Chapter 95 True Fragrance

   Xiao Hanzheng was also happy that Mo Qingling praised his little daughter-in-law.

   "My wife often has some fantastic ideas, I think it's good."

  Mo Qingling nodded, "It's really good."

   He added: "The recipe for making ice is presented, and the reward will go to the county in a few days."

   Now the palace is making ice every day to cool off the heat, and many people in the capital also buy saltpeter to make ice.

   He also heard that many restaurants in the capital already use ice to make iced drinks, and iced mung bean soup and sour plum soup are very popular.

  There are also herbal tea and popsicles from Shiqing Luojiao, which also spread to the capital, and there are often hawkers selling popsicles on the streets.

   Then he changed his words, "The reward is gold."

   Xiao Hanzheng was not surprised at all.

   He said with a smile: "We first came up with the ice-making recipe, and we didn't even think about what we wanted. There are rewards and awards. Even gold is a surprise, and we are very satisfied."

  Mo Qingling looked at him, "Aren't you a little disappointed?"

  Many people offered recipes, but they all thought of wanting the emperor's lavish awards.

   Xiao Hanzheng did not change his face, and said calmly: "Why are you disappointed? I think the reward is just right."

   He added bluntly, "The reward is too high, I can't even bear it as a scholar."

   A high-ranking official? It's just a recipe for making ice, how is that possible?

   Their purpose is just to register a number with the emperor. Even if they forget it, the emperor will remember that you are the Xiao Hanzheng who offered the method of ice making!

This is enough.

   He is only a scholar now, and he doesn't have a big family background. If the emperor rewards too much, it will not be good.

   Mo Qingling looked at Xiao Hanzheng with a little more appreciation, "You are very smart."

   At this age, it is rare to be able to maintain such calmness and rationality.

   Xiao Hanzheng smiled, "Thank you for your praise!"

  Mo Qingling was very busy, so Xiao Hanzheng didn't bother any more and went to the open space in front of the county office.

   At this time, the little daughter-in-law, Xiao Xiaomei, and Erlang have already sent out a lot of mosquito coils.

   After all, it is delivered for free, or it is delivered at the county government office. Everyone has the attitude of not wanting it for nothing.

   After hearing about it, some people even ran over to pick it up.

   As for getting it, I don’t need to say it tonight.

   Xiao Hanzheng went to teach people how to make ice.

  Because of the publicity of the ice-making recipe, many people in the county have benefited or made money, so they are very polite to their husbands and wives.

   went home in the afternoon, and after shopping, passing by the Bai family's house, Shi Qingluo also took a few bundles of mosquito coils and asked the servant to send them to Bai Xu.

   In the county seat that night, many people lit the mosquito coils they sent.

   But I didn’t take it seriously in my heart. I was afraid that it would not be so magical, and I would have no incense mosquitoes.

  Bai Family, Bai Xu didn't have much doubts after getting the mosquito coil.

   After all, he already knew a lot about Shi Qingluo, so she wouldn't do anything unsure.

   So he sent the mosquito coils to his grandparents and parents.

   His mother looked at the mosquito-repellent incense, which was not exquisite, and was a little suspicious, "This thing can repel mosquitoes, is it true or false?"

   smelled it, "It doesn't smell as good as the incense I ordered in my room."

   Bai Xu smiled and said, "Mother, this is meant to repel mosquitoes. How can the smell compare to the incense in your house."

   "As long as it's useful."

   Mrs. Bai thought about it, "Okay, let's try it tonight."

   Her son is filial, and she is still happy.

   Soon, those who doubted the use of mosquito coils the next day were really fragrant.

   "Did you order the mosquito coils last night? It's really useful."

   "I didn't order it, I forgot, is it really useful?"

   "It's useful. I didn't hear a mosquito call last night, and I didn't get bitten my bag in the morning."

   "Yes, my children are most at risk of mosquito bites. They used to have bags on their faces and hands when they woke up every day. I lit mosquito coils last night, but they are gone today."

   "Where is this mosquito coil sold? I'm going to buy some."

   "It doesn't seem like the county seat has it, only that Xiaxi Village has it."

   "I'm going to buy some. It was rare that there were no mosquitoes last night, so I slept well."

   has been passed on from ten to ten, and the effect of mosquito coils has spread.

  The shrewd businessmen and hawkers also drove horse-drawn carts and ox carts towards Xiaxi Village.

  The White House.

   Bai Xu went to have dinner with his grandmother and mother.

  The old lady Bai smiled and said, "The mosquito coils you gave yesterday are really good. I'll send some more."

  There used to be mosquitoes at night, and they were all smoked with wormwood, and the maids helped her chase them away in the middle of the night, but they all interfered with sleep.

   But after I lit the mosquito coils last night, I didn't need a maid, and I had a good night's sleep.

   Mrs. Bai also smiled and said, "Give me some here too. This mosquito coil looks different, but it's really useful."

  Bai Xu also used it last night, and the effect is really good.

   He smiled and said, "No problem, I'll go buy some more today."

   He also saw the business opportunities and was going to ask Shi Qingluo to talk about cooperation.

   After he finished eating, he rode a horse-drawn carriage to Xiaxi Village, and found a lot of horse-drawn carriages and bullock carts parked in front of the Xiaojia Sugar Factory.

   I found out after asking that these people are all here to line up to buy mosquito coils.

   Bai Xu asked again, only to hear that Shi Qingluo issued free mosquito coils yesterday.

   He was stunned for a while, but he quickly figured out how it was advertised.

   He walked in the door, and the people in line in front told him not to cut the line.

   Bai Xu was speechless, "I'm not here to cut the queue, or I'm here to visit friends."

   "Hanzheng, Hanzheng!" Then he saw Xiao Hanzheng standing not far away, shouted a few times on purpose, and squeezed in.

  When everyone saw him like this, they thought he was a visiting friend, so they didn't stop him any more.

   Bai Xu walked quickly to Xiao Hanzheng, "Where is Shi Qingluo?"

   Xiao Hanzheng replied with a smile: "She is arranging shipments inside, you are also here for mosquito coils?"

   Bai Xu whispered, "That's for sure."

   "Take me to talk to your wife."

   Xiao Hanzheng handed over the matter at hand to others, and took Bai Xu into a room.

   Shi Qingluo is busy arranging for people to ship according to the serial number lined up outside.

   When she saw Bai Xu come in, she said first, "Do you want to buy mosquito coils? Then you don't need to speak, no."

  Bai Xu: "..."

   He said speechlessly: "You just give it to me, why bother."

   Shi Qing rolled his eyes at him, "I'm going to give you a round package directly, and why don't I go to the county seat to issue mosquito coils for free?"

   "Don't want to wrap everything around, you also leave some meat for others to eat and drink some soup."

  Bai Xu was puzzled, "It's easier to wrap things up directly, so why be so busy?"

   Shi Qingluo replied: "I'm just a diligent person who can't be idle, I'm happy."

  Bai Xu: "..." I believe in you.

   "Come on, tell me why." This woman likes to save trouble many times, and is definitely not someone who is busy and troublesome just to find something to do.

   Shi Qingluo finished arranging the list in hand.

   Then I sat down next to Xiao Hanzheng, "Okay, I just want to bring more people to our village and turn our village into a distribution and trading place in the future."

   The last chapter has not been written yet, about forty minutes~



   (end of this chapter)

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