After the divorce, I was haunted by the sickly fifth master

Chapter 199 Childhood related to my brother

Nanhuang was the first to arrive, and not long after, Mo Shatian and his group also arrived.

Mrs. Mo looked at the "Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains Crusade" in amazement and said: "I never knew that our Mo family still had such a place."

Mo Shatian stepped forward to check with cold eyes.

"This is a door." Nanhuang said, "You can open it with your blood."

"My blood?" Mo Shatian turned to look at her.

At this moment, another voice came from behind several people: "It's useless."

Everyone turned around and saw Mr. Rong Wu in a suit walking over with a group of people.

He was reserved and noble, with a polite appearance and unrestrained eyes. He stared at Nanhuang with his cold eyes, and then pretended not to be familiar with him and said, "Master Huangtian, long time no see."

Nanhuang was surprised as to why Master Rong Wu was here, so he heard Mo Shatian say: "Master Rong Wu, you are indeed here too."

"What, you guessed that I'm here?" Rong Wuye smiled slightly, his eyes arrogant.

"How is it possible that there are so many people in this world who are proficient in the Mo family's institutions, and they are both members of the two groups at the same time?" Mo Shatian pushed up his glasses and smiled like a gentle scum, "No matter what, there should be a group of people who belong to Master Rong. .”

Rong Wuye smiled softly and said: "Excellence."

Mo Shatian asked: "You just said it was useless. What did you mean?"

Rong Wuye took a few steps forward and walked to Nanhuang without leaving a trace. Although it was not particularly close, it was definitely not far away.

"This door has been opened by someone, and the people inside have locked it. It can never be opened from the outside. I believe Mr. Mo knows the power of the Mo family's locks better than I do." Rong Wuye said.

Mo Shatian's eyes were cold. What kind of place is this place? Rong Wuye and the person who went in there actually know this place better than him, the heir apparent of the Mo family.

Mrs. Mo said anxiously: "Then our Xiao Feng'er..."

Yang Bodao: "If these people held Mo Shafeng hostage to open the door, then Mo Shafeng should not be in danger."

Mrs. Mo added: "Then what should we do now? It's not about advancing, nor about retreating."

Rong Wuye said: "Since it is a mechanism, even if it is locked from behind, there should be a solution."

After saying that, he stepped forward to inspect the simple and heavy door again.

Seeing this, Mo Shatian also stepped forward to observe the gate carefully.

The Mohist disciples also came forward and studied together.

Nanhuang took a few steps back, and Mrs. Mo found Nanhuang. She said anxiously: "Master Huangtian, will my little son be okay?"

Nanhuang whispered: "Probably not. Madam, don't worry."

"But I'm really worried about my little boy."

Nanhuang sighed and said, "Don't worry, I will try my best to save Mo Shafeng."

Mrs. Mo's eyes lit up, she held her hand and said, "Thank you so much!"

After checking for about an hour, a disciple of the Mo family accidentally pressed a spherical mechanism and shouted: "Master, the mural is on!"

Everyone quickly took two steps back and raised their heads to look at the mural.

Is this...unsolved?

The door slowly cracked open, and suddenly a dazzling light came out from inside the door. Just as everyone was covering their eyes to avoid the light, a chain suddenly shot at Nanhuang from the inside.

Nanhuang, who was avoiding the light, couldn't avoid it, and was immediately pulled into the door by the chain.


The door closed majestically.

There were several people outside the door. Mo Shatian checked around and found that the Great God Huangtian was missing, and said: "The Great God Huangtian has been captured."

He looked sideways at Rong Wuye, and saw that Rong Wuye was dressed in a terrifying manner, with murderous intent in his cold eyes.

There are seven people in this sealed room at the moment.

A young man tied to a pillar nearby was Mo Shafeng.

He stared at the young man wearing a mask and baseball cap in front of him with a pair of burning eyes.

On the other side, there were several athletic men standing idle.

In the middle, there is a coffee table. On both sides of the coffee table, Nanhuang is wearing a mask and a baseball cap. On the other side was a man wearing a mask and a baseball cap just like her. Next to the man stood another man who was 1.9cm tall and had a scar on his ear, but it couldn't hide his handsome face.

The man with the ear scar bowed slightly, handed a blue toy in his hand to the man wearing a mask and baseball cap and said, "Master."

The man took the toy and placed it on the table. He raised his head and arched his eyebrows: "Great God Huangtian, being famous is not as good as meeting him."

Nanhuang tried the chains on his body and said, "Master, who are you? Why did you bring me here?"

The man looked at her chains and waved his black-gloved hand. "Still not letting go?"

"Yes. Master."

The man with the scar on his ear carefully loosened the chains on Nanhuang's body, and then stood back beside the man.

Nanhuang asked again: "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

I thought the other party wouldn't say anything, but I didn't expect the man opposite to speak. His tone was very friendly: "Looking for an answer. It's a pity that someone took it away first."


The man shook the book in his hand. One of the pages of the book has been torn apart. He pushed the book in front of Nanhuang.

Nanhuang opened the book and read it. It was a book related to anecdotes and miscellaneous knowledge. She flipped through it and came across the word "divine eye". Then she quickly turned to the next page and found that it had been torn out.


Divine Eye?

Did the group of people in front of me come here for Rong Feng’s divine eyes?

She quickly closed the book and asked, "Why did you specially bring me in?"

The man sat elegantly opposite her, wearing a mask and baseball cap like her, and he was as calm and collected as she was.

"I want to see you." The man said bluntly.

Nanhuang was slightly shocked.

"I still want to play a game with you." The man said.

The man pushed out the shark tooth toy, looked at her with bright eyes, and said with a smile: "Would you like to play with the finger biting toy?"

Finger biting toys, that is, shark tooth toys in front of you. Most teeth are safe, but if the trap tooth is pressed, the shark's mouth will close and bite the person's finger.

Silicone toys are irritating but not dangerous. In fact, Nanhuang often played with this toy when he was a child.

Nanhuang was silent, looking at this toy, she couldn't help but think back to her childhood.

The whole family of four is here, and my mother and the cook at home are setting up the kitchen. Her father was busy running the Nan Group while on the phone. Her brother was ten years older than her. She liked to stick to her brother and always pestered him to take her to play.

At that time, her brother Nanlin always played with her with shark tooth toys, and said seriously: "Girls also need to practice their courage. My sister cannot be so timid."

Then when she was young, she would always cry and look for her mother because she was bitten by a shark on her finger.

Looking back, those happy and warm days made her want to cry.

The man saw that she lowered her eyes slightly and didn't speak for a long time, so he smiled and said: "Master Huangtian, in order to make this game more fun, why don't we increase the bet."

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