Chapter 497 The Beauty of Thinking

   King Jin's words made Shi Qingluo stunned.

   Doesn't it say that Princess Jin is King Jin's true love?

   Is this true love? Make fun of her.

   She really didn't expect King Jin to give up Princess Jin like this, and it seemed like it had been decided long ago.

   She looked at Xiao Xianggong and found that he was also a little surprised.

   Not only were the two surprised, even Liang Yulin didn't expect Liang Yujun to do such a thing.

  Whether it was in the capital before or the news from Beicheng, it means that Liang Yujun is very fond of Princess Jin, even to the point of condoning.

   is more supportive to Princess Jin's maiden family, and she looks like she loves his wife very much.

   is not like someone who would divorce his wife.

   He looked towards Liang Yujun and saw that the other party was not in the slightest pain or unbearable, as if everything was so logical.

   Based on what he knows about Liang Yujun, this guy has wanted to divorce his wife long ago, and today is just an excuse.

   also brought a righteous killing of relatives, sold Xiao Hanzheng and his wife, and saved the reputation of Princess Xiajin and her daughter.

   This guy is really treacherous, and his brain is as bad as ever.

   He raised his eyebrows, "Brother Huang, what is your explanation?"

   Shi Qingluo looked at King Jin and said, "My lord, the endless princess is your family matter, it has nothing to do with us."

   She also saw King Jin's plan, but why did they follow him?

   She is not afraid of Princess Jin's mother and daughter, so it's good for such a brainless pig teammate to stay by King Jin's side.

  If they were to be divorced, it would not be bad for the two of them to suffer retribution.

   So it doesn't really affect them very much.

   King Jin wanted to use this as compensation, but it was too light.

   felt that he wanted to divorce his wife, and he would use them to make excuses, thinking of beauty.

   But this Princess Jin is really a joke, she used to think she was King Jin's true love.

   But if this were all true love, it would tarnish the word "true love" too much.

   Liang Yujun never thought that Shi Qingluo would say such a thing. He always thought that he should divorce his wife and demote his daughter, which should make her very satisfied and happy.

   He ignored Liang Yulin, looked at Shi Qingluo and asked, "Are you dissatisfied with this king's decision?"

   Shi Qingluo shrugged, "Whether the lord will divorce his wife, it has nothing to do with me, so there is no satisfaction or dissatisfaction."

   She said as if your misunderstanding was too deep: "After all, it is a violation of the law for the princess to hire a murderer. It doesn't seem to have much to do with your divorce."

  If you break the law, you can just divorce your wife, so why do you need the law?

  Liang Yujun choked, "Then what do you want?"

   Shi Qingluo replied, "According to the law."

   "Or let the princess and the county head make up for their faults."

  Liang Yujun raised his eyebrows and asked, "What is the remedy?"

   It's not that he wanted to cover up Ruan Songling, but if he was dealt with according to the law, he would have to go to jail or get a distribution.

  Whether his princess was in jail or sent out, it was a slap in the face.

  If he agrees, he will also become a joke for Da Liang and shake the hearts of the army.

   Shi Qingluo knew that King Jin would not let Princess Jin be dealt with by the law, and did not want to force him to do so.

   After all, rabbits will bite people when they are in a hurry, not to mention King Jin is a wolf.

   She said, "Since the princess and the county magistrate came here, they have either targeted our husband and wife or the common people."

   "So since you want to compensate, let's focus on compensating the people."

   "As long as the princess and the county owner spend their own private houses and build a cement road from Heyang County to the capital, then this matter will be settled."

  To get rich, build roads first.

   But building roads is very expensive and laborious in modern times, let alone in ancient times.

   Of course, if you can blackmail Jin Wang and his wife, you have to blackmail them.

  Building a road from Heyang County to the capital will not only drive the economy of Heyang County, but also gradually revitalize the entire northern Xinjiang.

  Other places only need to build another road connected to this cement road, which is equivalent to the direct access to the capital.

   The key requirement is that it can be stuck on the bottom line of King Jin, and he will definitely agree.

   Maybe King Jin would be quite happy, she always felt that he seemed to dislike Princess Jin.

   Those previous pets were more like pretending.

   And he won't tear his face with King Jin, he will still win over their husband and wife.

   In this way, you can complete the emperor's orders, deal with King Jin, and search for the treasures of the previous dynasty.

   Except for Xiao Hanzheng, no one present thought that Shi Qingluo would make such a request.

   When the people outside heard it, they were all very grateful. Madam is so kind. At this time, they are all the people who think about it.

   Liang Yujun was also surprised, he thought that Shi Qingluo would take the opportunity to ask for something beneficial to her.

   Although it was expensive to build a road to the capital, it was also good for his reputation.

   Ruan Songling has been saving a lot of private houses over the years, and her maiden brother even took advantage of the affairs of the palace to get a lot of money.

  Since we have to clean up her, of course, we have to make her and her family's family bleed again.

  It is not easy for him to do such a thing. After all, if the husband and wife for so many years are killed even in terms of money, it will not only affect his reputation, but also fear that the people who follow him will feel chilled.

   Shi Qingluo brought this up and hit him.

   And it is justifiable to build a cement road leading to the capital, which will also help him lead troops into the capital in the future.

   Without hesitation, he nodded and said, "Okay, this is what their mother and daughter should make up for."

   He looked at Xiao Hanzheng again and said, "You ask someone to calculate how much money you need. This king will supervise Ruan's family and her family to take out this money to compensate you and the people."

   He directly addressed the princess as Nguyen, which also meant that he still wanted to divorce his wife.

   And the money won't come out of the palace.

   Xiao Hanzheng bowed his hands to King Jin, "Your Highness is righteous!"

   This righteous extermination is really good.

   But his little daughter-in-law is even more powerful. If someone else heard that King Jin was going to divorce his wife, he would definitely be shocked, and then he was led astray by King Jin.

   This time, not only did he clean up Princess Jin's mother and daughter, but he also caused the other party to bleed heavily. Even if King Jin's reputation was saved, it would still be ruined a lot, and he was very satisfied with the result.

   King Jin and Xiao Hanzheng discussed compensation, but Ruan Songling on the side never recovered from disbelief.

   She stared at King Jin and asked, "Liang Yujun, are you going to leave me?"

   She never thought that one day, he would not want her in public.

   Liang Yujun did not hide his disgust in his eyes this time, "No matter your character or behavior, how can you be like a princess?"

   "This king didn't expect you to be such a person, and you taught your daughter to be so arrogant and vicious."

   "This king has been deceived by you before, but now that I know your character is bad, naturally I can't let you continue to be a princess."

   He said again with a righteousness and awe: "Otherwise, how would you explain to the people who were killed by you, and how would you explain to the common people?"

   Ruan Songling took a few steps back, as if he knew Liang Yujun for the first time.

  How could he do this to her.

The next two chapters only got stuck after writing a few hundred words. Suddenly, I don’t know if the matter of Princess Jin’s mother and daughter has been solved. I will think about what to write in the next plot. ~



   (end of this chapter)

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