His hot hands tightly bound her waist, and she looked even more curvy and enchanting in her fishtail dress.

Nanhuang was a little suffocated and gasped after pushing him away.

The man pushed her into his arms with a low voice. "I really regret it."

Nanhuang smiled slightly: "Do you regret holding this competition?"

The man remained silent.

Nanhuang raised his head, stretched out his hand, touched his head tenderly, and coaxed softly: "Feng'er, be good, don't be angry anymore. Huh?"

Holding her soft and fragrant as jade, Rong Wuye felt his heart beating heavily. He hugged her tightly again and murmured: "Why do I like you so much?"

How should she answer this question? Nanhuang could only laugh lowly.

The man picked her up, but as soon as he picked her up, he heard a knock on the door: "Is there anyone there? Why is the door locked?"

Nanhuang smiled and glanced at the door at Rong Wuye. Rongwuye glared at the door with deep eyes and displeasure, then twisted the lock and ran away with Nanhuang.

The person outside opened the door and said, "Didn't you say you locked the door? It wasn't locked."

"Eh? What's going on?"

Rong Wuye pulled Nanhuang all the way to a lounge. Just as he stopped, Nanhuang panted and looked outside, and suddenly laughed again.

"Fifth Master, what we are doing is just like having an affair."

When the man heard this, he turned to look at her, looking at her joyful expression on her face. He seemed to be moved, but also seemed a little insecure.

He hugged her neck again and kissed her, saying domineeringly: "Say, say you love me."

Nanhuang looked up at him blankly.

His eyes were full of eagerness, it was very hot outside, and the fans online were enthusiastic. Every moment made him lose his sense of security.

Nanhuang smiled crookedly. She stood on tiptoes and patted his head again: "I love you."

"Huh? The voice is too low, I can't hear it."

Even though she knew he did it on purpose, Nanhuang was not angry, so she leaned close to his ear and shouted loudly. "I love you!"

"Geez, you're going to deafen my ears, aren't you?"

As he said that, he put his hands around her waist, picked her up and put her on the table, and kissed her forcefully regardless of his dominance.

He crazily absorbed her softness and warmth, and she responded to his demands inch by inch.

Rong Wuye held her firmly, put his lips close to her ear, and said, "Little thing, never leave me. Otherwise, I don't know what excessive things I will do. Huh?"

Nanhuang chuckled: "Yes, I understand."

At this moment, someone turned the doorknob outside the lounge door and said, "Hey, why can't the lounge door be opened?"

Nanhuang and Rong Wuye looked at each other and burst into laughter.

The door of the lounge opened, and Nanhuang and Rong Wuye were sitting inside. Nanhuang was playing with his mobile phone with a comfortable look on his face. Rong Wuye was fully armed and could not be recognized by outsiders.

Nanhuang watched the live broadcast, chatting and laughing with Rong Wuye. After the staff came in to get things, they left the lounge. When Rong Wuye saw people leaving, he strode forward and closed the door of the lounge.

Nanhuang looked up at him, only to see him take out the mobile phone in her hand and put it aside, take off his mask, and kiss her again condescendingly!

Damn it, no matter how I kiss you, it’s not enough, no matter how I hug you, it’s not enough! !

After kissing her lipstick off, Rong Wuye held her in his arms.

The hustle and bustle outside was still there, but the man at this time had countless things to say.

The man's eyes were deep, and his strong arms held the soft woman in his arms, as if he was afraid that she would run away, and he held her very tightly.

"Nanhuang, I told you. Before you, except for my own blood relatives, I didn't even like a dog."

"Yeah." Nanhuang responded softly.

"Can I smoke?" Rong Wuye asked softly.


The man held his girl in one hand, struck a match with the other, and lit the cigarette.

He said slowly: "I took you to meet my mother before. In fact, besides my mother, I also have a younger sister."

Realizing that he was about to tell her something important, Nanhuang curled up in his arms and hugged his strong waist tightly.

"Actually, my real name is not Rong Feng." He blew out a smoke ring, "My mother's surname is Yun, and her name is Yun Shu. When I was young, I was deceived by a man named Rong, and that's how my sister and I came to be. Mother knew that Rong had failed her, so why would she give us the surname Rong?"

"Before I met you, my name was Yunkang. My sister... was called Yunshou." Rong Feng smiled bitterly, "My mother gave us this name because she hoped that I would be healthy and free from cold syndrome. She also hoped that my sister would live long. Live past the age of 18 and live a long life.”

After speaking, he blew out a smoke ring and asked Nanhuang: "Isn't the name a bit rustic?"

Listening to him talk about her past, Nanhuang felt lucky. She was lucky to have Rong Feng's trust.

She lowered her head and shook her head: "It's actually quite down-to-earth and sounds pretty good."

Rong Feng pinched her fingers and smiled bitterly: "Our Yun family has been cursed. Any descendant of the Yun family who has received the curse will give birth to a pair of twins. When the child is born, You have to make a choice. Which one will live and be sentenced for life, and which one will die at the age of 18."

The man's hand holding the cigarette couldn't help but tremble slightly.

"My mother died when I was very young. When I was a child, I often thought, it's so cold, it's so cold every night, but it doesn't freeze me to death. This world is so cold, everyone They all fear me, hate me, seem to have no place for me, and no one seems to need me.”

"Until I met you." The man smiled slightly, "The Nan family's happiness for one year was better than all the happiness I had for more than twenty years. Until... the Rong family found me. They threatened me... saying that they Found my sister. Ha."

As he said that, the man raised a smile and said, "They don't know that the one they found is not my sister. My sister is still in a corner of this world, spending her beautiful 18-year-old life. Thinking of this, I just feel very happy.”

The man took another puff of cigarette: "I stayed at the Rong family to prevent them from noticing something was wrong, and to prevent them from looking for my sister who I have never met. Yunshou can only live past 18 years old. I hope she is 18 years old." I was happy before."

A bloody and lonely past. Everything was the real him that he didn't want her to know and was afraid that she would know.

"Nanhuang, the frost on my body every night is not a disease, but a curse. It cannot be cured."

He was so miserable, but he still selfishly thought——

"I'm not good. No one cares about me. No one loves me. I have nothing. But you can't. You must care about me and love me! It doesn't matter if the whole world leaves me. .You can’t, you can’t leave me!”

The man hugged her tightly and said, "Otherwise, I will go crazy. Just like...just like my mother..."

The girl was hugged by him and looked at the ceiling.

Like her, he struggled to live in this world for the only distant relatives he had. "I won't leave you, I swear."

The man leaned against her for a long time. It wasn't until the staff knocked on the door to urge her to go out to compete that Nanhuang realized that he had fallen asleep against her.

After dialing Yang Bo's number, Yang Bo hurried over and saw Rong Wuye sleeping on the sofa, with his head on Nan Huang's legs.

After Nanhuang saw Yang Bo, he lowered his head and touched the man's temples, and gently put Master Rong Wu down from his lap.

She walked to Yang Bo's side very gently and said: "Take good care of him."

Yang Bo tilted his head and watched Nanhuang pass by him.

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