However, in this flash of lightning. Nanhuang's momentum suddenly changed!

She moved, but the man didn't see how she moved. She suddenly dodged behind the man, her eyes were terrifyingly gloomy, and she snatched the gun from the man's hand.

Her hands were clearly still tied behind her back, but her left hand was very twisted, as if she had cruelly broken it herself.

She raised the gun with her right hand and fired accurately in all directions!

Bai Meng and a dozen people behind her reacted and quickly found a bunker. While they were looking for a bunker, Nanhuang quickly found the bunker with Xiao Jin and Mimi. And quickly untied the ropes from Xiao Jin and Mimi's hands.

Xiao Jin hugged Mimi who was having difficulty breathing: "Mimi!"

Nanhuang said calmly: "Pinch your lips and breathe."

Xiao Jin immediately helped Mimi breathe. He used his strength to untie the hemp rope on Nanhuang's hand.

Nanhuang handed the gun he picked up from the dead man on the ground to Xiao Jin. "Help mom get it."

Nanhuang's left hand was obviously dislocated, so Xiaojin helped her pick up the gun.

Nanhuang's face turned pale, and his forehead was covered with fine sweat.

She knew that at this moment, she could die, but nothing would happen to Mimi and Xiao Jin!

After briefly closing his eyes to adjust his breathing, Nanhuang picked up the only gun in one breath, stood up, raised his right hand straight and fired six bullets towards the opposite side.

After firing the bullets, he immediately came back and quickly threw down the gun. After taking the gun from Xiaojin's hand, he fired three rounds at the back in one go.

Nanhuang's marksmanship is excellent, one shot at a time, fast and steady.

There was blood on the ground, and Bai Meng across from him was so frightened that his legs went weak.

"She has no bullets!" Bai Meng shouted, "Kill her, kill her quickly!"

"Miss Bai."

"Why are you so useless that even one woman and two children can't solve it?!"

The kidnapper leader over there shrank slightly. Is this such a simple thing? This woman, in order to move, dislocated her left hand, endured the severe pain to grab the gun, rushed out of the siege amidst the hail of bullets, and brought the two children to safety.

That woman has definitely practiced and is of excellent quality.

The kidnapper leader looked at his dead brother and felt very bad.

No matter how good this woman is, he still wants to avenge his dead brother.

"Miss Bai, it's too dangerous here, please leave first."


With that said, Bai Meng left from the back door of the warehouse.

Xiao Jin said worriedly: "Mama..."

Nanhuang's left hand was no different than it was useless. During the two gunfights when Nanhuang rushed out, her right thigh had been shot, and blood was flowing out.

She was pale and sweating, but she seemed to feel no pain.

She threw away the gun without bullets and found the iron rod nearby. She struggled to hold the iron rod with her right hand, and her slender left leg supported herself to stand up.

She closed her eyes and listened carefully to the sound of the two men's footsteps.

Xiao Jin hugged Mimi and retreated to a place where Mommy wouldn't be affected.

Mimi was breathing hard, Xiao Jin hugged Mimi and took off one of his contact lenses, revealing one of his dark eyes with red lines.

Nanhuang calculated the position accurately. The moment the man turned around with the gun raised, Nanhuang took the iron rod and knocked the pistol out of his hand. She limped with her right leg, turned around again with her left leg as the fulcrum, and caught the inertia of the gun. With such force, he knocked on the man's forehead with a bang.

However, at this moment, the leader of the kidnappers behind fired another shot at Nanhuang. Nanhuang barely dodged it and was hit in the flesh of his already dislocated left hand, further injuring him.

Without hesitation, she turned around, and with a huge spin, she let go of the iron rod in her hand and smashed it towards the man opposite.

The iron rod hit the man's right shoulder. The man was in pain, and his right hand dropped without strength. Then he raised his left arm.

Seeing this, Nanhuang dragged her right leg that had been shot and took two steps forward before rolling quickly.

Just as she rolled, she touched the gun of another corpse in front of her.

The kidnapper leader's left hand on the opposite side was already aimed at her, and Nanhuang's straight raised right hand was also aimed at the kidnapper leader.

"Woman!!" This is the first time in so many years that the kidnapper leader has suffered such a big loss. More than ten people actually fell on a woman, which was simply unheard of and unseen! "go to hell!!!"

In the nick of time!

He pulled the trigger suddenly, but at this moment, Nanhuang, who said nothing, had already calmly pulled the trigger in his hand.



The bullet aimed at Nanhuang's heart ended up being shot in the wrong direction first.

Nanhuang's left shoulder moved slightly, and the bullet entered under her collarbone.

Nanhuang felt a sharp pain and his vision went dark.

The place was in a mess.

Solved, solved.

She picked up a gun with bullets from the ground, and staggered towards Xiao Jin and Mimi with her lame legs.

Behind the steel pipe, Xiao Jin's eye that had taken off the contact lens was already red, ready to face any possibility. Xiao Jin, who was preparing for the final blow, burst into tears the moment he saw Nan Huang.

Nanhuang had no time to comfort Xiaojin, so she weakly handed him the pistol.

"Mimi, Mimi."

2-year-old Xiao Jin took over the pistol. His uncle taught him how to shoot, but he had never fired a gun.

But Mommy only has one hand, and Mommy can’t hold the gun if she hugs Mimi.

Now Xiao Jin has to protect Ma Ma and Mimi.

Nanhuang held Mimi with one hand. Her left shoulder, left arm, and right leg were covered with blood.

It wasn't that she couldn't feel the pain, but she had to quickly carry Mimi outside to a place with good air circulation.

It can't be delayed any longer, it can't be delayed any longer.

Nanhuang walked step by step, her eyes only focused on the warehouse door and nothing else.

Mimi's life and death, Xiao Jin's life and death, and her own life and death. At this moment, Nanhuang was almost on the verge of reaching its limit.

At this moment, the kidnapper leader raised his head slightly, with a bloodthirsty smile on his face.

He raised his right hand, which had been numbed by Nanhuang's iron rod before and had slowly recovered, and he raised his gun at Nanhuang.

“Woman, go to hell!”

Just then, the door to the warehouse in front opened.

Nanhuang suddenly opened his eyes and saw Mr. Rong Wu rushing in from the warehouse door.

At this moment, there was a bang.

Two-year-old Xiao Jin had two eyes open, one with a contact lens, and the other eye without a contact lens was particularly bloodthirsty.

He held the gun with both hands, and the bang just now came not from the kidnapper leader, but from his hand.

Nanhuang turned around and saw Xiao Jin's cold and brave appearance.

At this moment, she really had no strength left.

She slowly fell down, and she subconsciously let Mimi in her arms fall on top of her.

"Nanhuang!" The man rushed over and caught her.

She was covered in blood, and she looked as if she was about to leave him.

"Rong Feng..." Nanhuang's consciousness gradually returned. Because she saw Rong Feng, the last string suddenly loosened.

She could no longer be strong and her tears fell heavily.

"Leave me alone! Asthma medicine, allergy medicine..."

"Save Mimi!!!"

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