Chapter 433 This idea is too good

   Zhuozheng is also miserable.

   In the canning workshop before, I slept in a sweat towel at night, and I could still sleep soundly.

   can be changed to the dormitory of the soap workshop. Every day, I hear people talking in their sleep, and from time to time, they will shout a few times, and he will be woken up as soon as he falls asleep.

   In the middle of the night, he slept in a daze, and suddenly someone got up and fumbled around in the dormitory with a dull expression, or opened the door and walked out like a ghost, and every time he was woken up.

   The most important thing is that when he entered the soap workshop, he was full of soap solution...

   has no idea how this thing turns into soap and soap, and what to add.

   Each process is separate. If he wants to touch the workshop next to him, he will be chased away by the guards.

   He also discovered that the other two were spies.

   So the three of them formed an alliance, looking for opportunities to buy people in the soap workshop who could get in touch with the core recipe workers.

   Every day when I take a meal break or take a break from work, I will lean towards those people.

   Originally, they thought it would be very simple, but who knew that after going to several people, they would not agree.

   There were two people who even told them not to make up their minds, or else they would go to the management office to expose it.

   and scolding them for not being content.

   made the three of them feel that there was something wrong with these people, and revealed that Fang Zi was getting paid hundreds of taels. Wouldn’t it be better to go to another place to live again? Why is it so stubborn.

  But these people are not hooked, and they have no choice but to continue looking for opportunities.

   They didn't know that Xiao Hanzheng screened the people who were selected into the core work room several times and examined the character.

   These people are either upright, or they know how to be satisfied, and they are all local to Heyang County, and they will not sell their workshops for money anyway.

   And Xiao Hanzheng came here to talk before the workshop officially started, and asked everyone to sign a confidentiality contract with the workshop, which covered the official seal of the county government.

  If anyone in the workshop betrayed the recipe or learned the process, once found out, not only will they be fired, but they will also be held accountable and go to jail.

   And his family members and relatives who do not fall within five servings, who work in the workshop, will also be expelled together.

  I did not work in the workshop, but if I want to recruit workers in the future, I will definitely not recruit all the relatives of this person who do not fall within the five clothes, and report it throughout the county.

   That's okay. Most of the people in a village are related to each other. If one person commits an accident, it means that most of the people in the village will be killed.

   Not only will you have to go to jail, but you will also be hated by others when you return to the village after you get out of prison. How can you be a human being?

  Especially now that he has just entered the workshop, everyone is very cautious in doing things, for fear of being fired accidentally.

  How dare you do such a betrayal.

   Besides, since I came to the workshop, I have enough food and drink every day, and the place to sleep is much better than their own home. There are also special toilets and bathing places. This is a day that I never dreamed of before.

   They had a good time, but they went to jail for some money, and they were despised and rejected by the village and their clansmen. It was not worth it at all.

   And if the recipe of the workshop is leaked, and others have opened soap workshops in other places, can the people here still work?

  If the workshop was closed, they would be sinners, and they would have to be scorned and despised by people in the county and other villages. They didn’t want to be sinners.

   Therefore, although hundreds of taels of silver are indeed tempting, these carefully selected people still suppressed their greed, and none of them let go.

   There were even two people who secretly ran to tell the steward, saying that the three of Zhuo Zheng might have a problem, and they kept talking to them.

   The steward naturally reported the matter to Xiao Hanzheng.

When    came to report, Shi Qingluo was also there.

After    and the others left, Shi Qingluo smiled and said, "It seems that the people you chose this time are very reliable."

  Her family's Xiaoxianggong has always been very good at employing people, and he is very accurate in seeing people, but she is not so good at it.

   Xiao Hanzheng said with a smile, "I chose and chose."

   "However, there are still fewer such people. The workshop is sure to expand its scale slowly, and it is necessary to recruit some people with good character who can work."

  Shi Qingluo thought about it and asked, "Brother Zheng, how are the soldiers who were discharged from the battlefield in the past generally arranged?"

   Xiao Hanzheng replied: "Give me some money to settle down and go back to my hometown to live by myself."

   "Furthermore, the settlement fee also depends on whether Shangguan is greedy or not. If you encounter greed, you will even pay a few hundred pennies directly."

   "Those who have lost hands or legs can no longer do heavy work after returning home, so life is very difficult."

   "I've also heard that many people choose to end their lives in order not to drag their families down."

   "The imperial court treats these people preferentially, so they don't have to pay taxes, but they can be implemented locally. It also depends on whether the magistrate is greedy or not."

   "Like Heyang County, when they met the previous county magistrate, not only did they not give these people tax exemptions, but they also had to pay the excessive taxes and miscellaneous taxes."

   "This is what I've been doing recently, re-registering all these taxpayers, returning the taxes they paid for the past two years, and no longer having to pay taxes in the future."

   "It is being carried out from village to village, but the manpower is limited, and many roads are long and difficult to walk. It is estimated that the yamen in charge of this work will take two or three months to run through all the houses in Heyang County."

  Shi Qingluo smiled and said, "Then let's recruit some yamen, anyway, the workshop is rich and can afford it."

   "And I think it is possible to let the soldiers who are discharged from the army and still able to work come to the workshop. No matter what the reasons are for these people to join the army, it is an indisputable fact that protecting the family and defending the country is injured, and they should be treated with respect."

   "If one hand is injured, the other hand can still be used, and the injured leg can also be used with both hands. For example, you can sit and stir the soap and watch the stew."

   "It would be better if they were discharged from the army because of their age. It would be better if they were recruited to work in the workshop, or they could organize a patrol team to maintain the law and order of the county town."

   "This way you can solve the problem of lack of people and give them a way to live."

   "It's good for fame too."

   "You can also give the emperor a booklet and let the court do the same."

   Xiao Hanzheng fell into deep thought after hearing her words, then pulled Shi Qingluo into his arms and hugged him heavily.

   "What the lady said is that this idea is too good, it's a good idea to kill three birds with one stone."

   He has also participated in the army and fought in wars, so he has different feelings for the army and soldiers.

Before   , he just wanted to try his best to improve the lives of veterans, especially wounded veterans.

   Now what the little daughter-in-law said woke him up, recruiting these people to work is indeed giving them a way to survive.

  It is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish.

   And these people are trained, discipline is not easy to buy.

   Now that I have such an opportunity in front of me, I will definitely cherish it, and I will not do anything that will repay kindness and vengeance.

   Of course, human nature can’t stand the test, so he has to screen these people. Good character should be in charge and placed in an important position.

   I don’t think it’s possible to keep a secret, just put it in an ordinary position, and it’s enough to support a family.

   Those with poor character will naturally be screened out and not used directly.

   (end of this chapter)

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