Chapter 463 The real purpose

  The two young men immediately let go, saluted King Jin and stepped back.

   The woman on the soft chair opened her eyes.

   Liang Yujun saluted her, "Mother concubine!"

   Feng Yongjun showed a slight smile, "Sit down."

   "You and Nguyen quarreled again?"

  Liang Yujun knew that everything in the backyard of the palace was under the control of the concubine, "Yes, she is going to see Liang Yulin."

   It is said that the backyard palace is the real person in power. Ruan Songling thinks so, but it is not, his mother concubine is.

  Feng Yongjun's eyes were full of disgust, "If she wants to go, let her go."

   She added, "Don't wait for your plan to become emperor in the future, I think it will be implemented soon."

   "She likes Liang Yulin so much, it's better to fulfill her, let's see if Liang Yulin will pick up this piece of junk."

   Liang Yujun's face was gloomy, "I just can't swallow that breath."

   "Liang Yulin's life is to answer me."

   Feng Yongjun asked: "You want to kill Liang Yulin?"

  Liang Yujun nodded, "Yes, I'm going to let someone kill him near Heyang County."

   Feng Yongjun raised his eyebrows, "For the Ruan family?"

   Liang Yujun replied, "She is just an introduction."

   "I just want to see, if the most beloved brother died, will the emperor take his anger on Xiao Hanzheng, who has jurisdiction over Heyang County."

   "Is it more important for my younger brother to win over Xiao Hanzheng and his wife."

   "And this time the emperor knew that the northern border was dangerous, but he still sent Liang Yulin."

   He hooked his lips again and said, "If Liang Yulin dies, does the concubine think that the queen mother will have no thorns in her heart?"

   Feng Yongjun's brows loosened, "That's right."

   She raised her hand and played with her brightly-dyed nails, "I have lost my dearest and most beloved son, but I want to see if that woman can survive this time."

Liang Yujun nodded, "I think so too, the news from the capital that the Queen Mother has been seriously ill, if Liang Yulin dies, I can let the Queen Mother follow me, and the emperor handles the funeral, and I can also let people make some arrangements in the courtroom. already."

   He squinted again, "If the queen mother is pretending, then let's make her really seriously ill."

  My baby boy will definitely be hit when he dies.

   will also be angry with the emperor. If the mother and child are separated, the emperor will not feel well.

   As long as he can see that mother and son are suffering, he feels happy.

   Feng Yongjun chuckled: "You have a good arrangement."

   Originally, she thought that her son was for Nguyen, but fortunately her son did not disappoint herself.

   The two talked again, and a handsome young man walked to the door.

   After seeing King Jin, he immediately retreated.

  Feng Yongjun saw this, with a little more interest in his eyes, and said to Liang Yujun: "You step back, I want to rest."

   Liang Yujun frowned, "Mother concubine, do you want to continue like this? I think it's better to send all these people away."

  Daughter has a face head, and her own mother has raised so many face heads. Ruan Songling indulges Liang Mingmin so much. Is it possible that she is also envious and wants to raise a face head?

   He really felt that it was impossible to respond.

   Hearing what he said, Feng Yongjun's face sank, "Why do you want to send it away? Ben Gong thinks they are serving them well."

   She snorted again, "That **** of the late emperor, who rubbed our mother and son, didn't allow me to take revenge, let a grass grow on his head, and let him die of anger in the ground?"

   She promised to give up the throne to her son, but she changed her mind just before she died.

  This old bastard, what qualifications does she have for her to protect him like a jade.

   There are so many young and delicious handsome men, why doesn't she enjoy it?

   That old **** said that he loved her the most, and the harem was not only three thousand beauties, but he still favored other women.

  Liang Yujun: "..." He was speechless.

   To the late emperor, he both respected and hated.

   After a while, he said, "Mother concubine, as long as you are happy."

   Otherwise, what can he do, he can't control his mother.

  Feng Yongjun raised his eyebrows again, "Are you very uncomfortable with my facial hair?"

  Liang Yujun couldn't lie with his conscience, so he nodded, "Yes!"

  Feng Yongjun sneered, "Then let's respond, even you, the old **** is underground, it is estimated that it will be more difficult to respond."

   "He felt nauseated, so I was relieved."

  Liang Yujun: "..." To put a wax on the underground emperor.

   Feng Yongjun waved his hand, "Okay, you can step back."

  Liang Yujun took a deep breath, "Yes!"

   Then he left and saw the young man standing not far away, his eyes were cold, this is the most favored face of the mother concubine recently.

   He decided to deal with people after they fell out of favor.

   Back in the study, he gave two orders.

   First, he dispatched a team of troops and set off directly to suppress the bandits.

  Second, he sent a team of the most elite and trained dead soldiers to ambush near Heyang County and intercept King Yi.

   As for Shi Qingluo and Big Goose, he was going to take it lightly.

   also sent Xu Ziqin to Heyang County in person to appease Shi Qingluo.

  Twelve days later, Liang Yulin took people to the official road outside Heyang County.

   A group of dead men suddenly appeared, and Liang Yulin led a counterattack.

   The people he brought were royal guards with high martial arts skills, but the other party suddenly formed a line and used a lot of methods that they had never seen before.

   Liang Yulin suffered heavy losses.

   Liang Yulin's personal guard protected him and said, "Your Highness, we will hold you back, you will be safe if you rush out to Heyang County."

   They also saw that the opponent not only used the dead man, but also the expert support who was good at Qimen Dunjia, which was endless.

   If this continues, the entire army will be completely wiped out.

   Liang Yulin also knew that he stayed, but he wanted to distract the people under him to protect him.

   So he nodded, "Okay!"

   He still trusted Xiao Hanzheng, so he wanted to break out of the siege and went to Heyang County for help.

   And as soon as he leaves, many of these dead soldiers will be divided to chase, and his people may be more likely to survive.

   So under the fighting of the guards, he rode out of the encirclement on his horse.

   "Chase!" Seeing this, the leader of the dead man immediately led someone on horseback to chase after him.

  Mother Xiao took her daughter out of the county today and went to a nearby mountain to pick fresh mushrooms.

   Xiao Hanzheng didn't want to restrict the freedom of his mother and sister, so he was secretly protected, as long as he didn't leave the county too far, he could go there.

   Mother Xiao picked a basket of mushrooms and prepared to return.

   I accidentally saw a patch of red not far away.

   Mother Xiao smiled and said, "There are raspberries over there. Let's pick some and go back to make jam, and wait for your sister-in-law to come back to eat."

   Xiao Baili smiled and nodded, "Okay!"

   So the two walked over.

   As soon as she walked nearby, Mother Xiao smelled a faint smell of blood, and she felt a little vigilant in her heart.

   She thought maybe some beast was injured, and then pulled her daughter back a few steps.

   Looking carefully, I saw a white corner of the clothes in the grass in front.

   She was stunned for a while, then pointed in that direction, "There seems to be an injured person ahead."

  Xiao Baili also looked over and took the whip off his waist, "Mother, let's go over and take a look?"

   Mother Xiao nodded, "Okay!"

   The two walked over and saw a man in a white brocade robe lying in the grass.

The    man had an arrow stuck behind his back, which would cover his chest and laboriously open his eyes, looking at the person who came over suddenly, his eyes were full of sternness.

   When he saw Xiao's mother and the two of them, the man paused and was obviously surprised, he was relieved, and then he passed out in darkness.

   Mother Xiao also recognized the man, "Is he King Yi?"

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   (end of this chapter)

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