In the past few days, Nanhuang drove the wild python to the garbage dump, carefully checked the accounts with Xu Qun several times, and held several meetings. Then I went to the pharmaceutical factory. I also had a serious discussion with Dongxiang about the future development of the pharmaceutical factory, and left Dongxiang several Chinese medicine formulas for the researchers of the pharmaceutical factory to study.

Later, Nanhuang went to Xie's house, reviewed Xie Yudang's legs and feet, and adjusted the prescription. He also checked Xie Tang's pulse again and prescribed medicine.

There are more and more people in the Xie family, and everything is peaceful. I believe that once the Xicheng Water Conservancy Project takes over, the Xie family will be able to completely transform and take off.

Nanhuang had dinner at Xie's house and then visited her three younger brothers who were studying in the study. She corrected their homework one by one, and then told them to grow up quickly and protect their mother.

Finally, she went to Song's house, saw Song Yan, and adjusted Song Yan's prescription.

After all this was done, she went to Master Rong Wu's company. She did nothing else but watch him work.

One day, another day, another day.

She looked at him and thought slightly disappointed:

She seemed like she couldn't wait for him to propose to her.


Rong Wuye raised his head and looked at her with a smile: "Little one, are you tired of watching?"

Nanhuang shook his head: "Can you spare a day tomorrow to spend some time with me?"

She looked at him with a smile and said, "I want to date."

The man walked up to her step by step, lifted her chin, and kissed her gently. "sure."

One is Nanhuang, a well-educated daughter of a wealthy family. One is the great chaebol of country Z and the powerful king of the imperial city, Rong Wuye.

Two people of considerable status, at this moment, were having fun in Disney just like ordinary couples outside.

There were so many people in the amusement park, probably because he was afraid that people would get lost, so Rong Wuye held Nanhuang's hand very tightly.

This was probably the first time Rong Wuye, who was in his twenties, came to a place like an amusement park. After looking around, he looked at the roller coaster and his eyes stayed for a while.

Nanhuang saw that he probably wanted to play. She looked up and looked at the safety guardrails. The safety ropes were a little bit heavy on her stomach. She also looked at the safety notice and saw the four words "pregnant women prohibited". After saying that, he pulled Rong Wuye and said, "I'm a little afraid of that one. We don't want to play that one. I want to sit in that one."

Nanhuang pointed and Rong Wuye saw the Ferris wheel.

"Want to ride the Ferris wheel?"

Nanhuang smiled and nodded.

The man tickled her nose lovingly: "Let's go."

The man and the woman got on the Ferris wheel together. The Ferris wheel didn't seem to be very solid and made a creaking sound.

Nanhuang felt a little insecure, so she grabbed the guardrail of the Ferris wheel.

Rong Wuye looked at her and smiled: "Would you like to sit here with me?"

Nanhuang shook his head: "You will lose your balance."


"Will do."


Nanhuang pursed her lips and looked outside the window.

The man suddenly stood up and sat directly next to her.

The Ferris wheel creaked and swayed again, Nanhuang's face turned slightly pale with fright, and the man grabbed her waist and held her in his arms.

"A woman who is not afraid of a bullet to her head is actually afraid of roller coasters and Ferris wheels?" Mr. Wu teased her.

"That's different." Nanhuang said, "I can control the situation even if a bullet is stuck in my head, but I can't control the roller coaster and the Ferris wheel."

Rong Wuye couldn't help but laugh.

He really likes her. Whenever he sees her, he wants to laugh. She can make all his worries disappear by just saying a few words.

"Don't be afraid, I'm with you. If you get really out of control, I'll be your butt."

Nanhuang raised her head and looked at him blankly, and he carefully smoothed her hair.



Nanhuang plucked up the courage. She stood up on the Ferris wheel and turned slightly. She half-knelt on his lap with one foot and rested her other foot. Her hands hooked his neck, her soft body slightly Leaning forward, she kissed his lips.

I really hope that the time now can stay forever.

I really hope I can spend more time with him and be with him more.

Rong Feng doesn't want her child. Her mother didn't want her child either. In the entire West City, no one wanted her to give birth to this child.

But she wanted them. As a mother, she cannot give up the lives of her children without trying hard enough.

She could only choose to leave.

No matter the hardships or ups and downs, she faces them alone.

When the dust settles, she will be back.

I hope that when she comes back, he will still be waiting for her.

If you're not doesn't matter.

She knew that she had loved before, and she would not regret her current decision.

She was just worried that after she left, he would suffer from colds and would have difficulty sleeping.

He hoped that the healing hot springs in the vineyard would be useful to him, that they could replace him, relieve the cold, and allow him to sleep well.

With his lips parted, Nanhuang looked at the eyes that were looking at him brightly.

Since when did she get used to him and she could no longer live without him in her sight.

Since when, these eyes that were originally cold, now learned to smile at her.

Nanhuang's eyes were slightly moist.

Rong Wuye's originally smiling eyes suddenly became tense. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"It's okay." Nanhuang said with a smile, "This is my first time on such a date, so I'm a little excited."

Rong Wuye smiled softly and said: "If you like it, I will bring you here often in the future."

Nanhuang smiled softly.

Rong Wuye took her to play the Ferris wheel three times, the Snow White House, Winnie the Pooh, and the Frozen show...

She laughed heartily, shared food and cake with him, and sprayed him with bubble water.


Standing in the fairy tale kingdom, Nanhuang looked at his CEO.

The CEO walked towards her with a smile on his long legs.

"In the future, I will build you a big castle. Then I will lock you in the castle!" Nanhuang opened his arms to embrace his future. "In the castle, there are you, me, and little white flowers!" And them! of two children.

"You only belong to me, you don't belong to anyone else!"

The CEO hugged her waist and looked down at her with a smile. "It's yours now. It's a good idea. Wherever you want to build the castle, let people build it now."

Nanhuang couldn't help but smile. She stood on tiptoes, hugged his neck, and kissed him.

At night, Rong Wuye had fallen into a deep sleep.

Nanhuang gently put out the incense, walked a few steps, and picked up the little white tiger who had fallen asleep on the carpet.

"Little flower." The little white tiger slept so deeply that the fifth master couldn't sleep. It snarled twice in a daze and licked her hand.

She hugged it tightly, feeling sour in her heart, and choked slightly: "After I leave, you have to take the place of mother and take good care of father."

"He's not in good health. He gets cold every night. He loses his temper when he doesn't sleep well. He doesn't do it on purpose. You have to let him go."

"Mom is leaving. You have to be good and grow into a majestic tiger that even mom is afraid of. Protect dad."

The little white tiger didn't understand what happened, but it felt Nanhuang's emotions. It licked Nanhuang's hand and wanted to lick her face.

Nanhuang put it down, and she finally stepped forward and kissed Rong Wuye's warm lips. "Feng, wait for me to come back."

Not daring to look any further, she stood up resolutely and strode away from the vineyard.

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