingluo had never tried it before, and it was completely based on the "Crossing Book", so he took his mother-in-law and sister-in-law to fiddle for a long time before trying it successfully.

   "This batch of mutton is ready. After ten days, open it one by one and try it. If it doesn't deteriorate, that's right. You can continue to make it in large quantities."

  Although the process of keeping the cans from leaking and spoiling has been completed, Shi Qingluo is still ready to make the first batch after ten days and try to make the second batch.

  If it goes bad, try again.

   Xiao Hanzheng believed in his little daughter-in-law, "Okay."

   (end of this chapter)

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