Chapter 442 To Stew Duo

  Liang Mingmin took a bath comfortably, and quickly fell asleep while lying on the soft big bed.

  Liang Mingyu was similar. He was going to lie down for a while, so he went to the county town for a walk. Who would have known that he slept until it was dark.

   The two of them continued to get hungry too.

   A lot of caravans have come to the county town recently. There is also a cook here at the inn, who will cook food when guests need it.

  Liang Mingyu went downstairs to eat, and when they ordered, they found that half of the dishes were things they had never heard of.

  Liang Mingyu pointed to the menu and asked, "What kind of dish is this tofu?"

   The shopkeeper said with a smile: "This is a kind of food that the magistrate's wife taught everyone to make with soybeans. The dish tastes very good. If you haven't eaten it before, you can try it."

   Liang Mingyu asked again: "There are several kinds of dishes made of this tofu, which one is delicious?"

  Liang Mingmin said impatiently, "Why do you ask so many, let them list all the specialties."

  Liang Mingyu was speechless, but nodded and said to the shopkeeper, "Then bring all the specialties you have here."

   The shopkeeper was also speechless, "There are more than a dozen special dishes in our store, and the two of you shouldn't be able to finish them, why don't you think about it?"

  Liang Mingmin frowned and said, "If you want to serve it, then throw it away if you can't finish it. Do you have any opinion?"

   It's really annoying, it doesn't matter if you can't finish it or not.

   She had more than a dozen dishes for each meal in the palace, and she was used to throwing it away after taking a bite, or throwing it away without tasting it.

   Seeing her like this, the shopkeeper also guessed that this is a noble person with a complicated identity.

   can only laugh shyly: "Yes, I will arrange for someone to do it."

   There will be few guests to eat, so the dishes will be served soon.

  Liang Mingmin saw that the plates were relatively new and clean, so he took chopsticks and tried almost every dish.

   Rarely eat more than usual.

   "This small county town is a bit broken, but the dishes are okay." These dishes were her first time eating.

  Liang Mingyu also tasted it and found it delicious, "Well, it's very innovative."

   He called the shopkeeper again and asked, "Are these all the specialties of your county?"

   The shopkeeper replied with a smile: "This is taught by the magistrate's wife, and now it has indeed become a special dish of our Heyang County."

  Liang Mingyu had already guessed it, "It seems that your magistrate's wife has done a lot of things."

   Speaking of Shi Qingluo, the shopkeeper couldn't help but laugh and praise, "Yes, the magistrate's wife is great, not only teaching everyone how to cook and special snacks, but also..."

   After he finished his praise, the person at the other table next to him also smiled.

   "Yes, the magistrate of Heyang County and the magistrate's wife are really two powerful people."

   "In the past, when we were doing business, we rarely saw such a good place for public security and such a unique place to stay."

   "Although it looks a little broken, the streets are cleaned every day, and they are clean and comfortable."

   "Yes, I heard that there are no more fights or thieves in this county."

   "I heard that the beggars have also entered some shelters."

   "Mrs. Magistrate heard that she is the apprentice of the old god, so she is so powerful. I don't think she will not be able to do it."

   "She's pretty, too. I looked at her from a distance that day, she really looked like a little fairy."

  This is the third time this caravan has come to Heyang County to get canned food, so it has a deep understanding of the changes here, and it feels different every time it comes.

   They used to be afraid of insecurity, but now they feel a lot more relieved when they see the yamen who have been patrolling the county town all the time.

   In addition, they have made a lot of money recently because of canned food, soap and wool, so praising Shi Qingluo and his wife is like not wanting money.

   They boasted happily, but the listeners were not so happy.

  Liang Mingmin is very irritable, how can a village girl from the countryside be so good, it seems that she will buy people's hearts.

  Before in Beicheng, she was the most noble woman, so she didn't like to hear other women being praised.

   She hasn't seen Shi Qingluo yet, so she instinctively dislikes and rejects her.

   Liang Mingyu felt that she was indeed the woman he liked, and she was really extraordinary.

   Liang Mingmin threw down his chopsticks, "I'm full."

   After saying that, he went back to the room with a sullen face.

   Liang Mingyu is also used to the uncertainty of this younger sister.

   Being so unhappy, these people should be praising Shi Qingluo, and she felt unhappy.

   He knew that there used to be two famous beautiful and talented women in Beicheng, who were sought after by many sons of aristocratic families.

  But it also obstructed the eyes of his sister-in-law, and secretly shadowed one of them, causing the carriage he was sitting in to lose control and fell from the carriage, rubbing his face on the stones, disfiguring his face.

   Another person was insulted by a local ruffian when he went out, and his reputation was completely ruined.

   Not only did the princess not blame her, but instead, she wiped out Liang Mingmin, and did not let the people of the two families find out that it was her who did it, and it was not an accident at all.

   This is also in Beicheng. There are King Jin's mansion and the princess who are carrying Liang Mingmin's tail. If it is changed to the capital, he will see if the princess can still cover the sky like this.

   A county owner is too narrow-minded.

  Because of this, Shi Qingluo was afraid that Liang Mingmin would hate him.

   What a disaster.

   The next morning, Liang Mingyu was going to go out for a walk, and then went to the county government to talk to Xiao Hanzheng and his wife about the road construction.

   He didn't want to take Liang Mingmin with him, so he went downstairs and had breakfast before going out.

  Who knew that Liang Mingmin came down just after eating.

   She couldn't get up so early in the past.

   He asked, "Are you going to have breakfast?"

  Liang Mingmin ate a bit too much last night, which would make him lose his appetite, "No need."

   She asked, "Are you going to find Xiao Hanzheng?"

  Liang Mingyu: "..." If such a shameless woman is a younger sister from his mother, he will definitely keep her at home and not let her come out and be shamed.

   I have never seen a woman so slutty.

   But he didn't show it, "I'm going to take a look at the county seat before going."

  Liang Mingmin glanced at him, "Why don't you go quickly?"

   After saying that, he took the lead out of the door of the inn.

  Liang Mingyu: "..." The suppressed fire came up again.

   He also walked out quickly.

The location of the    Inn is better, in the center of the county.

   As soon as the two of them walked out of the inn, they saw a **** goose in high spirits not far away, with a few big and small geese walking on the street like a patrol.

   The people in the county are used to it, but those who have just arrived in the county are very curious to see it.

   One person smiled and praised, "This goose looks really energetic, it looks like a yamen is patrolling."

   For the first time, they saw such a **** goose with such a bright and mighty coat.

   A passerby smiled and said, "This is the goose raised by our magistrate's wife."

   "They're just patrolling, and if they see a thief or someone bullying someone, that's all they need to do."

  The businessman was stunned, "Ah, they are really patrolling, can they tell these things apart?"

  The people proudly said: "That is necessary. This is the goose raised by the lady, but it is smart and spiritual, and can understand everything."

   "Amazing." Everyone was amazed.

  Liang Mingmin, who originally thought it was a bit interesting, heard a few people's conversations, and immediately felt unpleasant when he looked at the **** goose.

   She then instructed the guard behind her, "Go and catch the **** goose and let it stew in the inn's kitchen at noon."

   The next chapter is not finished yet, about half an hour~



   (end of this chapter)

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