After The Divorce, I Became the Favorite of the Powerful Ministers

Chapter 493: Soon to give him a "surprise"

   Chapter 493 A "surprise" will be given to him soon

   Liang Mingmin also particularly agreed with the words of the mother-in-law.

   She suggested: "Mother concubine, why don't we kill Shi Qingluo, so that the father and the king will not be angry with us anymore for her."

   Ruan Songling sighed, "I think so too, but we have no one in our hands."

   At this time, standing behind the two, a maid who had been acting as the background board took the initiative to stand up.

   She suddenly knelt in front of Ruan Songling, "Princess, the servant is willing to serve."

   Ruan Songling was stunned, "Are you willing to kill Shi Qingluo?"

  The maid nodded, "The servant's life was given by the princess, so the servant is willing to do anything for the princess."

   "Before the princess asked the prince to set the fire, but he didn't agree, but the maid is willing."

   Ruan Songling looked at the girl who had been by her side for several years and did not doubt her loyalty.

   "Okay, I'll leave this to you."

   added, "Do it as soon as possible."

  The maid bowed her head and said respectfully, "Yes, the servant will do it secretly tonight."

   Then Ruan Songling let her go down to prepare.

   Ruan Songling's mother and daughter are very satisfied with someone taking the initiative to do this.

   Just after the success, this maid can't stay.

   Then give this maid more money to make up for it.

   On the other side, Xiao Hanzheng soon received news from the yard here.

   He just finished his lunch and was in the room.

   Shi Qingluo just didn't go out, and the two of them were going to take a nap for a while.

   She saw that Xiao Xianggong raised the corner of his lips after reading the news, and knew that he was making a bad idea.

   So he smiled and asked, "What's the matter?"

  Xiao Hanzheng naturally won't hide from his young wife, "King Jin has arrived at the county seat."

   "As soon as they arrived outside the yard where Liang Mingmin's mother and daughter lived, Liang Mingmin rushed out, and in front of passers-by, asked King Jin to send someone to her. She wanted to take him to slaughter Heyang County."

   He didn't even know what to say about Liang Mingmin. It stands to reason that such a shrewd person as King Jin would not raise such an idiot.

   Shi Qingluo was stunned, "She actually wants to massacre the city, this is too vicious."

   Her three views were subverted again, Liang Mingmin was simply not a human being.

   There are so many people living in the county town. Even if the merchants united before and did not sell things to Liang Mingmin, it would be too much to slaughter and retaliate the people of the entire city.

   And he made the request so confidently, it can be seen that Liang Mingmin has definitely lost a lot of lives in his hands over the years.

   That's why people's lives are despised and not taken seriously.

   Xiao Hanzheng nodded, "It's really too vicious, it's a scourge to keep such people."

   "I will let people release this news and let everyone know."

   Under normal circumstances, Shi Qingluo is actually more tolerant and caring towards women. After all, in ancient times, women's survival was more difficult than men's, and they didn't have so much freedom.

   is like a major workshop, so she proposed to find a lot of female workers to work.

   For widows in Heyang County with children alone, it is also recommended that the county government give some subsidies every month.

  Why should women embarrass women.

   is like a peach willow. Although the other party tried to seduce Xiao Xianggong before, she did not want the other party to die.

   As long as you don't count on them, if Xiao Yuanshi is ruined in the future, she has no idea to clean up with Taoliu.

   Instead, he suggested that Xiao Xianggong arrange a back path for the other party and the child.

   But she really can't tolerate such particularly vicious women as Liang Mingmin and Ge Xiaoniang.

   She seldom said angrily: "Well, we should let everyone know her viciousness. In the future, everyone will be shouting and beating with rats crossing the street."

   Xiao Hanzheng was extremely disgusted with Liang Mingmin, "I think so too."

   He then changed the conversation: "By the way, get ready at night, someone will come to set the fire, let's not hurt anyone."

   Shi Qingluo was stunned again, "Who is going to set fire?"

   Xiao Hanzheng replied: "Princess Jin and Liang Mingmin wanted to burn us to death, so a maid next to Princess Jin took the initiative to stand up and respond."

   Shi Qingluo frowned, "These two are sick."

   then asked Xiao Hanzheng, "You even know this?"

   It stands to reason that when King Jin arrives in that yard, there will definitely be strong secret guards by his side. It is not so easy for Xiaoxianggong's people to get this kind of secret news.

   No matter how stupid Ruan Songling and Liang Mingmin were, they couldn't spread this kind of thing in the courtyard.

  Xiao Hanzheng pursed his lips, "Because that maid is mine, King Jin's mansion wanted Liang Mingyu to set fire to where we live. It's better to burn me and my mother to death."

   "So I hinted to the maid two days ago that if King Jin arrives at the county seat and Princess Jin still has such a plan, she will take the initiative to take it."

   "Then we will catch her on the spot and set fire to her, and she will bite Princess Jin out in front of everyone."

   "When the matter is over, I will let someone secretly send her and her parents to live elsewhere."

   Shi Qingluo didn't expect Xiao Xianggong to be so good, even the maids next to the princess could buy it.

   The people who can be brought to Heyang County by Princess Jin to serve are all the confidants or those who have been around for a long time.

   She asked curiously, "How could she listen to you?"

   Xiao Hanzheng replied: "I found out that her own brother is not bad, and has some talents, so he was admitted to a scholar."

   "Originally, the family was going to redeem her life and let her get rid of her slave status and marry a good family."

   "Who knew that her brother hadn't come to the palace to redeem himself, but he was accidentally spotted by Liang Mingmin on the street first."

   "Then her brother was forcibly brought back to the palace, and finally tortured to death."

   "Because of his life, Liang Mingmin asked Princess Jin to clean up the mess. The maid knew the whole process because she served by the princess' side."

   "Because she has long been sent to the palace to be a maid, and the contact with her family is also private, and the mother and daughter of King Jin's residence did not take such a thing to heart, so they didn't go to find out who the Xiucai has family."

   "Throwing a person off a mountain, creating the illusion of accidentally falling down the mountain and dying."

   "Princess Jin greeted the people below again, and Zuzuo also concluded that it was an accidental death, so even if Xiucai's family knew the truth through the maid, they could not avenge their son."

   "That maid hated Liang Mingmin's mother and daughter because of this."

   "That's why I was bought off so easily."

   Shi Qingluo sighed, "No wonder."

  Liang Mingmin is also really guilty.

   She said: "After the incident, you should send someone to protect the safety of the maid, and don't be silenced by King Jin's people."

   Xiao Hanzheng knew that his little daughter-in-law was cruel to the enemy, but she was still very soft-hearted towards innocent people.

   He held her hand and said, "Don't worry, since I promised her that I will send their family away safe and sound, I will ensure her safety."

   He didn't take a nap anymore, he talked to Shi Qingluo and arranged it.

the other side.

   King Jin was also tired from the journey, and because his daughter-in-law was so angry, he was not in the mood to find Xiao Hanzheng and his wife again.

   He was resting in the yard, not to mention that his princess would give him a "surprise" soon.

  The night got dark, and the maid went out with a basket.

   King Jin's guard stopped her and asked, she said that the princess suddenly wanted to eat a kind of cake, and there was no material in the yard, so she had to go outside to buy it and make it.

  The guard knew that the princess was very tossed, so she released it immediately, and did not report such a trivial matter to King Jin.

   Today's update is over, thank you for tipping and voting dear~~



   (end of this chapter)

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