Chapter 445 It's Not For Nothing

   Shi Qingluo fed Danny a handful of goose food.

   Then he scratched its neck to soothe it, "Call your wife and children here."

  Dan then turned his head reluctantly and called out to the dozens of geese that were still attacking.

  It is amazing to see that as soon as Dumbly called out, those big geese who were biting hard stopped their mouths immediately.

   And they all surrounded Shi Qingluo.

   Shi Qingluo poured out all the goose food in his purse and put it on his hands, giving them to eat, "Dear, you all worked hard!"

  The big geese called to her as they ate.

   seems to be saying that it’s not hard work, each one of them looks like a rooster that wins, so I’m proud of it.

   "These geese are too smart."

   "It's so spiritual, it deserves to be the goose raised by the apprentice of the old fairy."

   "Especially Duan, I think it's too human, like it's a jerk."

   "That's right, Duan is the smartest and most powerful goose king in Heyang County."

   "That's right, I only have a goose in my house, and it's usually quite aggressive, but it's not good to be obedient in front of Dawn."

   "Is this the fairy pet that the old **** sent to the lady to protect? That's why it's so fierce and smart."

   "It's very possible, so don't be disrespectful to the goose king."

   Someone looked at Liang Mingmin and the others who were in a state of embarrassment, and deliberately said, "Some people deserve it. If they are disrespectful to the Goose King, they will be punished and bitten."

   "That's right, even the goose king dares to provoke him. It's really impatient for the old birthday star to hang himself."

   "The mind is cruel, it deserves it."

   It was the first time they saw such a cruel and vicious woman, so they were all very disgusted.

  Liang Mingmin would fall to the ground, and was actively supported by two maids who endured the pain.

   As soon as she stood firm, she backhandedly gave the two maids a few mouths, "Trash!"

   She couldn't even protect her master.

   The two maids were so frightened that they immediately knelt on the ground, "The county master forgives your sins, the county master forgives your life!"

   Hearing the words of the two maids, everyone present was startled.

   also immediately knew Liang Mingmin's identity, is this the Zhen County Lord of King Jin?

   No wonder he is so domineering and ruthless, I heard before that this county master can't be provoked, otherwise, whoever provokes will be unlucky.

   The person who scolded Liang Mingmin before was also a little scared, so he hurriedly took a few steps back and hid in the crowd.

  The onlookers are all worried about Shiqingluo and Duanwei.

   Dumbly bit Princess Zhen, can you still be kind?

  Although they all felt that Princess Zhen deserved it, and everyone was happy to be bitten, but with this identity here, Madam might be in big trouble.

  Liang Mingmin tidied up the messy hair and the torn skirt.

   then looked at Shi Qingluo coldly, "These geese bit the county master, what do you say?"

   Shi Qingluo raised his eyebrows and asked, "My goose is walking on the street, and it didn't provoke you at all, but you want to kill it and stew it. What do you want to do?"

  Liang Mingmin was confronted like this for the first time, "Presumptuous, you untouchable dare to talk to this county master like this."

   "Someone, take her to the county lord and take her back to Beicheng."

   When she arrived in Beicheng, she absolutely let this woman survive and die.

  If the father wanted to know something, he used torture to force it out.

   And these geese, she wants to kill all of them and stew them.

  Xiao Hanzheng spoke first in Shi Qingluo, "The county lord is so majestic, the wife of the imperial court official is a pariah in your eyes. If you want to catch it, you can catch it. Where do you put the law?"

   "This is Heyang County, not Beicheng."

   "And even if you are King Jin, you should abide by the law, right? Not to mention that you are just a county lord."

   Liang Mingmin looked at Xiao Hanzheng and was stunned.

  This man is too good-looking.

   Although she is not as handsome and gentle as Concubine Ge said, she has a kind of coldness, but she has a mature charm when she is young.

   She narrowed her eyes, such a man can't be cheap.

   She said confidently: "She instigated these beasts to bite the county master. Isn't it the following crime and should not be punished?"

   Xiao Hanzheng asked back, "Which one of your eyes saw my lady instigating the goose to bite?"

   "Isn't it because you had to kill the goose yourself to get bitten? This can also be shied away from others. Can you, the county master, be invisible to other people present?"

   Liang Mingmin looked at him and asked, "Then what do you say?"

   Xiao Hanzheng said coldly, "You let someone kill a goose, and you were bitten by a goose. One tick for another, of course it's even."

  Liang Mingmin did not expect this Xiao Hanzheng to be so bold, "You are presumptuous!"

   "I can't forget about this today."

   She said with a gloomy face: "I'll give you two choices, either my people will arrest Shiqing and fall back to Beicheng, or you will kill all the geese here in public now."

   Xiao Hanzheng, she would not let it go, she cleaned up Shi Qingluo, and just happened to get him to Beicheng to face her face to face.

   Xiao Hanzheng said strongly: "This is Heyang County, I am the parent official here, and no one else can make the decision."

   "These big geese are just self-defense, and there is nothing wrong. My wife is even more innocent, so I will not agree to your request."

   "You made trouble with King Jin, and trouble with the emperor, and that's what I sentenced."

   Liang Mingmin didn't expect that Xiao Hanzheng wouldn't give her face and protect Shi Qingluo like this, why would that little **** do.

   She instructed the guards, "Come here, go and arrest Shi Qingluo for me."

   Xiao Hanzheng said with a cold face, "Here, anyone who dares to bully others in the county town will be taken to prison by this official."

   Then the yamen in the county government drew their knives and looked at the guards with bad eyes.

  Although they are also afraid of King Jin, Master Xiao is their parents.

   And this group of people is really too arrogant and too much.

   They are so cute, they never bite people, but they help the weak and help them catch thieves and watch children.

   Not long ago, one of them, a young boy from the yamen's family, was secretly carried away by the traffickers with his mouth covered. When he was found dumbfounded, he took a group of geese to bite the traffickers to stop them.

  From then on, Dian-Dao would also let a group of mother geese help take care of the children of various families in the county government office, as well as the children in the county town.

   Of course they couldn't watch Duan and this group of geese get killed.

  Some of the people couldn't help but say: "Yes, this is Heyang County, and other people can't be allowed to go wild."

   "That's right, Danny is the goose king who guards our Heyang County, and no one can kill him."

   "Even if the trouble is in front of King Jin and the emperor, we can testify that Duan and a group of geese are self-defense."

   "That's right, we can also prove that these geese bite people, and they were forced to fight back because someone wanted to kill them for no reason, not at the instigation of the lady."

  Since Mr. Xiao and Mrs. Xiao came to Heyang County, except for the lazy people who couldn’t support the wall, the lives of other households have gradually improved.

   Now most people in the county have people working in the workshop of the county government. This is a good deed done by the county magistrate and his wife for the benefit of the people.

   Of course they couldn't see such a good lady being taken away by false accusations.

  If it's a big deal, they will get a book of thousands of people, send it to the capital, and ask the emperor to decide.

  Heyang County is not within the fief of King Jin, and it is not under the control of King Jin.

   King Jin's daughter is not qualified to act arrogantly on the Heyang County site.

   Someone took the lead, and those who were still a little scared also gathered up the courage to speak up. Today, they defended the lady and the big geese who were guarding the county town.

   "Yes, yes, we can also testify." The businessmen who were watching also echoed. Shi Qingluo and his wife gave them many opportunities to make money, and they were naturally grateful.

   And it was this Zhen County owner who went too far, they didn't testify blindly.

  Everyone's maintenance warmed Xiao Hanzheng and Shi Qingluo's hearts, proving that the hard work and sweat they put into Heyang County were not in vain.

   Continue at 16:00~



   (end of this chapter)

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