After The Divorce, I Became the Favorite of the Powerful Ministers

Chapter 720: Extra: The whole family wears modern (full text)

  Chapter 720 Extra: The whole family wears modern (end of the text)

   Soon Dad booked a ticket to that city today.

   Not only for him and Shi's mother, but also for everyone present.

   Everyone felt that Liang Hanzheng and his son had been left behind by their family Luoluo for so many years. Although Luoluo did not do it on purpose, it could not change the fact.

   So they have to follow to pick up people, expressing their family's importance and welcome to Liang Hanzheng and his son.

  Oh, they are really heartbroken.

   When Shi Qingluo saw that everyone insisted on going with him, he could only reluctantly agree.

  The air tickets are only available in the evening, so the two families continued to sit down for dinner and watched the live broadcast of this episode of the variety show.

   After dinner, go home to pack up and gather at the airport.

   The place where Xiao Hanzheng is located is very remote, the county town is not developed and there is no airport.

   So the two families first stayed in the city for one night, and early the next morning, Dad arranged seven cars to come and take them to the county seat.

   The expressway from the city to the county is open, and it took more than three hours to arrive.

   It took more than two hours to drive from the county seat to the village.

   Looking at the surrounding environment, Grandma Shi and Grandma Yan sat together and sighed that their great-grandchildren/great-granddaughters/great-granddaughters suffered.

   You must take good care of you when you go back.

   Shi Qingluo grew up with four old people, so she was the most favored among the younger generation, no matter in the Yan family or the Shi family.

   So now her children, four elderly people haven't seen it yet, just watching the live broadcast, I feel distressed and like it.

   Today's program group has finished recording this episode, and we will change the place next time.

   So the program crew and several other groups of guests left the village early in the morning.

   Xiao Hanzheng and his son returned to the house they rented in the village.

   When Shi Qingluo and the others arrived at the village, the two little ones just took a nap.

   Hearing the knock on the door, the two children saw their father reading a book in the study, so they took the initiative to go to the door.

   did not open the door immediately, but asked together: "Who?"

   Hearing the voices of the two little ones, Shi Qingluo wanted to cry too, she was finally going to see the two children.

   For more than half a year, she has missed them every day.

   Her voice was a little choked, "It's me, your mother!"

  Shi Qingluo's voice was very similar to that of Da Liangshi, and the two little ones immediately opened the door.

   Seeing the mother standing at the door, the two little ones cried and rushed into her arms, "Mother!"

   suddenly remembered that he was going to call his mother now, so the two boys immediately changed their tune.

   "Mom, of course I miss you so much."

   "Mom, Jiajia misses you."

   Shi Qingluo hugged the two little ones in his arms and kissed their cheeks, "Mom misses you too!"

  Dandian also flew over immediately, rubbing against Shi Qingluo's hand, and finally saw Ma Ma.

   The two families behind Shi Qingluo were a little confused when they saw this.

   They thought that the two children would be very defensive or alienated, but they did not expect such a scene of acknowledgment.

   When Dad saw the cute little appearance of his grandson and granddaughter, he couldn't help but stepped forward and said, "How do you know this is your mother's? Aren't you afraid of admitting the wrong person?"

   He is afraid that the two children will be raised too innocently. What if he encounters a liar?

  The two little ones got out of Shi Qingluo's arms and looked at the speaker.

   Shi Qingluo introduced them: "This is mom's dad, and that's your grandfather."

   When she was in Daliang, she was not close to the third child, so she did not bring the two little ones to recognize their relatives.

   So the two little dogs looked at their grandfather curiously. They only had grandpa and grandma before.

   So sweetly greeted first, "Hello grandpa!"

  Liang Yiran said politely: "Because we have seen pictures of my mother, of course we won't recognize the wrong person."

   Of course they don't have a picture of their mother, but they can make up one.

   After coming here for more than half a year, they have gradually adapted to some modern life and know a lot of things.

   After listening to this explanation, everyone understood, no wonder the two little ones recognized their family Luoluo at once. It turned out that they often looked at photos.

   At this moment, Xiao Hanzheng also heard the voice and walked out of the study quickly.

   Seeing Shi Qingluo, he almost shouted "Miss", but fortunately he stopped in time and turned into: "Qingluo!"

   When Shi Qingluo saw Xiao Xianggong, he couldn't help putting down the child, ran towards him, and threw himself into his arms, "Zhengzheng, I finally found you."

   Xiao Hanzheng hugged her tightly, "We all miss you so much."

  The two hugged each other inseparably, which surprised the two families.

   The sadomasochistic picture they thought did not appear, but only saw the deep love.

   This Liang Hanzheng must be in love with their family Luoluo, being abandoned for more than six years without any estrangement, which is rare!

   Next, Shi Qingluo introduced her family to Xiao Hanzheng and her two children.

   The two families were very enthusiastic. They first helped Shi Qingluo explain why they hadn’t come to see them for so many years, and then they welcomed the three of them.

   Xiao Hanzheng received them courteously.

  The two little ones were hugged by the four old people and Shi's father and Shi's mother, and no one else had a turn.

   After sitting for more than an hour, the two old men proposed that they go back to the county seat first, let Shi Qingluo and the father and son have a good talk, and make room for the family.

After the two families left, Xiao Hanzheng and Shi Qingluo talked about what happened to them.

   "We were suddenly swept to the bottom of the lake, and when we woke up, we were by a river in the mountains behind this village."

   "Then it was picked up by the old Taoist priest at the Taoist temple halfway up the mountain."

   "I said I don't remember the past, let alone where my home is, and then the old Taoist took us in."

   "I have a good conversation with the old Taoist priest. He also knows Chinese medicine and wants me to recognize him as a master and inherit his mantle."

   "I did not refuse, so I went to the teacher."

   "Then the master re-applied the household registration for me and my two children, and said to the outside world that I was an orphan that he picked up and raised. It's just that I have been studying medicine in Taoist temples all these years, so I never went out."

   "Then he took us to see a doctor in the village or county town, and introduced our father and son to the villagers."

   "And a month ago, the master's life was exhausted, so he left us."

   "I took my child to rent a house at the foot of the mountain, and helped others to earn money to live. I also bought a mobile phone and learned a lot of modern things."

   "Then I met the director, and I thought you might see us on a variety show, so I agreed."

   "Sure enough, our family is finally reunited."

  He came here to learn a lot, and learned to use his mobile phone to check information.

   also found the place where the little daughter-in-law was. Originally, she took her two children to the capital to find her, thinking of making some money.

   Whoever thought about the opportunity to appear in a variety show, he thought that his little daughter-in-law would definitely come to them.

  Shi Qingluo also told him what he had done for more than half a year, "It seems that everything is doomed, and my family has recognized your identities."

   Xiao Hanzheng put his arms around her and said, "Yes, this is fate."

   The family sat together and talked a lot, and Shi Qingluo asked Xiao Hanzheng to pack up and follow her back to the capital.

  Xiao Hanzheng will naturally not refuse. For him and his children, wherever the little daughter-in-law is, it is their home.

   So the family of four went to the county seat by car.

   After meeting with the two families, we headed straight to the city.

   After having dinner together, the two little dogs managed to break into the two families and became the darlings of the four old people and their grandparents.

   Shi's father and Shi's mother even held the two little ones, and they couldn't like it.

   This may be because the next generation is relatively close, and the twins are quite speechless.

   "Sister, I didn't expect our parents to be so loving."

   Shi Qingluo could see that the two younger brothers were not sour, but were really speechless.

   She chuckled and said, "When you have children in the future, you can also get this kind of love from our parents."

   Twins: "…"

   After staying in the city for one night, the family returned to the capital.

  The Shi family quickly arranged the wedding for Shi Qingluo and Xiao Hanzheng, and did not hide the children.

   So everyone in the circle knew that Shi Qingluo had two children with him six years ago.

   However, everyone expressed their understanding and blessings when they saw Liang Hanzheng, who was so handsome, temperamental and capable.

   And everyone who attended the wedding also saw that the Shi family and the Yan family liked the two children born by Shi Qing, so everyone's attitude was very polite and friendly.

   But don't say it, they are envious of such a smart, beautiful and lovely child.

   received the marriage certificate and held the wedding. Shi Qingluo and Xiao Hanzheng took their two little ones and lived in another villa in the same community as their parents.

  Xiao Hanzheng was hired outside the Kyoto No. 1 Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital because of his excellent medical skills.

   Shi Qingluo also returned to work at the Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

  The two started a modern life of working and raising children.

   Every once in a while, the two would travel alone.

   Anyway, the two babies are now the treasures of the four old people and Shi Qingluo's parents, and they are completely rushing to take them.

   But in summer and winter vacations, the husband and wife will take their two little ones and Dao Dao to travel together.

  The two little ones are smart and sensible, and they also skipped a grade to college like their own mother.

   But he took a different path.

  Liang Yijia fell in love with acting because he followed his father to the live variety show when he was a child.

After   , he also made a lot of cameo roles. The university went directly to the film school in Beijing and entered the entertainment industry.

   He has the talent for acting, and the Yan family and the Shi family are in charge. Liang Yijia's acting career is very smooth.

   After entering the circle for more than two years, she has become a top-notch florist, and since then she has won several award-winning actresses with the highest gold content, becoming popular all over the world.

   And Liang Yiran fell in love with games. With the consent of his parents, he joined one of the best e-sports teams in China when he was in college.

   He is very talented in the game, he quickly made a name for himself, gained a lot of fans, and participated in international competitions with the team.

  In international competitions, with first-class operation, CAYYR won the world championship with his teammates.

   The choice of the two, if they were in other giants, would definitely be opposed by the elders.

   But who and the two little ones are the best at coaxing people since they were young, coaxing the four old people and Shi's father and Shi's mother to the point of pampering them.

  As long as they are happy, the elders are also happy.

   also made Shi Qingluo's brothers and sisters speechless, this is a complete double standard!

  Especially the twin brothers, who often complain about the double standard of their parents. If they want to enter the entertainment or e-sports circle, they will break their legs properly...

   The older generation did not object, and Shi Qingluo and Xiao Hanzheng naturally would not interfere with the children's preferences and choices.

   Even the two of them often go to see their son play games, visit their daughter for filming, and show their daughter's movie, and they are also the first to support.

   On this day, the two walked out of the cinema holding hands after watching a movie played by their daughter.

   Shi Qingluo and Xiao Hanzheng intertwined their fingers, looking sideways at him, "Zhengzheng, I want to keep holding your hand like this and grow old slowly."

  Thank you for bringing the kids to my world!

   Xiao Hanzheng took her into his arms, "Where there is you is home, and I will accompany you until old age!"

   Shi Qingluo hugged him back, with a happy smile in his eyes, companionship is the longest confession of love, so nice!

This book is over here, thank you for your continued support, I love you~~~ Besides, the new book is expected to be published around the 16th or around the 30th next month. ", it's a cool article about the counterattack and abuse of scumbags. Those who are interested can collect it, so that you can see it on the bookshelf when I post an article, see you in the next book~~



   (end of this chapter)

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