After The Divorce, I Became the Favorite of the Powerful Ministers

Chapter 438: How can there be such a good thing

   Chapter 438 How can there be such a good thing

  The emperor loves his own younger brother very much.

   At the time, his younger brother also did a lot for him and helped him ascend to the throne of the emperor.

   So he didn't want to reluctantly like Xianyun Yehe's younger brother.

  The mother will also worry about the safety of her younger brother.

   But in this case, the younger brother is the best candidate. For the sake of Daliang and the people, he hopes that the younger brother can go.

   So it's a very dilemma.

   He didn't want to make a choice for his younger brother, so he had to ask the other party's opinion.

  The prince nodded in agreement, "Indeed, Erchen also thinks it is safest to ask the uncle's opinion on this matter."

   "If the uncle wants to go, it will solve the urgent need of the father."

   "If the uncle doesn't want to go, then the royal father will re-select a relatively suitable person."

  The emperor nodded, "I think so too."

  Because the matter was urgent, they then announced that Liang Yulin would enter the palace.

  Liang Yulin was fishing in the mansion, and it was inexplicable to hear that the emperor was eager to summon him.

   So he hurriedly changed his clothes and entered the palace.

After    entered the palace, after listening to the emperor's words, Liang Yulin was shocked.

   On the one hand, he sighed at the greatness of Xiao Hanzheng and his wife, and on the other hand, he also developed some interest.

   And he also knew that he was the most suitable candidate.

  If he chooses not to go this time, the imperial brother will not blame him, but he will also completely become an idle king with nothing to do.

  Although he likes the leisurely life of Xianyun Yehe, he has to add some exciting things to adjust it from time to time.

   He did not want to be marginalized in the courtroom, which was also a means of self-protection.

   The most important point is that he has a very good relationship with his brother. Since the brother needs him, he will naturally not shirk.

   So Liang Yulin didn't hesitate, nodded and said, "My brother is willing to share the worries of the emperor."

   Seeing his brother's agreement, the emperor was moved and relieved. As long as he had something to do, his brother would always stand up to support him without hesitation.

   In the future, he will never betray his brother's trust.

  The emperor stood up, reached out and patted his brother on the shoulder, and said with some guilt: "Then it's hard for you to run."

  Liang Yulin smiled and said, "It's not too hard. It just so happens that I can go to Xiao Hanzheng and recuperate my body, so I can kill two birds with one stone."

   This is naturally to comfort the emperor, he also knows the danger of going to the northern border.

   But he really didn't care that much. If he really died, it would be his life.

   Of course, he naturally hopes to complete the important task of the emperor and return to Beijing alive.

  The emperor listened to his brother's comforting words, and his eyes showed a little more kindness, "Xiao Hanzheng and his wife are very good, you can have more contact."

   also made a joke, "After you go to Northern Xinjiang, if you can bring a younger brother and sister back for me, I and my mother will be happier."

  Liang Yulin didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "I will try my best. If I can meet a woman I like in the northern Xinjiang, I will definitely bring a younger brother and sister back to the emperor. If I can't meet it, it can only mean that fate has not yet arrived."

   He was really not in a hurry in this regard, but the imperial brother and the queen mother had to meet once to urge a marriage, and he was scared.

   He also heard that the queen mother wanted to hold a flower viewing banquet, and invited a woman from an aristocratic family who was more suitable to be his princess to come and let him see if he could choose a princess.

  Although he knew how his mother wanted a daughter-in-law, he really had no interest in this kind of blind date banquet.

   Just happened to go to the northern Xinjiang, and you can hide and urge marriage.

  The emperor couldn't see what his brother was thinking, raised his finger and pointed at him, "You!"

   He asked again: "By the way, did I and my mother talk about this, or did you talk about it?"

   If he went to say it, he would probably be complained by his mother, and maybe even cry.

  The younger brother is better at coaxing the mother and talking.

   Liang Yulin couldn't see what his brother meant, so he could only helplessly say: "It's better for the younger brother to speak."

  The emperor smiled even more kindly, and patted him on the shoulder again, "Good brother!"

   Liang Yulin did not delay, and went directly to the Queen Mother's palace.

   Then he coaxed the angry mother, and accompanied him to dinner, promising to bring a princess back from the northern border as much as possible, so that he could leave the palace.

   And there are all kinds of heated cans on the tables of the Liang family, Xi family, Qi family, and Fei family.

   After tasting the canned food, several families all had the same idea, it was delicious.

   followed by shock and curiosity, how can this can be kept for so long without going bad?

   Is that master Shi Qingluo really an old immortal?

   It feels as magical as casting a spell.

   Therefore, several families paid more attention to Shi Qingluo and his wife.

   The Liang family.

   Mr. Liang, Liang Mingcheng and others all know that Liang Youxiao went to the south to build a canning workshop.

   Mr. Liang expressed his supportive attitude, because he always knew that this grandson was very smart, and he was not that unreliable in his work.

   Liang Mingcheng didn't quite understand his son's actions.

   Mainly because he really can't believe what canned food can last that long without going bad, even in summer.

   But because the old man and the old lady were protecting his son, he couldn't stop him, so he could only watch.

   Of course, after all, this is his own son, and he also means to maintain it.

   The people in the other rooms were even less optimistic about Liang Youxiao, and even felt that he was inflated.

  I don’t know if this canned food can be stored for so long without going bad, but Liang Youxiao dared to go to the south to open a workshop.

   Even if you have money on hand, you are not such a loser.

   Many people are waiting to see the joke of Liang Youxiao's failure, and they have been singing bad.

  But after everyone tasted the canned food today, they suddenly felt a little pain in the face.

  This is the big summer. It took more than a month to transport the canned food from Heyang County to the capital and it did not deteriorate. The taste is still so good, which shows that the canned food business is really doing well.

   They also tasted canned fruit, and they tasted a different taste from fresh fruit. Even the ladies and children at home liked this canned fruit more.

   Therefore, as long as Liang Youxiao opens a canning workshop in the south, he will never worry about selling.

  While they were disappointed, they couldn't help but feel jealous and sour.

  Xiao Liu will set up a canning workshop again. I don’t know how much money he will take this time.

   Liang Erye, under the hint of his daughter-in-law's constant gaze, couldn't help looking at the old man and asked, "Dad, Xiaoliu went to the south to do canned food business, and used our family's connections. Should this business belong to Gongzhong?"

   These words made Liang Mingcheng and his wife uncomfortable.

   In the previous few rooms, they were all bad-mouthing, and they kept saying that their son was a nonsense and a prodigal. It was just like saying that Xiaoliu was going to fail, and he wanted to see a joke.

   Now I find that this can can really be preserved, and it tastes very good. If it is shipped to Beijing and other places to sell, it will definitely not worry about selling it.

   And the price of this can is expensive, so it should make a lot of money, so the people in the house are jealous and want to get a share of the pie.

   How can there be such a good thing.

  Xiao Liu worked so hard to go from the north to the south. He did everything by himself. At most, he used his family background. The money was also spent on building his own workshop.

   Concubine Shizi was very upset. She was about to speak, but was stopped by Liang Mingcheng's look.

   The old man made his own decision on this matter, and they didn't need to say anything first.

   (end of this chapter)

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