After the divorce, I was haunted by the sickly fifth master

Chapter 304 What is it called? Last name?

Nanhuang walked into Zhu's secret tree hole. After passing through the protective barrier of the tree hole, Nanhuang walked slowly to the altar.

A gust of wind blew by, ruffling the soft white hair on her animal skin clothing.

A familiar voice echoed in her ears: "Girl from the Nan family, you are here."

It chuckled: "I knew you would come."

Nanhuang stood in front of the altar, looking up at the altar with a calm face. She felt as if she was making a deal with the devil.

No, it’s not the devil, it’s some kind of power that’s more terrifying than the devil!

Nanhuang said calmly: "I want you to undo the curses on Rong Feng, Xiao Jin and Mimi. In that case, I agree to exchange for what you want."

The gust of wind entangled her and said with a smile: "Have you really decided?"

"Without the karma, you truly have nothing. You are no longer Rong Feng's wife, no longer Xiao Jin and Mimi's mother, no longer Nan Lin's sister, and no longer the president of Qilin Entertainment. You You will forget everything, even forget to speak, and the world will forget you. Isn't it scary?"

Just thinking about it makes you understand how terrible this is.

Abandoned by the world, she will also forget the world.

She raised her eyes and looked at the altar, her eyes clear and firm: "What does it matter?"


A gust of cold wind swept her away, and Nanhuang couldn't help but squeeze her fists.

This gust of wind was cold, but the content of what he said was quite gentle: "I am the father of the fair trade system, you don't need to be afraid."

"You are a woman who looks cold-tempered, but is gentle and kind at heart." Guofeng said slowly, "The taste is very good."

She had no choice. The altar was her only hope to save Rong Feng and her children.

Nanhuang slowly closed her eyes, feeling like she was flowing in a stream.

She felt as if there were some important connections and entanglements that were completely severed from her.

She has a mother, her surname seems to be Xie, what is her name?

Last name?

Xicheng seems to be a place that is related to her. She has relatives, friends, and a company.

who are they? What's the company's name again?

"You don't feel bad, you just forget."

In the eyes of the altar, Nanhuang's body was entangled with threads of fate of various colors, and it was cutting the threads on her body bit by bit.

As long as the thread on her body is cut, it can easily absorb the merits from her body.

The huge power of merit is the power it likes.

Equivalent exchange is initiated and karma is severed.

From this moment on, the marriage certificate lying in the castle suddenly disappeared, and the Nanhuang page of the household registration book also disappeared with the wind.

The will drawn up by Rong Feng disappeared, and the property names that originally belonged to Rong Feng and were transferred to Ye Nanhuang's name became Rong Feng again.

The name of the president of Xie's garbage dump suddenly disappeared and became Xie Yu.

The name of Dongxiang’s pharmaceutical company president also disappeared and became Dongxiang.

Ji Fan, who was about to scratch Bai Meng's face, suddenly stopped his action. He was confused as to why he wanted to do this.

In Zhu's house, Nanlin felt inexplicably that he had forgotten something important.

Xiao Jin in the castle looked up at the sky, and Mimi suddenly burst into tears. "Brother, Mimi, my heart hurts so much!"

Rong Feng straightened up, feeling confused for a while. Where is this and why is he here?

He looked at his hands and suddenly covered his heart.

There was an inexplicable and unbearable hollow pain, as if a large piece of his heart had been gouged out by life.

It seemed that something very important was far away from him.

In the altar.

A thinly dressed woman lay alone on the ground.

The wind from the altar gently brushed her peaceful and sleepy cheeks.

"It's not good. After a few days, it turned out that the removal of the curse was not complete. That man Rong Feng's sense of taste cannot be restored."

After Guofeng finished speaking, he laughed again: "That's right, your fate is severed, but your fate is not."

There is a lonely human being in the jungle.

She was wearing animal skins and her body was covered with all kinds of scars inevitably left by living in the jungle. She was holding a short dagger in her hand and had just killed a wolf.

Her belly was getting bigger and bigger, and she knew she was going to give birth, and she needed to prepare herself for the birth.

Don't let other beasts smell the blood here.

She cleaned the wolf skin and wolf meat by the river, and cleaned herself in the cool cold water. After looking around to make sure there was no danger, she dragged the processed wolf meat and tanned wolf skin to Inside the tree house she finally built.

The tree house is not big, but it is sturdy enough to provide shelter from wind and rain.

The woman piled the prepared food, dried meat and fruits aside.

After all her strength was exhausted, she lay down on the bear skin she had slaughtered and tanned before. Her lower body was red with water and pain in her abdomen.

She was so lonely, alone in this lonely jungle, not knowing what the meaning of life was. Until she discovered that there was a little life in her belly, she finally felt as if she had formed a new bond.

The child in her belly is everything to her and the motivation for her to live.

"Hmm." She held back her strength. Her instinct told her to save her energy and give birth slowly.

It was raining heavily outside and the tree house was leaking slightly. She had no energy to take care of it.

It hurts!

She clutched the fur, and the veins on her body popped out in pain. The scars on her body from the difficult life in the jungle looked even more terrifying.

Her child, her child!

The woman screamed in agony, frightening the birds in the tree.

After several hours of labor, she finally gave birth to her child. She was on the verge of dozing off, and the blood and sweat all over her body made her particularly embarrassed.

She picked up a clean dagger, gritted her teeth and cut the umbilical cord.

She held her child in her arms and spanked him with her last strength.

With a sound of wow, the child finally cried.

The woman hugged the child, washed him in a basin of water nearby, put him down, then used her last strength to wash herself, and finally lay down weakly on the small wooden bed in the tree house. .

In a flash, another two years have passed.

A woman appeared in the jungle holding a two-year-old boy. She held the child in one hand and held a dagger in the other hand. She had just successfully hunted a wild boar.

The child cried loudly, and the woman could only give the child breast milk.

She didn't know how old other humans were to wean their children, but she didn't have the conditions to wean their children. Even if the meat of the animals she hunts is roasted, her baby will not eat it. So much so that at two years old, she still couldn't wean him.

The child already had some teeth, and the baby teeth bit her very painfully. She sat on the ground guarding the wild boar she had hunted, and quietly fed the child for a while.

This is her only relative, her only bond.

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