After The Divorce, I Became the Favorite of the Powerful Ministers

Chapter 707: Give them such a big "surprise" as soon as they come back

   Chapter 707 Give them such a big "surprise" as soon as they come back

   The road ahead was not easy to squeeze through, so when Shi Qingluo listened to what the people said, he roughly guessed what Liang Youxiao had done this time.

   It is no wonder that the road to the palace was crowded with people.

   Everyone is seeing foreigners and animals that they have never seen for the first time, so their curiosity is all hung up.

  Liang Yijia said with a bitter face: "Mother, what do we think? You can't squeeze in."

  Shi Qingluo thought for a while, "It looks like your uncle Xiao is going to bring foreign envoys into the palace, and those animals will definitely be dedicated to the emperor. Let's go directly to the palace to see."

   In this way, there is no need to squeeze any more, and the key cannot be squeezed in.

   Liang Yijia and Liang Yiran's eyes lit up and clapped their hands: "Okay, let's go to the palace to see."

   Liang Hengyan also clapped his hands, "Go go."

  The emperor and the empress dowager liked the three little animals very much, so they gave them a token to enter the palace, as long as they wanted to enter the palace, they could enter at any time.

  Kong Yuelan has a good relationship with the Queen Mother's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, and also has contacts with the Queen's sister-in-law, so she often enters the palace.

   Listening to his daughter-in-law's suggestion, he also smiled and said, "Okay, then let's take them to the palace to see, and then we can take a close look."

   She is actually very curious about the foreigners with yellow hair and blue eyes that the common people say.

   There are also those animals in the story told by her daughter-in-law, but she never expected to see the real version one day, and she also wants to see it.

   Shi Qingluo nodded, "Well, then let's go back to the carriage and enter the palace directly."

  The two entered the palace with three little ones, and they met Xi Rui and Xiao Baili at the gate of the palace.

   He was also going to bring his daughter-in-law to the palace to join in the fun.

   So the team grew again.

  Not only them, but also a lot of royal families have also heard about it. Because the streets are too crowded, they can't see it at all, so they all came to the palace.

  The emperor was dumbfounded when he found out, but he could understand it.

   Therefore, a banquet was held directly, so that officials above the fifth rank, who were interested, could bring their families into the palace to participate as soon as possible.

   can also be regarded as a wash for foreign envoys.

The    imperial decree was quickly passed down, and officials above the fifth rank did not hesitate, and immediately brought their families into the palace to watch the fun.

   Shi Qingluo and several people were arranged to the best position.

  Some people arrived one after another, and were arranged by the palace attendant to sit down.

   King Yi, who was originally in the palace, heard that his daughter-in-law and son were coming, so he also came directly to join in the fun.

   Xiao Hanzheng also entered the palace with his colleagues from the Ministry of Housing.

   For this kind of palace banquet, men and women are naturally seated separately.

   After seeing their father, the two little ones couldn't sit still and kept waving at him.

   Xiao Hanzheng also raised his hand and waved at them, then made a gesture to let them sit down obediently.

   The two little ones sat down very obediently, as if we were very obedient.

   Seeing the colleagues of the household department envious, "Master Liang, your twins are so lovable."

   "Yes, my father went to the wedding banquet last time, and he started urging me to have a few more children."

   Someone even joked: "My grandfather went back too, saying that he wanted to take the twins of Liang's family home and raise them."

   Xiao Hanzheng smiled modestly, "They also have a lot of naughty moments."

   However, the two little ones in his family are very delicate. If they are naughty, they will take the initiative to admit their mistakes.

   Many times he wanted to be a strict father, but he failed because of the coquettishness of the two little ones.

   There is no other way, then only to be a loving father.

After    and others had almost arrived, the emperor also came with the queen and the queen mother.

   Obviously, the queen and the queen mother are also curious about foreigners and animals they have never seen before.

  Prince and other princes also brought their families here.

  The son of the prince is over five years old this year. He is a very cute little Zhengta, and he is usually taught very well.

   But after seeing the two little ones, I couldn't sit still.

   He asked the princess, "Mother, can I find Ranran and Jiajia to play?"

  The Crown Princess is naturally happy that her son has a good relationship with the children of the Liang family, "Go ahead."

   She actually saw that her son likes to play with dragons and phoenixes before, and she also gave birth to some thoughts.

   For example, let his son marry Liang Yijia.

  Dragon and phoenix fetuses often enter the palace, and she sometimes encounters them. It is really pleasing, and she likes it too.

   However, the husband said that Shi Qingluo and his wife would not agree, because of their temperament, they would not marry any prince.

   She was dubious and tentatively asked Shi Qingluo at a banquet not long ago.

   Sure enough, Shi Qingluo not only did not follow her words, but also said that Liang Yijia's marriage in the future depends on her daughter's own likes, and her identity is not important.

   The key is who wants to marry Liang Yijia, Shi Qingluo said that there is a requirement, that is, no concubines.

   Obviously didn't want to marry the royal family, so she gave up.

   After all, as long as the husband succeeds in taking the throne in the future, the son is also the prince, and there cannot be only one prince concubine.

   is like a husband, even if he doesn't love women, he still has concubines and concubines.

   Thinking about it from another angle, if it were her daughter, she would naturally hope that her future son-in-law would only have one daughter.

   So I didn't blame Shi Qingluo, it's just a pity.

   After a while, Liang Youxiao walked in with the foreign envoy.

   followed by cars pushed by guards, with large cages on them, which kept animals brought back from abroad.

   The people present looked at the foreigners with blue eyes and yellow hair, red hair and brown eyes, and they were all amazed.

   Several women were wearing the court clothes of European aristocrats in this century, and the position below the neck was exposed, and the waves were obvious.

   There are also two beautiful young women in off-the-shoulder dresses.

   Seeing that the ministers were curious and restrained, they did not look at these women.

  The old pedants all want to scold and insult the gentleman, this kind of dress is simply immoral.

   Many ladies and ladies were also frightened by the bold dress of these women, and they all looked embarrassed.

   They were all women, but they couldn't help but keep looking at these foreign women.

   After seeing animals such as lions, giraffes, etc., their attention was drawn to animals again.

   Shi Qingluo also admired the women of the Middle Ages in Europe at this time, and it could be seen that their etiquette was very standard, and they should all be nobles.

  Liang Youxiao brought foreign envoys to the ceremony and acted as an interpreter.

   He was very grateful to Shi Qingluo. If she hadn't taught him foreign languages ​​in advance, taught him foreign etiquette, etc., he wouldn't have been able to get along so well abroad.

  The emperor was amazed when he saw these foreigners and animals.

   He actually didn't expect such people to live on the other side of the sea, and there were many countries.

   He entertained the foreign envoys more dignifiedly and politely.

   Then he saw a young woman wearing an off-the-shoulder skirt, who took the initiative to take Liang Youxiao's arm and wanted to sit beside him.

  The emperor could not help but ask: "You and this lady?"

  Liang Youxiao smiled generously and said, "Your Majesty, this is my fiancee Daisy, she is a noble lady from Great Britain."

  The emperor was stunned when he heard this, "You want to marry this foreign woman?"

  Liang Youxiao looked at Daisy who was hugging him affectionately beside him, and nodded: "Yes, we have made a lifetime promise to each other."

   Mr. Liang, who heard this not far away, almost spit out the wine in his mouth.

   Liang Shizi's face also changed, he didn't expect his son to give them such a big "surprise" as soon as he came back.

   Today's update is over, thank you for your tips and votes~~It is expected to end on the 21st~



   (end of this chapter)

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