After The Divorce, I Became the Favorite of the Powerful Ministers

Chapter 56: Is it possible that I will still eat you?

   Chapter 56 Is it possible that I will still eat you?

  The Shi family didn't come except for the old man Shi and the younger generation. The old lady Shi came with the big, second, third, husband and wife and the fourth Shi.

   Several people watched Bai Xu, who was wearing a brocade, leaving in a carriage, with a bit of envy and greed in their eyes.

   Mother Xiao was about to go up, but was stopped by Shi Qingluo.

   She winked at Mother Xiao, "Mother, take your brother and sister to the backyard to feed the chickens and ducks."

   Mother Xiao understood at a glance, this is the person her daughter-in-law doesn't want her to entertain Shishi's family.

   She actually doesn't like people from Shi's family. She originally thought that it was her in-laws after all, so she should be polite.

   Now that the daughter-in-law said so, she no longer has to pretend to be polite.

   She smiled and nodded, "Okay, I'll take them there."

   Then really took the two kids to the backyard.

   When the old lady and Niu saw this, they both frowned.

   provoked Shi Qingluo, "Your mother-in-law is too rude? She will not entertain her in-laws when they come."

   Shi Qingluo first gave Xiao Hanzheng a look, indicating that he should not pay attention to the Shi family's superb quality, and then looked at a few people.

   She raised her eyebrows, "Didn't you hear that I asked my mother-in-law to go to the backyard? You are also my mother-in-law to entertain you? Thinking too much."

  Shi, the old lady and others: "..." Is this evil barrier speaking human words?

   Niu scolded this retribution daughter in his heart.

  She has thick skin and looked at Xiao Hanzheng with a smile on her face, "My son-in-law's illness is cured? It looks like a real talent."

   This is the youngest scholar in the nearby villages, and he looks better than the buddies in the county town.

   To know that Chongxi can wake up, she will let Erya or Sanya come to rush, how can it be cheap Daya this evil obstacle.

  The dead girl really earned it.

  Xiao Hanzheng smiled lightly and did not speak, it was obvious that his attitude was cold.

   If the little daughter-in-law still has face to the Shi family, he will be polite.

   But the little daughter-in-law hates Shijia's top-notch products, and she gives herself a look first, then he will listen to her.

   Shi Qingluo pointed to a chair not far away and said, "Sit down."

   When the old lady walked over with a few people and sat down, they didn't want to stand.

   As soon as he was about to speak, he saw Shi Qingluo stand up.

   Shi Qingluo walked to a corner of the yard, picked up a rattan that Mother Xiao had woven a basket, and patted it a few times in his hand.

   Then I walked back to the top of the Shijia family.

   Niu swallowed his saliva, looking at the rattan, his scalp was numb, "You, what are you doing?"

   Several other people were also taken aback,

  There is no way, the few days when Shi Qing was at home, they had a psychological shadow.

   Shi Qingluo saw the fear in the eyes of several people, and hooked his lips, "What are you afraid of, will it be possible that I will eat you all?"

   A few people in Shi's family: "..." You don't know how to eat, but you'll be crazy!

  Xiao Hanzheng looked at Shi Qingluo holding the thin rattan, and the Shi family looked terrified.

   also finally knew why she had been married these days, the reason why the best of the Shi family had not come to find fault.

   It turned out that she was forced to behave.

   couldn't help but smile, the little daughter-in-law is doing well!

   Shi Qingluo pulled up a chair and sat opposite Shijia Jipin.

   The whole person said lazily: "People say that you can't go to the Three Treasures Hall for everything, let's just say the purpose of your visit today."

   When the old lady choked, the thought of wanting to play emotional cards first disappeared instantly.

  This dead girl is poisonous.

  Shi, the old lady gave Niu a look.

  Niu can only bite the bullet, "Da Ya, we heard that you recently opened a tofu workshop?"

   "We also ate the tofu, and it tastes good." Someone went to the village to sell it this morning, and the family bought a piece.

   Then they realized that it was the dead girl who made it.

  The dead girl is too much. She didn't teach them to make tofu when she was in her parents' house, and she taught the people of Xiao's family to make tofu after she got married.

  If it wasn't for her fear of death, she would have wanted to slap a few hands when she walked in the door.

   Shi Qingluo yawned, "If you're here for the recipe for tofu, then you can go."

  Niu's face sank, "Da Ya, don't forget your surname, the better your family is, the better it will be for you."

   Shi Qingluo glanced at her, "I said before at Shi's house that you have to come and beg me later, but what did you say?"

   "You will never pay attention to me, why are you coming to the door now? Is it so quick to slap the face?"

   "Besides, the water splashed by the married daughter, whether I am okay or not, has nothing to do with her parents' family in the future."

   She snorted coldly: "Don't show me your little thought, it's embarrassing."

  Niu was choked by what she said, "You!"

   then glared at Shi's third child. It was this guy who boasted about Haikou and said that he would not take the initiative to find a dead girl.

   When the third child touched his nose and looked helpless, he didn't know that the dead girl and the old fairy learned to make tofu!

   Otherwise, how could you say such a thing.

   can't beat the dead girl, the big deal is to offer her up, stay at home to teach tofu, and prevent her from marrying.

   He smiled at Shi Qingluo and said, "Da Ya, we have something to discuss slowly, so don't just deny it."

   Shi Qingluo tapped the table with the rattan, "I don't have the time to discuss with you guys slowly."

   "If you want to taste rattan again, I can satisfy you."

  Shi Lao San and others: "..." No, they don't want to taste it at all.

  When the fourth child saw the third brother and third sister-in-law defeated so cowardly, he was speechless.

   But this was also what he expected.

   This dead girl is not easy to mess with, and it is unlikely that you will get the recipe for tofu.

   He gave Mrs. Shi a subtle wink.

   When the old lady saw this, she was not reconciled. The tofu business must be getting better and better, and she still hoped that the Shi family would get a share of the pie.

   So he stood up suddenly, ran to open the door and sat on the ground crying.

   "Oh, my granddaughter bullied my grandma, what did I do to raise such a..."


   Before her cry was over, a male voice suddenly screamed.

  The old lady Shi turned her head and saw that Shi Qingluo was beating her little son with a cane.

  Special also slapped her younger son's face and hands, and the voice she wanted to continue crying suddenly got stuck in her throat.

   Shi Qingluo pulled the fourth child and kept pumping, and said to the old lady with a smile: "Go on, old lady, not to mention the crying is pretty good, why don't you cry?"

   "Speak louder, I'll ask your baby boy to help you with the fun."

   Catching a snake and grabbing seven inches is the same for the best.

   The most precious thing between Mrs. Shi and Mr. Shi is the youngest son, the fourth child, for the whole family to make offerings.

   So it hurts the fourth Shi's body and hurts the old lady's heart.

   Shi Granny: "..." Please be a person.

   Shi's fourth child is a scholar, and he doesn't usually do farm work, so he's not a match for Shi Qingluo at all.

   His face and hands were almost swollen.

   "Mother, stop making trouble, close the door and come back."

   Shi Qingluo was holding the back collar firmly by Shi Qingluo, there was no way to avoid it, he was going crazy.

   This dead girl is a shrew. She even slapped him directly in front of Xiao Xiucai, not a human being.

When   , the old lady had to stand up, closed the door aggrievedly, and came back and sat down.

   "Okay, don't smoke it, we don't care about the broken tofu recipe."

   She has once again experienced that the dead girl is not easy to mess with, and she doesn't reason with them at all.

   She looked at the couple who shrank aside and didn't dare to stop them. She was even more angry and heartbroken. These cowards were too embarrassing.

   (end of this chapter)

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