Dad Xi: "We have to think of something."

Mother Xi nodded at the side: "It's time to think of a way to bring them together. Hey, what I regret most over the years is that I didn't teach Guangyao how to love a woman."

Inside the hospital, nurses are busy.

Xi's mother came early, making soup and bringing vegetables. She gave Xi Guangyao a mouthful of food with a smile and left him alone. The good pigeon soup and meat dishes were all sent to Shen Xian.

"Dr. Shen, let me tell you, you are famous among our sisters. A powerful scientist, a world-famous scientist, a scientist who has created miracles in the world! If my old sisters knew that I know you Ah, you must be so jealous of me! Can you sign your autograph for me?"

Xi Guangyao pulled his mother speechlessly: "Mom, don't scare Dr. Shen."

Mother Xi said disgustedly: "I want you to control it, let it go."

A son who couldn't even get his wife back was so embarrassing that Mother Xi didn't want to deal with it.

Xi Guangyao knew how persistent his mother was, so he finally let go, but also warned: "Mom, don't scare Dr. Shen."

So protective? Mother Xi winked: "Do I still know?"

Shen Xian fed Tiantian, and Xi's mother was extremely anxious. She was busy in and out, constantly concerned about Tiantian's condition, and then asked about Tiantian's father's condition.

Mother Xi said: "I heard from nurses outside that Tiantian is a pitiful child because his father died at such a young age."

Xi Guangyao: "..."

Mother Xi: "Her father is useless. He can't protect you two. It's a good death!"

Xi Guangyao covered his forehead.

Shen Xian said nervously: "Mother Xi, no..."

"What's not? Hey, forget it, let's not talk about this. Let me tell you something."

Shen Xian listened respectfully to Mama Xi's words.

Xi's mother said: "You may not know that Xi Guangyao had a fiancée before."

Xi Guangyao sat up suddenly, "Mom!"

When Mrs. Xi ignored him, she continued: "She is a movie queen. She is beautiful and kind-hearted. You should have heard of her. Her name is Jian Xian."

Xi Guangyao calmed down and looked at his mother suspiciously, wondering what she was trying to do.

Shen Xian was also stunned and lowered his eyes slightly.

Mother Xi held Shen Xian's hand and said, "It's a pity that my daughter-in-law-to-be was in a car accident."

Mother Xi choked up as she spoke: "Since that day, my son has been like a waste. He doesn't understand anything, he can't do anything, he drank until he got gastric bleeding and alcohol poisoning, and the hospital became his second home. As a mother, I see it in my eyes and feel distressed in my heart."

"Later, he started to work day and night, like a workaholic. Fortunately, the fifth child of the Rong family kept helping him, so that he would not make mistakes all the time because of his radical nature. During those days, Xi Guangyao I have lost more than 40 pounds. It looks like I have lost all my energy. I have photos here, let me show them to you."

Mother Xi took out the photos on her mobile phone and cried to Shen Xian: "I didn't know that my son had made a mistake. But it's too late, everything is too late. I often think about whether my son should abandon him for the sake of love. My parents left with Jian Xian."

"But you showed up." Xi's mother squeezed Shen Xian's hand, "You don't know, Xi Guangyao's health has been getting worse and worse in recent years. A large amount of blood will cause irreversible damage to his body. I just asked the doctor Well, Xi Guangyao is likely to lose blood this time and cause various internal diseases. However, I have no intention of stopping him."

"Dr. Shen. I know that I owe you something emotionally. My son may have loved you as his ex-fiancée, so he treats your child as lovingly as he loves. So, this time, even if my son's blood Even if I die, I will not stop him! I just hope... I just hope that for the sake of him risking his life to save your daughter, you agree to a condition..."

Shen Xian glanced at Xi Guangyao suspiciously. Xi Guangyao was also a little confused, but quickly adjusted his state.

Chen Xian asked in a low voice: "Auntie, don't worry, I will try my best to meet any conditions you have."

Mother Xi held her hand tightly: "Are you satisfied? That's good, that's good!"

Shen Xian couldn't stand the enthusiasm, so she pulled out her hand: "Yeah."

Mother Xi hurriedly said: "We, and my son, all regard you as Jian Xian's substitute. I know you think it's unfair. However, I still hope that you can take care of my three sons for the sake of these bloods." Months. Not much, three months, three months is enough.”

Shen Xian didn't think too much and promised: "Mr. Xi gave Tiantian so much blood. I should take care of Mr. Xi for three months."

Mother Xi muttered in a low voice, "My daughter, of course she should have some blood." Then she immediately raised her head and smiled: "That's great, that's really great. Thank you so much!"

After saying that, Mother Xi hurried out and didn't want to be a light bulb: "Then I'll leave you to take care of my son. Dr. Shen, thank you!"

After Xi's mother left, Xi Guangyao coughed twice: "Chen Xian, don't take my mother's words to heart."

Chen Xian smiled and said, "It's okay, Auntie is as cute as ever."

After saying that, Shen Xian asked Xi Guangyao: "You donated so much blood, are you really okay?"

"I'm fine." Xi Guangyao said firmly.

Chen Xian was a little suspicious, so she headed to Nanhuang while Xi Guangyao was asleep.

Nanhuang was sorting out the cases of Xi Guangyao and Tiantian, and Shen Xian happened to see the cases when he came.

"Dr. Nan, can I take a look at Xi Guangyao's case?"

"Okay." Nanhuang pushed Xi Guangyao's case to her.

The more Shen Xian looked, the more his brows knitted together.

"His current condition is not suitable for donating blood?" Shen Xian asked.

Nanhuang nodded: "Well, it's not suitable. The last time he donated blood, Xi Guangyao went into shock on the spot. We also reminded him that his physical condition is not suitable for donating blood multiple times in a short period of time, but he just didn't listen."

Chen Xian hesitated: "What should we do?"

Seeing that the fish had taken the bait, Nanhuang smiled and said, "Chen Xian, Xi Guangyao is Tiantian's father after all. He is willing to take risks for his daughter, so let him do it."

"Is Xi Guangyao's situation really okay now?" Shen Xian asked.

Nanhuang shook his head: "Tiantian's condition has improved significantly, and it is expected that he will be fully recovered and discharged from the hospital in a week. But Xi Guangyao is not good. He is expected to be hospitalized for a few more weeks to observe his condition. Don't worry, he is in his thirties. I am a 20-year-old man, so this is okay."

Shen Xian said in a dull voice: "A person in his thirties is also a human being, and his body is not under his control. He can't waste it like this if he doesn't know how to cherish it!"

Nanhuang looked her up and down and said, "Chen Xian, don't be easily swayed to feel sorry for him."

Shen Xian was stunned for a moment, looked up at Nanhuang, suddenly turned pale, and turned back to the ward.

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