Mo Shafeng drove into the rainforest. Nanhuang lay on the car window and looked outside. Vaguely, the scene in front of him felt familiar.

However, for some reason, she thought of the loneliness of being abandoned by the whole world. She leaned against the car window, feeling a little sad in her heart.

"Miss Ye." Mo Shafeng glanced at her worriedly, "Are you okay? Does your left arm hurt again?"

As he spoke, Mo Shafeng slowed down his driving speed.

"I'm fine." Nanhuang said softly.

Mo Shafeng looked at her back and felt a strong sense of panic that she was about to disappear and was no longer in front of him.

He tried hard to restrain his strange feelings and said: "After entering the jungle, we still need to drive for more than ten hours. You should take a rest first."

Nanhuang looked at the man next to him. This man seemed to have not slept for more than 30 hours. Is it really okay to drive while fatigued?

Nanhuang asked: "Don't you need to rest?"

Mo Shafeng's ears and eyes were clear. He smiled at her and said, "Don't worry, Miss Ye, I'm fine."

The pills provided by the system are very effective and can keep you looking energetic for 72 hours.

Nanhuang was also curious about where his energy and energy came from. Seeing that there was nothing wrong with him, Nanhuang lay down in the passenger seat to take a nap.

Mo Shafeng's car was originally a modified off-road vehicle, so driving it in the jungle was not a big problem.

After driving for more than ten hours, Mo Shafeng and Nanhuang got out of the car several times to solve problems of food and convenience. At the same time, Mo Shafeng and Nanhuang learned about survival in the jungle for a while. Even though Nanhuang himself knew a lot of it, he sounded very interested in it.

Seeing her smiling happily, Mo Shafeng made the drive more enjoyable.

After setting up a bonfire in the jungle and sleeping in the car overnight in sleeping bags, they set off at 5 a.m. the next day. At about 10 a.m., the two finally found the legendary emblem of the Zhu family.

Finding the emblem is equivalent to finding the entrance.

Mo Shafeng's expression became serious, and he whispered to Nanhuang: "Miss Ye, this is a quasi-primitive matriarchal clan society. You have to be careful when you enter."

"Why should I be more careful about matriarchal clans?" As soon as Nanhuang asked, there was movement in the jungle.

Several wooden shuttles shot over, and Nanhuang and Mo Shafeng separated for an instant to avoid. Then many men wearing grass skirts and animal skin skirts appeared in the trees, pointing arrows at Mo Shafeng and Nanhuang.

Nanhuang and Mo Shafeng were on guard with cold weapons.

"Women!" "There are women here!!" Men wearing grass skirts and animal skin skirts shouted loudly in their unique language.

Behind the off-road vehicle speeding through the jungle, Nanlin drove with a cold face.

The fifth master's expression became even colder. He stared at the road in front of him and said, "If Nanhuang agrees to accompany her to Zhu's house, she won't have to follow that boy Mo Shafeng."

"Not taking Nanhuang to Zhu's house was the result of a joint discussion between you and me." Nan Lin said with a dark face, "Now you are blaming me?!"

Fifth Master angrily punched the car door.

Nanlin: "...Don't damage my car."

Yang Bo said: "Okay, okay, fortunately, Mo Shafeng doesn't know that someone here knows the location of the Zhu family. He thought that no one would be able to find them after entering the jungle. But aren't we going to catch up now?"

"Things are not that simple." Fifth Master said.

Nan Lin lit a cigarette: "If the Zhu family was harmless, we would have agreed to take Nan Huang with us."

Yang Bo asked in confusion: "What problems can the Zhu family have?"

Nanlin said slowly: "In the area where the Zhu family is located, I don't know whether it is a food problem or a drinking water problem. The offspring are multiplying and the ratio of men to women is imbalanced."

Yang Bo seemed to be listening to heavenly scriptures: "Is the ratio of men to women unbalanced?"

"Yes, the male to female ratio is ten to one."

Yang Bo: "..." This ratio is a bit scary.

Nanlin said: "In addition, it is a matriarchal society. Usually it is no problem for a woman to have five to ten husbands."

Yang Bo hesitated: "This is really an... unimaginable social model. Don't you mean that they are not completely complacent? Just like when they saved you, they will also go out into the outside world? Then why not just Get a few women from outside society...Of course this is inappropriate, why not solve such a serious problem of imbalance between men and women?"

Nanlin gave Yang Bo a cold look as if he was mentally retarded and said, "Am I not clear? The Zhu family is a matrilineal clan. Women don't agree that men can do such things? Unless you decide to betray the Zhu family and start your own family. But the Zhu family Resources are plentiful, life is actually pretty good, and most men are unwilling to defect.”

Yang Bo looked at Nanlin curiously and asked, "What did your mother like about your father that made her betray the Zhu family? For a woman, her status in the Zhu family is high and she can have so many husbands."

Rong Wuye's face turned dark.

Nanlin said: "My mother is a saint of the Zhu family. When she met my father, she was clean and beautiful. My father fell in love with her at first sight and started pursuing her. My mother also took a fancy to my father's talent. Forget it, I'll follow you Even you don’t understand.”

Nanhuang and Mo Shafeng were outnumbered, and were eventually tied up with tree vines by the group of people and led them deep into the jungle.

They were chattering without knowing what they were talking about.

Nanhuang could only look at it curiously. This is her maternal ancestor Zhu family, a matrilineal clan?

After walking for a long time, we arrived at the Zhu family tribe. There are stone houses built with stones and tree houses hanging on thick tree trunks. The crops on the land outside are growing fat and thick, and they look good. The way he eats.

Mo Shafeng was roughly pushed to the ground in front of him by this group of people, but these people were polite to Nanhuang.

They smiled and said in words that Nanhuang couldn't understand: "Woman, I am the strongest man here. Can I be your husband?"

"Woman, choose me. I am very strong. I can punch through a tree with one punch. I can be your husband!"

The men were chattering and talking in words that she couldn't understand, and looked at her enthusiastically as if they were prey. This look in their eyes made Nanhuang a little scared.

Soon, more and more men gathered around. These men were wearing turf skirts and animal skin skirts, but they all wore no underwear. The various swings are indescribable.

Nanhuang, who had received a modern education, was frightened, frightened, and embarrassed, and simply did not dare to look up.

There were more and more people, and Nanhuang felt like an animal in a zoo being watched by people, and she also felt that these people had obvious intentions towards her, which made her a little panicked.

They wouldn't suddenly pounce on her, cut her into pieces and eat her.

And why are there so many men here but no women?

At this moment, the crowd slowly dispersed, and a short and fat old woman walked out from the middle.

The woman was followed by a young woman holding a red stone in her hand.

When the man on the side happily took it from the young woman's hand, he roughly pressed Mo Shafeng's palm against the stone, but the stone did not respond.

They came to Nanhuang with flattering smiles and carefully took her white hands, but Nanhuang jerked her hand away.

The man was worried that he might be rude and danced for a long time. Nanhuang didn't understand what he meant.

Finally, the old woman behind them said to Nanhuang in broken Mandarin: "Woman, press the stone with your own hands."

"Do you understand Mandarin?" Nanhuang asked.

The old woman nodded slightly.

Nanhuang asked again: "Why should I put my hand on the stone?"

The old woman stared at her for a while, and her eyes moved slightly: "You... look like my daughter. I want to confirm whether you are from the Zhu family."

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