Two years later

, at the end of June, Zurich had a warm and pleasant climate, with a hint of summer tide.

As soon as Shi Yang walked into the office, her friend Suzanne handed over the design plan in her hand to her, not forgetting to inform her: "Shi Yang, don't forget the school graduation ceremony in two days."

Shi Yang heard the action for a while, thought about such a thing, and nodded: "Well, good." He

smiled and thanked her, "Thank you."

Suzanne smiled and patted her shoulder: "Be polite with me." Suzanne

and Shiyang are classmates, a native of Switzerland, and an intern at Shaoyu Architects with Shiyang, who has a lot of learning partners and is also a partner at work, and is one of the few friends Shiyang has in Zurich.

Shiyang only joined Shaoyu Architects more than a year ago.

Initially, she had no intention of coming in, so Tang Shaoyu and Yan Yao persuaded her for a year, but she never agreed.

But later, because she really did not find a more suitable internship unit, as a student and newcomer, except for Shaoyu Architects, no company dared to let her directly participate in the project design.

Going in is basically starting from a small assistant who does miscellaneous, the work is cumbersome and the opportunities to exercise are also limited, coupled with different concepts caused by different cultures, as well as requirements such as the requirement to sit in shifts, etc., looking for a circle, Shiyang finally chose Shaoyu Architects.

Probably really like her design style, Tang Shaoyu gave Shiyang great freedom and authority in his work.

Not only did she directly become the main designer as soon as she came in, but she also respected her ideas and inspiration at work, and did not need to clock in from 9 to 5 every day, only asking her to attend important meetings such as brainstorming and other creative sessions, and most of the other times it was just online communication.

In the first half of the year, he was busy with work and study, and Shiyang basically did not sit in class.

In recent months, he has been busy with his graduation project before slowly starting the normal 9-to-5 work mode, but Tang Shaoyu does not make any requirements for Shiyang on the issue of clocking in and sitting at work, so most of the time, Shiyang is free.

Suzanne also began to clock in daily after not too busy schoolwork in recent months, her starting point is lower than Shiyang, undergraduate direct graduate students, limited work experience, and there are no projects to get hands, so entering the company is temporarily starting from an assistant.

Although Shiyang has not worked in the company, he has benefited from the sense of crisis when he was a student.

When she first entered the university, she knew very well that her family could not give her any work benefits in the future, plus she had the desire to go to ETH Zurich since her freshman year, and she also understood that her family could not give her this support, whether it was financially or psychologically, so Shiyang had psychological preparations for her future at that time.

From the moment she entered college, she began to pay attention to various possible ways to earn money.

She studied architecture in college, biased towards architectural design, and has good drawing and design skills, so at the beginning she just accepted some cover designs and original drawings of published books under the introduction of friends.

But because she has a serious work attitude, her work style is also more pleasant, the market audience is large, and slowly there is a stable cooperative publishing house, many people have specially asked her to write a manuscript, and designated her to do the character design and cover design, and Shiyang's income has also risen with the tide.

In her junior year, she caught up with the IP fever, and Shiyang took on several IP adaptation projects by relying on the contacts accumulated by doing original drawings and cover designs before, and the market response was good, and Shiyang also took advantage of this market to save the first pot of gold in her life.

Although compared with Fu Jingchuan and the people around him, this money may be just their consumption for a vacation, but for Shiyang, she has completed her study abroad and small accumulation of premarital assets, so as not to be too hesitant when faced with the choice of fork in the road in life.

But Shiyang also knows that these are just the means for her to make money to fulfill her dreams.

Her original intention was to become an architectural designer, so during her four years at university, in addition to earning money part-time, she spent the rest of her time on professional improvement and practice, which included actively participating in various domestic and foreign architectural design competitions.

Shiyang's plan at that time was clear.

She wanted to work in an excellent architectural firm after graduation, and as a newcomer, she was not competitive with her experienced predecessors, so she thought about brushing her resume by competition, with works and awards, so that her work resume at graduation would look brighter, so she was also extra careful when preparing for the competition.

At that time, when everyone was still immersed in the relaxation and freshness brought by the college entrance examination, Shi Yang's life was only left in the library except for classes.

Almost as soon as she had time, she soaked in the library to nibble on books, looking for inspiration, drawing sketches, and overturning the design plan one version after another, and finally did not know whether the emperor did not pay attention or she really had a little talent, Shi Yang accidentally won a second prize in the architectural design competition in her freshman year.

As a freshman, it was a sensation in the college to win an award in such a weighty large-scale competition, and Shiyang also attracted the attention of their professional professor and well-known domestic architect Ling Zhendong, and began to try to take her to projects in her spare time.

Shi Yang herself also competed, groping while learning, working hard and complaining, which was deeply liked by Ling Zhendong, and the projects she participated in slowly began to move from team projects without authorship to projects with authorship.

When Shiyang was in his senior year, Ling Zhendong was busy with work, and he couldn't spare himself to deal with a small landmark project in his hand that was not very important in his opinion, so he tried to hand it over to Shiyang for independent design, but he didn't expect Shiyang to pass the review, and after the completion of that project, it quickly became a local Internet celebrity check-in landscape, which was praised by everyone.

Although Shi Yang later turned the road to life because of pregnancy and marriage, she went a little off, but in the two years of marriage with Fu Jingchuan, she did not choose to wash her hands at home to make soup because the man she married was rich and powerful, she had never been obsessed with wealthy families, but the man she once fell in love with happened to be from a rich background.

Shi Yang knew very well at that time that he could not learn Fang Wanqing's attitude of enjoying a wealthy life.

It's not that she's high, it's really that she's used to wandering freely, and she's used to relying on herself in everything, and she also has the ability to earn money and the economic foundation, and she really can't do those things that are small and low everywhere in order to please people.

Therefore, although she did not go to work, she and Ling Zhendong have been cooperating, and some design works have been produced intermittently in those two years.

These work experiences and works accumulated from her student days allowed Tang Shaoyu to open a window for her.

Shiyang is very grateful to Tang Shaoyu for giving her this job opportunity, and also grateful to herself for working hard in the years of college and the two years of marriage.

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