Chapter 80 Are you so kind?

   When the head of the Wu family heard his son's words, his eyes also lit up.

   The weather is hot now, even in the capital, there are not many people who can afford ice basins.

   If you can get this ice-making recipe, and take it to the capital to find someone as a favor, there will definitely be many benefits.

   It can also make ice and sell it at a high price to those who are rich and lack ice.

  The head of the Wu family thought for a while and said, "You asked the fourth child at that time to talk to the dead girl and see if she would sell this recipe."

   In his opinion, that girl is a wild girl with little knowledge, so last time he sold all the little black **** to them for 600 taels.

   Young Master Wu nodded, "Okay, I'm going to find Fourth Shi."

   When he was about to leave, the head of the Wu family asked: "How is the progress of the little black ball?"

   Bringing this up, Wu Dashao said helplessly: "Those people are still trying to find out what the powder in the little black ball was made of, and they haven't made much progress yet."

  I don't know when it will be made.

   He said: "Dad, do you think that dead girl will have a way to make little black balls?"

   Wu Patriarch thought for a while and said, "It's hard to say, let Shi Lao Si try it out together."

   "If there were, we could pay a premium."

   Now it is more expensive and time consuming to hire people to fiddle.

   As long as you can get it, the days of that dead girl will come to an end.

   He added: "If Shi Lao Si fails to do it here, you will go to Xiaxi Village to talk to that dead girl in person in two days."

   Wu Dashao also had a similar idea, "Okay."

   He heard today that Bai Xu also followed Xiao Hanzheng back to the village, and it seemed that he should have seen ice.

   Can't let the Bai family take the lead.

  Recently, the Bai family came up with a kind of white sugar, which is much better quality than the sugar on the market in terms of color and taste. It was also sent to Beijing and sold at a high price.

   They suspected that it might have something to do with that dead girl.

   This also gave them a sense of crisis, and the Bai family must not be allowed to cross over.

   In the village on the other side.

  Bai Xu also wants to buy children.

   He pestered Shi Qingluo and asked, "We are also friends. How about selling this recipe to me?"

   Shi Qingluo shook his head, "Not for sale."

   She made ice with saltpeter, mainly to cool down her family, and to see if she could trick someone with bad thoughts.

  I’m really not ready to make money.

   Bai Xu thought about it and asked, "Do you want to make ice for sale? Or is this method of making ice very troublesome?"

   Shi Qingluo replied: "The method of making ice is very simple, you can learn it from anyone you want."

   "I'm not interested in making ice and selling it either."

   Bai Xu said speechlessly: "Then why do you keep the recipe? Why don't you sell it to me to earn some money and save it from waste."

   Shi Qingluo raised his eyebrows: "Do I look like such a greedy person?"

  Bai Xu: "..." Like, I don't know who got into Qian's eyes before.

   But he said: "Of course you don't look like this kind of person, but didn't you say before that you wouldn't think too much money?"

   Shi Qingluo said: "I'm not short of money right now, so I don't want to sell it."

   She likes the process of creating things, but she is not obsessed with money.

  Otherwise, in modern times, she would go directly to business.

  Bai Xu: "..." He didn't understand this woman a little.

   Seeing her firm attitude, he knew there was no drama, and he felt like he had no love for life.

   In addition to seeing the benefits of ice making, he also wants to put a few ice basins in the house in summer to cool down and relax!

   Shi Qingluo was amused when he looked at him like this, "Don't be discouraged, I will tell you how to make ice for free after a while."

   Bai Xu raised his head dubiously, "Will you be so kind?"

   Shi Qingluo climbed along the pole, "I was a good person."

  Bai Xu thought hehe, when he didn't know that the blood-sucking relatives of Xiao Hanzheng's family were encouraged by her to go to the capital.

   He asked curiously, "What's your purpose?"

   always felt like she was going to play with a bigger ticket.

  Shi Qingluo drank the herbal tea at home, "Do good deeds."

   Bai Xu asked a question mark, "What?"

   Shi Qingluo didn't want to explain to him, "You'll know in a few days."

  Bai Xu was tired, "Okay, I'll wait to see what you have to do."

   "Would you like to sell me some ice first?"

   Shi Qing rolled his eyes at him, "I don't have the spare time to make ice and sell it to you."

   She pouted again, "Your patience is too bad, just wait a few more days."

  Bai Xu: "..." It's not easy for him to order ice.

   He grinded it for a while, but Shi Qingluo didn't let go, only gave up.

   After the little four came back in the carriage, there was no way to leave.

When    went out, he suddenly thought of a question, "This matter is going to be spread, the Wu family should not let this benefit go, you guys be careful."

   He couldn't get the recipe, and he didn't want the Wu family to get it.

   Shi Qing hooked his lips, "Got it!"

   If the Wu family took the initiative to seek abuse, she wouldn't mind fulfilling them.

   After Bai Xu left, Xiao Hanzheng smiled at Shi Qingluo and asked, "Aren't you going to sell this recipe?"

   Shi Qing nodded, "Well, I'm not going to sell it."

   "We recently bought a mountain to buy land, and we have to open a workshop too much to distract our attention. Earning a good reputation first is more important than money."

   In order to live in style in this ancient times, you have to take one step and see ten steps.

  Money is a number to her, making money is just to enjoy a better quality of life.

  She wants to do something more when her life is guaranteed.

   Xiao Hanzheng guessed what she was going to do when she heard it.

   He chuckled and said, "I trust you."

   The corners of Shi Qingluo's lips rose, "Must!"

  After dinner, Shi Qingluo and Xiao Hanzheng went out for a walk to digest their food.

   As soon as he walked to the door, he saw the fourth child hurried over.

   He walked up to the two of them and asked with a smile, "Are you going out?"

   Shi Qingluo nodded, "Yes, so you don't have to disturb us."

  Shi's fourth child: "..." Can the dead girl talk, she chokes like that every time.

   He emphasized, "I have something important to discuss with you."

   Shi Qingluo raised his eyebrows, "If you want to talk about how to make ice, then I'll tell you now, no."

   Shi's fourth child didn't expect the dead girl to be so smart, and guessed his purpose as soon as they met.

   How could it not, Mr. Li saw it with his own eyes.

   He persuaded: "It's not much use for you to hold this recipe now, why don't you sell it to the Wu family, they can offer a high price."

   Shi Qingluo shook his head, "I won't sell it at any higher price."

   "Why can't you live with the money?" Shi Lao Si was speechless, but he quickly took it and sold it.

   Shi Qingluo said: "This is nothing to worry about, a good dog will not stand in the way."

   Don't delay her walk with Xiao Xianggong.

  When the fourth was so angry that his face was blue, "You, you are really insulting Sven."

  Shi Qingluo rolled his eyes, "You're not insulting the gentleman. On the surface, you are a gentleman and a scholar, but you secretly want to sell your niece to be buried with you. In the words of your old lady, you are a black heart."

   Shi's fourth child: "..." This mouth of the dead girl is really annoying.

   (end of this chapter)

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