Chapter 491 Impossible

   Liang Yujun looked at the long queue outside the county office.

   asked the followers outside the carriage, "What are these people doing?"

The follower has already been found, so he respectfully replied: "Master, Fubao County Master got a lot of canned fruits from the south, saying that he wanted everyone in the county to taste the taste of the southern fruits, so he distributed a free one every day. A hundred bowls."

   "These people are all here to line up to taste, and many of the people standing beside them join in the fun."

   Liang Yujun knew how Shi Qingluo got this can of fruit.

   He quickly guessed Shi Qingluo's intention, "It seems that she is really good to those dudes."

   Many people queuing up here seem to be businessmen from the Western Regions. They lined up to taste the canned fruit. If they think it tastes so good, they will go to Liang Youxiao to buy it.

   After thinking about it, he did not go directly to the county office, but went to the yard that his son bought.

  Liang Mingyu knew that his father had arrived in the county town, so he immediately came from the cement workshop.

   happened to meet King Jin's team outside the yard.

   He immediately dismounted from his horse, walked over, and saluted respectfully, "Meet the king."

   Liang Yujun got off the carriage and nodded to him, "Get up."

   He asked: "Has anything happened recently?"

  Liang Mingyu thought about it and told it about the day when Shi Qingluo came back not long ago.

   Liang Yujun received the news long ago, and was very angry at the time.

  Although he deliberately abandoned Liang Mingmin, he didn't like her being bullied and slapped in the face by others.

   Still thinking about how to make use of this matter and ask for some benefits from Shi Qingluo.

   But when he saw that the person who shot was Zhuo Zheng, he suddenly felt an indescribable feeling of grievance, which was simply nonsense.

   He really didn't expect this usually low-key and well-behaved son to beat his daughter in public.

   Liang Mingmin didn't know Zhuo Zheng's identity, but Zhuo Zheng knew that she was his sister!

   So he ordered someone to check whether there was any conflict between the two, but because he took a detour on the road, he hadn't received the latest news.

   He thought about it and asked Liang Mingyu, "What didn't the princess and the county owner ask you to do?"

  Liang Mingyu said helplessly: "The princess asked me to set fire to the place where Xiao Hanzheng's family lived in the backyard of the county government office. I didn't go."

   King Jin: "..." Suddenly I don't know what to say.

   At this moment, the gate of the courtyard was opened, and Liang Mingmin ran out excitedly.

   shouted loudly from afar: "Father, Father, you are finally here."

   Then he threw himself into King Jin's arms, "Father, I'm about to be bullied to death, you must decide for me!"

   King Jin frowned slightly, and pushed the person away from his arms with some disgust. He pretended not to know and asked, "Who bullied you?"

   Liang Mingmin looked aggrieved, "Who else is there, that is Shi Qingluo, and those pariahs in Heyang County."

   She said ruthlessly: "Father, did you bring enough people this time? I'm going to take people to slaughter this Heyang County."

  Liang Mingyu heard this: "..." This younger sister is really stupid and poisonous.

   Not to mention that the father is only a vassal king, even the emperor cannot let the princess lead a team of people to slaughter a county!

   What do you think?

   Sure enough, when Liang Yujun heard this, his face sank, "Nonsense!"

   Seeing that the people passing by nearby stopped and looked over, many of them were still horrified, and obviously heard Liang Mingmin's words.

   Liang Yujun wanted to give this brainless daughter a few times.

  I have something to say, can't we go back to the yard and then say it again?

   In order to maintain his image in front of the common people, he said with a stern face: "This king sees that you are out of your mind. The people in the county are also the people of my northern Xinjiang. You don't want to kill them when you say they are."

   "I don't know what you think about all day."

   This means that it is impossible to meet her request.

   Liang Mingmin had an unbelievable look on his face, "Father, you didn't help me take revenge."

  Liang Yujun said with a sullen face: "This king has already heard of what you have done here, and the people in the county haven't taken the initiative to offend you, so how can it be called revenge?"

   "You are too self-willed, outrageous!"

  Liang Mingmin has always been capricious in the palace. He would hear that his father, who had always spoiled him so much, not only did not avenge him, but also blamed her.

   As a result, his eyes turned red, and he stomped his feet, "Father, you have changed, I'm going to find mother and concubine, you hate it!"

   even glared at King Jin, turned around and ran back to the yard to complain.

   Liang Mingyu and Liang Yujun: "..."

   Liang Yujun's face darkened again, "Go back first."

   He didn't want to let the people watch the play here.

   So he took Liang Mingyu into the courtyard.

   quickly closed the courtyard door, isolating all kinds of inquiring eyes.

  Liang Yujun went to the main hall and saw Ruan Songling sitting on the top, holding Liang Mingmin's hand to comfort him.

   Seeing him come in, Ruan Songling looked indifferent, "Our mother and daughter are about to be bullied to death. If the lord doesn't want to care, what are you doing here?"

   She concluded that the man was here for herself, so she took Joe.

   Just now, her daughter ran back crying, saying that Liang Yujun not only ignored her daughter's bullying, but also scolded her, which made her very unhappy.

   King Jin looked at Ruan Songling's cold face and Na Qiao's tone, and sneered, "Then I'll leave now?"

   Ruan Songling didn't expect him to have such an attitude, so he got angry, "If you leave, don't come back."

   Originally thought that after saying this, Liang Yujun would come to coax himself.

  Who knew but saw Liang Yujun turned around and left.

   Ruan Songling was taken aback and was inexplicably flustered.

   Since the last time he had an argument with him in the palace, his attitude towards himself seemed to have changed a lot.

   She immediately said angrily: "Liang Yujun, you really want to leave, you unconscionable."

   Of course, this is to keep Liang Yujun, otherwise how could their mother and daughter take revenge.

  Liang Yujun stopped when he heard this and turned around, "Didn't you let me go?"

   Ruan Songling glared at him, "I'll let you go as soon as you go. I've never seen you so obedient before."

   She stopped taking Qiao, and immediately turned the topic to Liang Mingmin, "Your daughter was bullied to death, don't you care?"

   She asked again: "Why can't you think about her?"

   Liang Yujun wasn't ready to leave, this woman really can't give her face.

   used to be just boring and deliberately indulging her, but now he has no interest and patience.

   He walked over and sat down, "She wants to massacre the city, which is impossible."

   "If this king sends someone to follow her to slaughter Heyang County today, the imperial edict to withdraw the feudal vassal will arrive in northern Xinjiang within a month."

   "This king's reputation in northern Xinjiang is also stinking."

   He looked at Ruan Songling coldly and asked, "Why don't you think about the king?"

   These words made Ruan Songling choked.

   In her heart, although Liang Yujun did not become emperor in the end, no matter when he was in the capital or in the northern Xinjiang, it was a very beautiful existence walking sideways.

   Then I felt that my daughter wanted to slaughter a city and kill some untouchables, nothing more.

   Now listening to Liang Yujun say this, I also feel that it is really not good for his reputation to spread out.

   But he couldn't pull his face down to be soft, so he gently pushed his daughter and gave him a wink.

   (end of this chapter)

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