Chapter 454 Is this still possible?

   Entering the room, as soon as Xiao Hanzheng put Shi Qingluo on the soft collapse, she opened her eyes.

   Her eyes were full of smiles, she pointed at herself, and said to him with her mouth: "Am I smart?"

   Xiao Hanzheng can't laugh or cry, the little daughter-in-law is always so unexpected.

   Looking at her smart and pleasant appearance, he nodded and said with his mouth: "The lady is the smartest."

   couldn't hold back and kissed her lips.

   His wife is really seducing him all the time!

   Shi Qingluo didn't expect Xiao Xianggong's kiss to come so suddenly.

   But the beauty is currently, where can you miss it.

   So he put his arms around his neck, pressed down, and responded enthusiastically.

   The two of them kissed on the soft collapse.

   Of course, it's just a kiss, after all, this is the county government office.

   Originally wanted to rush over to see Mama's dumb, but she was dumbfounded when she saw Baba Mama's intimacy.

   Then he immediately turned around and lay on his back at the door, and tucked his head into one of the wings, which is not suitable for young goose.

   Shi Qingluo was hugged and kissed by Xiao Hanzheng.

   When he calmed down, he pointed to her outside, leaned close to her ear, and said in a voice that only two people could hear, "I'm going out to work."

   Shi Qingluo nodded, "Go, I'll come out as soon as I wake up."

   She was very tired after a long day of driving today, and she really wanted to sleep.

   "Okay!" Xiao Hanzheng kissed her forehead, took a thin blanket to cover her, and then went out.

   Dumbly did not walk, and kept lying on the ground.

   On the way back, Mama said that when she came back today, she couldn’t run around, and she had to be by her side all the time.

  Although I wanted to see it, there was a beautiful goose that a family just brought back from outside.

   But Mama is more important. It will go to see the beautiful goose tomorrow, and then let the beautiful goose give birth to goose for it.

   Shi Qingluo, who had just closed his eyes and went to sleep, didn't know his geese, so he would be thinking about the new mother geese in the county, otherwise he would have to scold the geese as scum goose.

   Shi Qingluo couldn't sleep for too long subconsciously, so when he was about to go to bed, he woke up.

   looked at the sky just fine.

   So he tidied up his clothes, and walked out with Daze, holding the bunch of potatoes.

   Xiao Hanzheng and Fei Yuzhe just came back from their office outside.

   He watched her open the door and walked out, and said with a smile, "Awake?"

   Shi Qingluo nodded, "Wake up."

   Then an excited look appeared on his face, "Xiang Gong, I dreamed about my master just now."

   Xiao Hanzheng was very cooperative and asked in surprise, "Did the old **** give you a dream?"

   "That's right, the old man gave me a dream." Shi Qingluo nodded madly.

   Everyone present could see that she was very excited and excited.

   But they couldn't help but get excited, the old fairy actually gave his wife a dream.

What does    support? They are curious.

   Xiao Hanzheng asked with a smile: "My lady is so excited, did your master tell you something?"

   Shi Qingluo walked over quickly, with a look of excitement and forbearance, "Yes, yes, you told me a very big news."

   "But I can't say it now, let's go home and I'll tell you."

  Xiao Hanzheng's face also became a little solemn, "Okay!"

   Then he ordered everyone to go to the office, and he took Shi Qingluo's hand and left quickly with his own goose.

  Leaving a group of people who were intrigued but not satisfied...

   The more this is the case, the more curious everyone becomes.

   But looking at Madam's forbearance, they also guessed that they should not be able to speak out in public at the county government office.

   Not to mention other people, even Fei Yuzhe was hooked and curious.

   When Shi Qingluo was about to fall asleep, he felt it was not easy.

   Sure enough, she wakes up like an old fairy.

   He could imagine how many people in the county would have no sleep tonight.

   I don't know what dream the old fairy entrusted to her, and he may also be curious and unable to sleep.

   Not to mention the spies from all sides, the foreign businessmen.

   Sure enough, Shi Qingluo suddenly fell asleep, and the story of the old fairy master entrusting her with a dream spread throughout the county.

  Most of the people were very excited, thinking that Madam is indeed a lucky person, that there is an old fairy master who can dream at any time.

   Some people couldn't hold back, they took the incense and put it on the door or in the yard, and they all shouted "Blessed by the old gods".

  The spies are all confused, what the **** is the old fairy master Tuomeng? Can you do this?

   What dream is the key to supporting?

   Shi Qingluo, you should say it!

   Even Liang Mingyu, who received the news, felt the same way.

   You said it, what should you do if you hang like this and can't sleep at night?

   So spies from all sides ran to the backyard of the county government to inquire.

   On the other side, Shi Qingluo took the potatoes and asked his sister-in-law to cook some dishes.

  Sautéed shredded potatoes, braised pork potatoes, fried potato chips, boiled potatoes.

   Shi Qingluo took a piece of fried soil and said to Xiao Hanzheng: "There are many ways to make potatoes, and they can also be made into potato flour, which is more satisfying."

   Xiao Hanzheng nodded, "I'll try it."

   He didn't eat other meals at night, he only ate potatoes, trying to feel full.

   I found that it was quite filling, and cooked in this way, the taste has its own characteristics.

   Xiao's mother and several people also know that this is a meal that Deng Deng found.

   Erlang took another potato stick and dipped it in the tomato sauce made by his sister-in-law, "These potatoes are delicious, I like them."

   Xiao Baili also liked it, "Yeah, Duan is really amazing to be able to find such delicious and filling food."

  Mother Xiao also felt that the taste was good, "Yeah, we are really good at being dumb."

   Her grandson is so smart and capable.

  After dinner, Xiao Hanzheng and Shi Qingluo took the big goose for a walk in the backyard.

  The spies from all sides did not dare to approach. First, the place where the two of them walked was relatively empty, and there was no convenient place to hide and eavesdrop.

   Erlai Duan is too sensitive and fierce, once they get close, they will be found by it.

Before   , they had seen several spies with their own eyes, and they were caught out, and then they were taken by Xiao Hanzheng as a burglar and thrown into the prison of the county government.

   They don't want to go to jail.

   Seeing the two walkers talking and laughing, they wish they had a pair of downwind ears to listen to what they had to say.

   It’s a pity it’s useless, you can only hide and watch from a distance.

  In the backyard, Xiao Hanzheng said: "I will take someone to the mountain tomorrow, and let them take back all the potatoes you buried. After leaving some of them, the rest will be sent to the capital."

   He always knew that the little daughter-in-law had secrets, and he could come up with some things out of thin air.

   She told herself that she had a space where she could put things.

  At that time, he thought she really looked like a little fairy.

   At the same time, she was also moved that she told herself such a secret.

   These potatoes were planted by the little wife in their village in the capital and secretly planted them with him.

  In the yard they enclosed alone, behind the hot spring pool there is a large field planted, only the two of them know.

   Every time they say they are going to take a hot spring, in fact, he accompanies his little wife to fertilize, hoe, weed and water.

   Of course, take a dip in the hot springs.

   Then when she was harvesting, she called him together, digging out the soil one by one, and putting it all in her space, saying that she would definitely be able to use it when she came to the northern border.

   Sure enough, it is used now.

   A few days ago, he and his young daughter-in-law avoided spies in the middle of the night and secretly rode out of the city. They chose the mountain where Dumbly found the potatoes today, and planted the potatoes with soil and mud on the mountain.

  The little daughter-in-law poured the water in her space again, it is said that the potatoes will not die.

   Then I chose to play such a show today.

   Today's update is over, thank you for tipping and voting dear~~ I see that everyone is asking me about the title of the book, so I will reply here in a unified way. If you can't reply in the comments, you won't be able to post it. The book I read by Amway was from J Jiang, and its name is "Decadent Beauty, Relying on Gou's Popularity". It's a cool article in the light-hearted entertainment circle. It's really good, haha~~



   (end of this chapter)

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