The motorcycle stopped outside the chemical factory. Nanhuang, who was wearing tight jeans, stepped back with her slender straight legs, got off the motorcycle and took off the helmet, with her long black hair flowing behind her.

Along the way, she had already understood everything.

Ye Guangda's Ye's Shoes Company owed its employees huge wages for a year. During this period, the employees rioted three times, and this time it reached its peak.

It was also the accumulation of employee disappointments that led to this kidnapping incident.

The employee is the injured party.

So she can't deal with them as bad people.

After making decisions along the way, Nanhuang finally chose to negotiate with employees head-on.

Several men in the factory reached the second floor and looked at the people coming through binoculars.

"Why did someone come here?" Someone asked in a panic, "We did it so secretly, why did someone come here?"

"Why are you panicking?"

The man in red clothes dragged Xie Yu to the window, pointed at Nanhuang and said, "Mrs. Ye, look, do you recognize this woman below?"

Ye Nanhuang? ! !

Xie Yu's pupils suddenly enlarged. He was in disbelief for a moment, and then struggled fiercely.

She stuffed the ball of cloth into her mouth and struggled to push it out. With red eyes, she shouted at Nanhuang outside with all her strength, "Let's go! What does it have to do with you? What are you doing here? Let's go!"

The man pushed her: "Shut up!"

"Quickly shut her mouth!"

Xie Yu's voice made Nanhuang find her direction in an instant, and her sharp gaze locked on several people.

Seeing that Xie Yu couldn't calm down, the man in red took out his pistol, raised it, and dug it in!

Several gunshots were fired. Xie Yu was frightened. She stumbled and looked at the window. Her eyes were red and she looked like she was about to cry.

"I found out, this woman is Ye Guangda's daughter!" A person came up with a mobile phone.

"Tsk, I didn't expect that Ye Guangda didn't come, but your daughter did. It's really filial." He looked at Nanhuang, "We like filial children the most. Just in time, now we not only have Ye Guangda's My wife, you can still have his child as a hostage, and you are still afraid that he won’t give you money?”

Nanhuang, who was outside the factory, stared at the location of the gunshot, took a deep breath, and said loudly: "Don't shoot, I am Ye Nanhuang, Ye Guangda's daughter. I am here to give you money. I guarantee that the money will be in place today. All I ask is Don’t hurt my mother.”

Several migrant workers secretly looked at Nanhuang, listened to all her words, and started discussing.

One of the migrant workers said: "This Ye Nanhuang seems to be here alone."

"Does she have any tricks up her sleeve?"

"Don't be afraid, we have her mother as a hostage."

"But she didn't have any cash with her."

"In this case, let's ask her first and negotiate."


The man in red clothes found a trumpet from the rag bag on the side. This was the trumpet commonly used by the factory director at the construction site. "Ms. Ye, you don't have any cash with you. We don't believe you!"

Nanhuang continued to shout: "Cash withdrawals take time. I have informed my assistant to go to the bank to exchange cash. He should be on his way to deliver cash now! I have no ill intentions towards you!"

As she said that, she raised her hands and turned around, shouting: "As long as you let my mother go, we can talk about anything. Again, don't hurt my mother!"

Xie Yu felt like she was about to collapse. She had not shed a single tear along the way, but now her eyes were red from crying. She twisted her body close to the window, wanting Nanhuang to leave here quickly.

Nanhuang continued: "I know that everyone is a victim. This matter is not your problem."

"Of course that's not our problem!" the man in red shouted.

Nanhuang said: "This is the fault of Ye's Shoes! So I am here to make up for the mistake. I will not lose a penny of the money that should be paid. I, Ye Nanhuang, will give you all the liquidated damages and late payment fees that should be paid. We are done. After the transaction, I will not hold you accountable, and I will not tell anyone about this matter, so you will be safe. However, the premise of all this is that you do not hurt my mother."

The migrant workers were silent for a moment.

Nanhuang continued: "I know that you are all kind-hearted people, and you all make money with your hands. You will never hurt others."

The migrant workers were silent for a long time. After looking at each other, they discussed among themselves in low voices.

"She's right. We just want money, and we don't really want to hurt this woman."

"Yes, if you hurt someone, you will be subject to a lawsuit. I have an elder and a younger one. I can avoid the lawsuit or I don't want to."

"It would be best if you can get the money without going to court."

"But we have actually kidnapped and are already criminals. How can we guarantee that what Miss Ye said is not a lie?"

The man in red clothes said: "Let me ask."

At this point, the man in red clothes picked up the loudspeaker and asked: "How can we be sure that you are not lying?"

The purpose of migrant workers is money.

One year's salary arrears has had a huge impact on their lives. They were forced to make this decision. In the final analysis, they were all forced by Ye Guangda.

Nanhuang promised that as long as they gave him money, they would make Xie Yu safe. She refused to prosecute and suppressed the matter completely.

This is the best outcome for both parties.

Nanhuang continued to persuade: "I know you are desperate now, so you did such a thing. I have a signed agreement in my hand. The agreement is clearly written. As long as you don't hurt others, I will represent you." Ye’s Shoes will not hold you accountable!”

Nanhuang continued to persuade: "I can replace my mother as your hostage, and there will be no loss to you!"

Several migrant workers looked relaxed.

"Promise her."

"Yes, promise her."

"I don't want a lawsuit."

"Being able to get money without having to go to court is the best outcome."

"I don't want to either. My daughter is still waiting for me at home. I don't want her to have a father who is in jail."

The man in red clothes was heartbroken. "Okay, let's do it!"

The migrant worker in red said: "Okay, Miss Ye, if you are filial, you can come in and replace your mother. When the person you mentioned brings the cash, we will let you go. We just want what we should have, We do not seek human life and do not harm others.”


Nanhuang raised her hands, turned around again, and once again indicated that she did not have any sharp weapons on her body, she walked into the factory.

After entering the factory, Nanhuang looked left and right to recognize the terrain and environment of the factory.

She found these people, and in order to replace Xie Yu, she gave up her resistance and struggle and let these people tie her hands and feet.

Xie Yu's eyes were swollen from crying.

Nanhuang looked at Xie Yu and comforted him: "Mom, Uncle Qun has sent the money. Don't worry, it'll be fine."

Xie Yu shook his head desperately.

Nanhuang was tied tightly, and she looked at the man in red clothes. "I've already come in. Please keep your word and send my mother out. She is old, in poor health and can't stand the stimulation."

The man in black clothes planned to send Xie Yu out.

In a dark corner, a gloomy, short man stood up.

When the migrant workers were relaxing, he stepped forward with a sullen face, and suddenly held a knife directly to Xie Yu's neck.

"Mom!" Nanhuang stood up in shock.

We have come to this point, why is this little man still holding Xie Yu hostage at this time?

"Miss Ye, Mrs. Ye. I have admired you for a long time."

"Who are you?" Nanhuang asked calmly with a dark face.

"Me? I'm Ding Shi."

"Ding Shi?"

The man held Xie Yu hostage and took two steps back. "Miss Ye just said innocent? Ha. Who in your family is innocent?"

The more the man spoke, the more excited he became: "Let her go? Are you kidding me about letting Ye Guangda's wife go? You let Ye Guangda's wife go, who let my Ding Shi's wife go?!"

"Ding Shi!" Several men rushed towards Ding Shi. But seeing that he kidnapped Xie Yu, they didn't dare to move, "What's wrong with you? Calm down."

"Should I calm down? Are you stupid? With a wife of Ye Guangda and a daughter of Ye Guangda, wouldn't it be a sure bet to get five million like this? You actually want to let one of them go?!"

Nanhuang looked at him with a dark face: "You want to talk but you don't mean it?"

Ding Shi's eyes were filled with fierceness.

"The one who talks first is not us, but Ye Guangda! Even if you two, mother and daughter, die, you can't blame us. You can only blame your husband and your father, Ye Guangda!"

Nanhuang stared at this man, and she felt something was wrong.

This man didn't seem to want money, he seemed to want them dead!

But why?

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