Chapter 480 The woman he likes is wit

   Ruan Songling was stunned at the time, so he stopped his steps to go downstairs and continued to watch.

   Then she saw Liang Yulin's face showed tenderness that she had never seen before, and took the initiative to tease the woman.

   He has always been gentle and detached from the person she has seen.

  How could he treat other women like this?

   Her eyes followed the two of them all the way, and she found that Liang Yulin treated the woman very differently.

   The look in the eyes of each other is even more abnormal, as if with a bit of lingering affection.

   This made her very unacceptable.

   She didn't return to her senses until the figures of the two disappeared from sight.

   Then ask someone to check.

   Only then did I know that the woman was actually Shi Qingluo's mother-in-law Kong Yuelan, a deserted and abandoned woman with three children.

   also found out that King Yi was chased and killed not long ago, and it was this Kong who saved him.

   No wonder King Yi treated Kong clan unusually.

   But Ruan Songling couldn't accept Liang Yulin, who had been alone for so many years, and would like other women.

   She always felt that not only was Liang Yulin the only special existence in her heart, but she herself should also be the white moonlight in his heart.

   So she was jealous of Kong.

  Today, I came here on purpose to find fault. By the way, let's see what the skills of this abandoned woman and fox spirit are, and how to get Liang Yulin's attitude.

   Looking at Kong's appearance, although she looks good, she is just like that. She is not a stunning beauty of national color and heavenly fragrance, so why did she catch Liang Yulin's eyes.

   The more she looked at the Kong family, the more displeased she became, and she said with a cold face: "This palace hasn't asked you to get up yet, why did you get up? It's really rude."

   As soon as Mother Xiao entered the door, she felt that Princess Jin was very unhappy with herself, and she also carried a kind of hostility.

   If it was changed to the past, and was taught by a princess like this, she would definitely be nervous and scared.

   But now her son and daughter-in-law have given her confidence.

  The daughter-in-law said that if anyone wants to hit her in the face, she will hit back without worrying about the consequences.

   Therefore, Mother Xiao said lightly: "I saluted the princess, but you deliberately prevented me from getting up. Is this rude?"

   Ruan Songling did not expect that Kong was so daring to speak back like this.

   "You're so bold, even a village woman dares to call me in front of this palace, and even speak out against me."

   Then she instructed, "Come here, applaud Ben Gong and let her know her superiority and inferiority!"

   I thought that Mr. Kong was also a fool, so he let her catch the handle and made excuses to slap him.

  Mother Xiao raised her eyebrows, "Princess Jin is so powerful, although you are far away in the northern Xinjiang, the news shouldn't be so delayed, right?"

   "Although I am a village woman, I am also the lord of Nanxi Township proclaimed by the emperor, and I have not made any mistakes. It is not that you can just let your servant girl fight."

   Not long after she was granted the title of Xiangjun, she was met by the Queen Xuan into the palace.

  The queen is the real dignified and graceful, and she is very polite and courteous to her, not like this Princess Jin, who looks like she is the most powerful in the world, with eyes on the top of her head.

   Sure enough, she can raise a daughter like Princess Jin, and Princess Jin, who is a mother, is also very annoying.

   Ruan Songling's face turned ashen after being refuted.

   When she checked the Kong clan before, she really knew that the other party had been named Xiangjun by the emperor.

   But she didn't take it to heart, she just felt that it was easy to clean up such a village woman.

   Who ever thought that the other party was so daring, and contradicted himself again and again.

   "Bengong is a princess, and she is bigger than you in rank. If you say that you will slap your mouth, you will slap your mouth. If you are not convinced, you will hold it back."

   She coldly swept the maid she brought, "What are you still doing, go and clap your mouth."

  The maid immediately stepped forward, raised her hand and swiped at Mother Xiao's face.

   But before she could slap Mother Xiao's face, she was grabbed by the arm.

   Mother Xiao looked at Ruan Songling with a cold face, "This is not the palace of King Jin in Beicheng, nor the place where you are arrogant and domineering, Princess Jin."

   "If I'm wrong, it's also a lesson from the empress, and it's not your turn."

   This Princess Jin is really deceiving people, but she is not afraid of each other.

   Speaking of the queen, Ruan Songling's face also turned cold.

   She originally thought that King Jin could become the emperor, so she looked down on the queen who was once a crown princess, and she didn't give her face when she met.

   Who would have thought that the crown prince would finally be crowned, and the woman she despised became the queen.

   In addition to the concubine Hua Side's face that is very similar to the queen, it is rumored that the person that King Jin likes is actually the queen, and she has always been thinking about it, so she will find the concubine Hua Side as a substitute.

   This made her even more upset. King Jin only loved her in his heart.

   So she was particularly disgusted with the queen, and felt even more disgusted.

   For a stand-in like Hua Fangfei, he often finds faults and cleans up.

   This made Kong even more disgusted, and he instructed the guards who followed, "Kong's next offense will be taken by this palace."

   Now he is arguing against her, and he will take it back to see how she cleans up this vixen.

  The guards had become accustomed to the princess' temperament, so they stepped forward without hesitation to arrest Xiao's mother.

   Mother Xiao is not the kind of person who used to be bullied.

  Daughter-in-law said that if you meet someone with a higher status than yourself, if the other party is too much, and there is no way to face it, then it is best to use public opinion and other favorable factors to restrain the other party and stop attacking.

   It is best to let everyone stand on their own side and ruin the reputation of the other party first.

   She suddenly remembered the time when her daughter-in-law took her to the Wu family to see how old Mrs. Xiao ruined the reputation of the Wu family.

   So before the guards got close, she ran out the door without any hesitation.

   also stretched out his hand and pinched his arm, tearing up from the pain, and then quickly ran out of the county office.

   As soon as she ran out, she shouted, "Princess Jin is going to kill her!"

This scene also stunned Xiao Hanzheng and Liang Yulin, who were standing outside and were about to go in to help.

   Xiao Hanzheng quickly realized that this trick was definitely taught by the little daughter-in-law.

   He also stopped his steps to go in, turned around and chased out.

   Liang Yulin didn't expect Kong to fight back like this, so he came out like this all of a sudden.

   In this way, not only will it arouse public anger, so that Princess Jin can no longer be arrested and beat her, but also poured a basin of dirty water on Princess Jin.

   Let the people know how arrogant and unreasonable Princess Jin is, and put pressure on Princess Jin on her side.

  Otherwise, according to her identity, it is really difficult for her to fight back against Princess Jin.

   The woman he saw was wit.

   He also quickly chased out.

   Sure enough, when Mother Xiao shouted, everyone who was near the county government office and in the county government office rushed over.

   The yamen couldn't help but ask: "Old Madam, what's wrong with you?"

  The people also know Xiao's mother and know that she is the mother of the county magistrate.

   And I have a good impression of Mother Xiao. She took her daughter to cook porridge in the county several times before, and helped the widowed elderly and orphans.

   Mother Xiao had red eyes and said weakly, "Princess Jin was angry that her daughter was bitten by a goose, and my daughter-in-law was not here, so she came to me for revenge."

   Then wiped away a tear, "Not only did the maid want to slap me, but also the guards catch me and kill me."

   (end of this chapter)

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