After The Divorce, I Became the Favorite of the Powerful Ministers

Chapter 71: The surprise was too big, he couldn't take it

  Chapter 71 This surprise was too big for him

   Xiao Yuanshi's hand holding the teacup paused.

   He did not communicate with the governor of Kyoto. What did the other party send to the general's residence to report?

   With this in mind, he opened his mouth and said, "Invite someone in."

   Soon a yamen came in and saluted first, "I have seen General Weiyuan."

  Xiao Yuanshi raised his hand with a smile on his face, "No gift, what's the matter?"

   He was awarded the title of General Weiyuan from Mowei Climbing to the present. In addition to his own merits, he was also very kind to the outside world.

   He has always known that little devils are difficult to deal with, so he will never hold Joe down for trivial matters.

  I also acted cautiously in Kyoto, trying not to offend anyone.

  The yamen looked at Xiao Yuanshi and said, "General, your family and the young master of the town's government have had a fight, and now there is a lot of trouble. My lord said, please go and have a look."

   For those family members of the general, he is also indescribable.

  Xiao Yuanshi's cup was almost unsteady, "What? My family? Impossible, my family is still in Nanxi County."

   "But they took the road guide and claimed to be your family, so please go and confirm one or two."

   Xiao Yuanshi squeezed the cup tightly, almost crushing it, "Okay, I'll come with you."

   He then got up and gave Ge Chunru, whose complexion had changed, a soothing look.

   I thought to myself, don't be the people from Nanxi County.

  Ge Chunru watched the two of them go out, and his originally smiling face sank instantly.

   She hasn't heard from Xinghong for more than a month. Those people from her hometown won't really come, right?

  No, definitely not.

   Although I meditated like this, I couldn't help but have a bad premonition in my heart.

Outside   South Street, the people who were chaotically fighting on both sides have been pulled away by the people sent by the governor of Kyoto.

  Old Xiao's family members humbly held the arrogant boy when they saw the errand in the capital, and their hearts suddenly throbbed.

   They seem to be in trouble.

   But it's obviously the other party's fault!

   Just as he was thinking about what to do, the yamen came over with Xiao Yuanshi.

   The old lady had sharp eyes and saw Xiao Yuanshi first.

   immediately sat on the ground and cried, "I beat someone to death, I'm the mother of General Wei Yuan, you guys are trying to bully the old man!"

   Xiao Yuanshi, who had just walked over: "..." Could he turn around and pretend he hadn't been there?

   I was even more shocked, how did these blood-sucking worms come? He looked so embarrassed, as if he was begging for food.

  The key is that as soon as he comes, his mother sits on the ground and splashes, and his whole face is almost green.

   When the old lady saw that the second child was coming, she actually stood not far away in a daze.

   In addition to the surprise on her face, there was also the disgust she could see.

  Like what Shi Qingluo said, rich people don't want to recognize their parents, and they are indeed a beast who is inferior to pigs and dogs.

   Then he looked at him and cried out, "Er Stone, you are finally here. If you don't come again, your mother and your nephew will be bullied to death by these people."

   Xiao Yuanshi: "..." No, I don't want to come at all.

   Being called by his nickname in front of so many people, plus the way these people dress and speak and behave so rudely, his face is hot.

   Boss Xiao and others also watched Xiao Yuanshi cry and complained, "Second, you are here, these boys insult and bully us."

   "Also insulted you, we are looking for a place for you."

   Boss Xiao remembered what Shi Qingluo said, and after coming to the capital, he tried his best to stand on the commanding heights in everything he did.

   Anyway, they were fighting for the grievances of the second child.

   Xiao Yuanshi: "..." I really thank you, why don't you die.

   Countless thoughts flashed through his mind, but they were useless. It was because these people came so suddenly that he was not prepared at all.

   The key is that he got into such a big trouble when he arrived in the capital, it was a headache.

   But you can only bite the bullet and walk over.

   reluctantly pulled out a smile, "Father and mother, why are you here?"

  Old Mrs. Xiao saw his expression and cursed a few unfilial beasts in her heart, she really didn't want them to come.

There was a loving smile on   's face, "We miss you, let's come to the capital to see."

   Shi Qingluo said that in front of others, you must pretend to be a mother.

   As long as the second child dares to push them, people outside will definitely call him unfilial.

   Sure enough, Xiao Yuanshi couldn't hold back his hatred, but he could only hurried forward to help the old lady up, "Then why don't you say hello first?"

  The old lady knew that the beast was asking them for not writing a letter to say hello first, but she pretended not to understand and replied with a smile: "We want to give you a surprise."

  Xiao Yuanshi: "..." This surprise was too big for him to accept.

   Besides, it’s more or less scary.

   Xiao Yuanshi didn't know what to say for a while.

  Xi Rui, the young master of the Duke's Mansion, said unhappily, "General Xiao, if you want to talk about the old days, go home and talk. Is it time to give me an explanation?"

   He was so big, but it was the first time he was slapped in the face.

   The beating wasn't really painful, but it was a shame, so I would like to bring someone to beat Xiao Yuanshi together.

   Xiao Yuanshi has one head and two big ones, "Young Master Xi, what do you want to explain?"

   He still hasn't figured out what happened.

  Xi Rui snorted coldly, "Your family said they wanted you to send us to prison, and they took the initiative to beat me."

   Xiao Yuanshi: "..." When did these blood-sucking worms in his family become so bold?

   This is the time to come to the capital, and someone who is unfamiliar with his life dared to beat someone, and even called him by his name.

   Xiao Dalang quit, "Second Uncle, that's not the case."

   "It's obvious that they ridiculed us as beggars first, and let us get out."

   "We all said that you are the family of the general's house, and they also said that you are just a general Weiyuan, don't treat yourself as a dish."

   "He even dared to slander you like this, and we naturally want to vent your anger."

   He really felt wronged, obviously they were here to help the second uncle.

   Shi Qingluo can say that they are from the general's mansion, and they must not be underestimated, otherwise, how can they be in the capital in the future?

  Xiao Yuanshi: "..." You are not helping me out, you are cheating on me!

   This is the young master of the Guogongfu. The Guogongfu is the Queen Mother's natal family and the saint's foreign family. Although he is not afraid, he does not want to offend him.

   The key is not to be offended.

   He was really going crazy and gave Xiao Dalang a cold look, "You shut up first."

   Then he walked to Xi Rui and smiled, "My family just came from the countryside and don't understand the rules of the capital, so I bumped into the little son. I hope you forgive me."

   "I will come to pay my respects another day." If he can get to this day, he can bend and stretch.

   Seeing that Xiao Yuanshi actually ran to apologize to that bastard, the old Xiao family held back their anger again.

   But they held back, after all, they wanted to live in the General's Mansion.

  Xi Rui saw Xiao Yuanshi bow his head, and thought that this general would vent his anger for his family, he really had no guts.

   suddenly felt boring.

   He hummed: "Okay, then I'll wait."

  I heard from my grandfather and father that Xiao Yuanshi was in a strong relationship with the Holy Family recently, and he wouldn't be so stupid as to tear his face off with each other.

   But this hatred, he remembered it.

   After saying that, he left with someone.

  Xiao Yuanshi told the people in the Kyoto prefecture that this was a misunderstanding, and thanked the guard, and then he took the old Xiao family to the general's mansion with a stiff face under the strange eyes of the onlookers.

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~The identities of the Queen Mother and Xi Rui in the last chapter are wrong, not my aunt but my aunt, I have changed it~ I see that there are relatives who want to see the best people go to Beijing, so just write it~



   (end of this chapter)

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