After The Divorce, I Became the Favorite of the Powerful Ministers

Chapter 716: Extra: The whole family wears modern 1

  Chapter 716 Extra: The whole family wears modern 1

   (This version has nothing to do with the previous two chapters, and follows the content of Chapter 713, which is the version where Changqing Daoist did not appear.)

   Shi Qingluo's body was weakening day by day, looking very sad.

   In order not to worry and sadden relatives and friends, and to find a reasonable reason for the family to leave.

   So she told them that the old fairy master missed her and wanted to take her away.

  If she goes, she goes to enjoy happiness.

  Because the old immortal is so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, even Kong Yuelan and others believe in the existence of the old immortal.

   Because of this, they often heard such relief from Shi Qingluo, and they slowly accepted it.

   I was just worried that if Shi Qingluo was taken away by the old immortal, what would Xiao Hanzheng and his two children do?

   At this time, Shi Qingluo began to guide, saying that he had dreamed of a master.

Master    said that it is better for their family to be reunited, so I want to take their family to enjoy the blessings in the sky.

   In this case, Kong Yuelan and the others still believed it.

   Naturally, at the beginning, I was very reluctant to Xiao Hanzheng and the two little ones.

   But as Shi Qingluo talked a lot, they thought that this family was going to enjoy the blessings with the old immortals. Maybe in the future, their longevity would be infinite, which would be better than staying in the mortal world.

   After thinking about it, I gradually let go.

   Another half month passed, and the time when Shi Qingluo woke up became shorter and shorter.

   On this day, she suddenly dreamed of a lake outside the capital, a family of four staying in a boat.

   Then she turned to modern times, and she dreamed that her body organs were about to fail.

   That is, if she doesn't go back, she may really die.

   When she woke up, she saw Xiao Xianggong sitting beside the bed, guarding herself while working.

  Since she fell into a coma that time, she told Xiao Xianggong about modern things again, and he went to the emperor to apply and put the office at home.

   is to guard her.

   "Zhengzheng, we may have to go."

   "I dreamed of the lake outside the suburbs of Beijing, where our family was rafting. I had a feeling that it was an opportunity for us to leave."

   Xiao Hanzheng held her hand: "Then I'll go get ready."

   Shi Qingluo said according to his feeling: "After three days, we will go to the lake to go boating."

   Xiao Hanzheng nodded, "Okay!"

   He went to the Ministry of Accounts the next day and handed over his official duties to his trained right-hand man.

   Then he went to the palace again, and gave all the plans that he wrote to benefit the country and the people, as well as some follow-up arrangements for his official affairs, to the emperor.

  The emperor has a lot of eyeliner, and Xiao Hanzheng and the two were not prepared to hide it, so they naturally knew what happened to the Liang family.

   He could see that Xiao Hanzheng was explaining the future, and couldn't help asking: "Your daughter-in-law really dreamed that her old fairy master was coming to pick you up?"

   Xiao Hanzheng nodded and said, "Well, in three days."

  If the little daughter-in-law feels right, then their family will disappear. There is no need to hide this kind of mysterious thing.

  The emperor was dubious, "Is that just a dream?"

   Xiao Hanzheng replied: "Then live the present day as usual."

  The emperor thought for a while and said, "If you are really taken away by the old gods, if you have the opportunity, you can also give me a dream and tell me what it looks like."

   He thought about how he was also a real dragon and emperor. If he went there one day, he might be able to go to the so-called top.

   So let Xiao Hanzheng give him a dream.

  Xiao Hanzheng was a little dumbfounded, obviously did not expect the emperor to say this.

   It seems that although the emperor did not believe all of it, he believed most of it.

   I have to say that over the years, his little daughter-in-law has been very successful in letting the old fairy master take the blame.

   He smiled and nodded, "Okay!"

   In the remaining two days, Xiao Baili brought Xi Rui, Xiao Hanyi and his daughter-in-law to live in Prince Yi's mansion.

   We eat lunch and dinner together every day.

   Shi Qingluo is also like returning to the light, no longer lethargic for most of the day these two days, as normal as before, reuniting with family and friends.

   At the same time, the assets in his hand were also arranged.

   kept half of it for the Liang family, and donated the remaining half to do good deeds.

   On this day, the family took a carriage to the lake in the suburbs of Beijing.

   Xiao Hanzheng had already prepared a boat, and the family of four took Danny on the boat.

   Liang Yulin, Kong and others stood by the lake and watched.

   There were also people who knew the news in advance and ran to the neighborhood to take a peek.

  The emperor's dark guard also touched it.

  The boat rowed to the center of the lake, and Shi Qingluo let the two little ones wave goodbye to their grandparents and others.

   Recently, she had told the two children in advance that their family was going to other places, and they would never see their grandparents and others again.

  The two little ones were very sad at first, but gradually they accepted it.

   So he waved vigorously to his grandparents and others.

   The tone that supported Shi Qingluo's whole body suddenly dissipated.

   She leaned against Xiao Hanzheng's arms, "Zhengzheng, I'll wait for you over there."

   "If you can't find me, do something so I can see it, and I'll find you."

  Xiao Hanzheng hugged Shi Qingluo and nodded, "Okay, our family must be neat and tidy everywhere."

   Then Shi Qingluo stretched out his hand and pulled the two children, touched Dumbly, lowered his hand and closed his eyes, the whole person stopped breathing.

   Even though he had expected it long ago, Xiao Hanzheng still felt a pain in his heart when he saw that his little daughter-in-law was not breathing.

   Then he stretched out his hand and hugged the two children and Dian Dian in his arms.

  Suddenly, a strong wind blew, and the entire lake began to shake.

  The people standing by the lake were stunned when they saw this.

   Then they saw a whirlpool suddenly appeared in the center of the lake, engulfing the whole ship and submerging it.

   When the ship disappeared completely, the gale also disappeared.

   "Oh my god, the Fubao County Master's family really disappeared."

   "It turns out that they really wanted the old fairy to take it away."

   "This is too amazing, if I hadn't seen it, I wouldn't have believed it."

  The peeping people all widened their eyes, showing disbelief and stunned looks.

  Kong Yuelan leaned against Liang Yulin's arms with red eyes, although she was very reluctant, but the eldest son's family went to a better place to live, and she was also happy for them.

   Xiao Baili, Xiao Hanyi and others also had similar ideas.

The    emperor soon learned of this, and ordered people to go to the lake to salvage boats.

   Who would have thought that the entire lake would be turned over and the boat would not be found, let alone the body of a family of four and the goose.

   This also makes the old fairy come to pick up the family of Fubao County Master to enjoy the blessings in the sky.

  At the same time people are envious, this incident has also become a good story.

   People who didn't believe in the existence of old gods at first, this time they completely believed in it.

   As a result, the incense of the Taoist temple in Xiaxi Village is even more vigorous.

   On the other side, in the hospital ward.

   Shi Qingluo slowly opened his eyes, and what caught his eye was a white wall.

   The body is very weak, only the fingers can move.

  Suddenly, a surprised voice rang in her ear, "Sister is awake, elder sister is awake."

   Another voice immediately opened the door and shouted, "Doctor, the doctor is coming, my sister is awake!"

It's too stuck, there's only one chapter today~ Because it needs to be worn by the whole family, and the children in the previous version already have their own families, it is not suitable, so this version will follow the story of Chapter 713, Xiao Hanzheng and the children bring Staying dressed ha~~ The end of the 21st, so this episode will not be long in a few chapters~



   (end of this chapter)

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