Chapter 430 The courage is really big enough

   King Jin was stunned for a while, obviously not expecting that Shi Qingluo would write to him.

   He curiously took the letter and read it.

   Originally thought that the girl would give him another idea, but after reading the letter, he was a little confused.

   Liang Mingyu was also very curious, "Father, what did she say in the letter?"

   King Jin put the letter on the table, "She said, should this king fulfill the promise?"

   "This is for me to build the road."

   That girl is really courageous enough that other people would not dare to write so blatantly to make him fulfill his promise.

  Liang Mingyu was stunned for a while, "She is really direct."

   He asked: "Father, are we going to start repairing this road?"

   King Jin nodded, "Of course it has to be repaired. She has to let her know that this king is a person who keeps his promises before continuing to give us good ideas."

   Liang Mingyu's mind changed, "How about I go to Heyang County to talk to them about road construction?"

   King Jin thought for a while, "Okay, you go to Heyang County in person, and you must do it well."

   went on to emphasize, "Pay attention to the proportions, don't affect the overall situation."

  Liang Mingyu nodded, "Don't worry, Father, I understand."

   He naturally wouldn't ruin the overall situation because of that hobby.

   He himself wanted to win over Shi Qingluo.

   So Liang Mingyu set off for Heyang County the next day.

   But there was one more person.

   His younger sister, Liang Mingmin, was also the only direct daughter of Concubine Zheng. When the late emperor was on the throne, he was named the Princess of Zhen, meaning a treasure.

   And it can be seen from the fact that a woman uses the same character generation as Liang Mingyu, how much Liang Mingmin is favored.

   In the entire palace, she can be said to be King Jin's favorite child. In terms of food, clothing and rights, other prostitutes can't even match her finger.

   Hearing that Liang Mingyu was going to Heyang County this time, Liang Mingmin felt bored recently, and in order to hide from people, he had to follow him, euphemistically calling it a distraction.

   King Jin and the princess both agreed. Although Liang Mingyu was unwilling to bring such a small ancestor, he could only agree.

  Because Liang Mingmin was on the road, the carriage could not go any faster.

   The person who arranged it still considered the distance and time, and tried to go to a place with a restaurant for lunch and dinner for the two masters to eat.

   The main thing is to serve the county master well, otherwise it will not end well.

   For lunch, eat in the county seat closest to Beicheng.

   Liang Mingmin was more picky, and stopped his chopsticks after eating at random.

   She looked at her elder brother, who was still eating, and asked, "Liang Mingyu, have you seen that Shi Qingluo's husband, Xiao Hanzheng?"

   Liang Mingyu is used to being called by his sister's first name.

   He always knew that this younger sister looked down on their prostitutes, not to mention that she never hid her usual words and behaviors.

   But the father and the king don't care at all, the princess is even more indulgent, and these concubines and concubines can only bear it.

   In particular, there is only such a daughter in the entire palace, and the father is very fond of him. He wants to stabilize the position of the prince, and has always been very polite to this sister.

   He shook his head, "I've never met Xiao Hanzheng."

   Thinking of my sister's preferences, I couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong?"

  Liang Mingmin smiled, "No, I'm just curious and want to meet."

  Liang Mingyu sighed in his heart, "A married man who has nothing to see, just walks out of a small village, it shouldn't be very good."

  Liang Mingmin raised his eyebrows, "But I heard that Xiao Hanzheng looks very good!"

   "Who did you hear? Xiao Hanzheng has never been to Beicheng before, so no one should have seen him before?"

   At least the person who this sister is familiar with should have never met.

  Liang Mingmin said: "Have you met the people from the Deputy Governor's Mansion?"

  Liang Mingyu grasped the key, "Did you listen to the people from the Deputy Governor's Mansion?"

  Liang Mingmin didn't hide it, "Yes, I went to the Deputy Governor's Mansion a few days ago and saw Xiao Yuanshi's concubine, she told me."

   Xiao Yuanshi looks good, which is more in line with her aesthetic preferences.

   It was because she was too old and the position was too high, so she didn't start.

   But there was always a bit of interest, so she was bored two days ago and went to the Deputy Governor's Mansion to play around.

   met Xiao Yuanshi's concubine, she inquired about it, and expressed her interest in Xiao Yuanshi, and bluntly said that Xiao Yuanshi was good-looking.

   That concubine Ge told him that Xiao Yuanshi was much inferior to his son Xiao Hanzheng.

   Said that Xiao Hanzheng was unparalleled in his beauty and gentleness, and when he was admitted to the champion this year, he was still the first choice for a lot of ladies from aristocratic families in the capital.

   It's a pity that Xiao Hanzheng was already married, so those women didn't care.

   So she became interested.

   Just happened to hear that this concubine brother was going to Heyang County, where Xiao Hanzheng was the county magistrate. It happened that she was bothered by the people of her fiancé’s family recently, so she wanted to go with her.

   Liang Mingyu even more secretly scolded Xiao Yuanshi's concubine for something wrong, and actually told Liang Mingmin about this.

   Suddenly remembered that Xiao Yuanshi's concubine seemed to have been demoted by Shi Qingluo as a concubine.

   It seemed that he deliberately told Liang Mingmin to listen, and his head hurt even more.

   After thinking about it, he reminded him, "The county master, the father and the king are now trying to win over Xiao Hanzheng and Shi Qingluo, so that we can't spoil their goodwill towards Jin Wangfu."

   So you still don't want to attack Xiao Hanzheng.

  Liang Mingmin raised his eyebrows in displeasure, "Your father is talking about you."

   She curled her lips indifferently, "Besides, it's just a small county magistrate, why should you hold back when doing things?"

  Liang Mingyu: "..." I knew he didn't recommend going to Heyang County.

   He could only remind again, "Although he is just a county magistrate, he is also the person the king wants to win over."

   "Especially his wife Shi Qingluo, who is a golden baby, and the father wants to win her over to do things for the King Jin Mansion."

  Liang Mingmin looked at him with a half-smile, "Liang Mingyu, did you offer to go to Heyang County for the simple purpose of building a road?"

   "What do you like, I know very well. If you weren't interested in that Shi Qingluo, would you run all the way?"

   Liang Mingyu's thoughts were revealed by Liang Mingmin, and he smiled a little embarrassedly, "It doesn't really matter, she is the person that the father wants to win over, and I am interested and will not move."

   So little ancestor, put away your thoughts.

  Liang Mingmin said: "If you take people away, wouldn't she be able to use her completely for King Jin's Mansion?"

   "So I think we can divide the labor and cooperate. You go to Shi Qingluo, and I go to Xiao Hanzheng."

  Liang Mingyu suddenly felt annoyed in his heart, but it was not easy to speak harshly to this sister-in-law, and she would not listen to him.

   He thought about it and said, "You may not be able to like Xiao Hanzheng."

   Liang Mingmin shrugged, "If I don't like him, I'm naturally not interested in him."

   She smiled meaningfully at him again, "Don't worry, whether I like Xiao Hanzheng or not, it won't prevent you from hooking up with Shi Qingluo."

   (end of this chapter)

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