
The five-sided Hongguang mini stopped.

The two had already arrived at the barbecue restaurant on Jiahong Street.

There are two staff members who are changing the sign for the barbecue restaurant, not the kind of beautiful light box sign, but a very simple tarp, printed on it, and add a background picture.

Like the food stalls, it is a very down-to-earth signboard.

The new signboard is actually just covering the old lightbox signboard.

In fact, the old lightbox signboard looks better, even if it is not replaced, it is no problem.

However, Chen Feng felt that he had taken over the barbecue restaurant, changed the new owner, and continued to use the original signboard, which was a little meaningless.

And Chen Feng thought of a very good store name.

"Thank you."

Chen Feng said.

The two staff members had already changed their signboards and left.

Ye Muyan looked up at the newly replaced signboard on the door of the store and was slightly stunned.

"Mufeng Barbecue Restaurant?"

Isn't this her name with her husband, Mu is her, and Feng is her husband.

Suddenly understood my husband's intentions.

When Ye Muyan looked at her husband beside her, her eyes shone.

Chen Feng asked, "Do you like it, the name of this store."

Ye Muyan nodded gladly: "I like it!"

Chen Feng said with a smile: "Just like it!" "

It's not early, the sun is completely resting, and the lights are on.

All the snack shops on Jiahong Street are already open, only their barbecue shop is not open yet.

Ye Muyan is a good cook, has put on an apron, and went to the kitchen to process the ingredients.

Chen Feng was tinkering with the barbecue grill and preparing to entertain the guests.

In Jiahong Street at night, the flow of people gradually increased and began to be lively.

Although it is far from being compared to other nearby commercial streets, the crowded grandeur is not much worse.

Mufeng Barbecue Restaurant has been open for a while, although people keep passing by, seeing the newly changed signboard, they have cast curious eyes, but no customers have ever walked in.

The small food shops on Jiahong Street, counting the small stalls, there are actually more than 30 large and small, and there are too many choices.

On the left and right sides of the barbecue shop, there are fried bun shops, spicy soup shops, and on the right side is a lamb kebab shop.

Business is good, and there are customers visiting one after another.

In particular, the lamb kebab restaurant, which is somewhat duplicative of the barbecue restaurant, and opens two hours in advance, has attracted potential customers of the same kind.

The view of Mu Feng's barbecue restaurant is a little embarrassing compared to the small food shop next to it that is getting better and better.

Feelings of isolation.

Chen Feng now completely understands why the former boss can't do it and is in a hurry to transfer.

There is not much traffic, but the competitiveness is not small!

"If it weren't for the secret recipe for spices, I would have to admit it."

Chen Feng has already lit charcoal, and when the barbecue grill is hot, he will put sausages, corn, chicken wings, pork chops and start the barbecue.

"By the way, send a circle of friends, this is close to the university town, and Tunghai University is also nearby."

"There may be junior brothers and sisters who know, come and help."

It is also necessary to avoid getting that the classmates and friends know about it, saying that he deliberately concealed it and did not say it enough, not enough friends.

Chen Feng picked up his mobile phone, took a few photos, and then took a short video of the barbecue and posted it on the circle of friends.

【Mufeng barbecue restaurant, opening big reward, half price for 3 consecutive days, welcome to visit! 】 After

waiting for a while, no one left a message.

Chen Feng put away his mobile phone and continued to concentrate on the barbecue.


Ye Muyan had already processed the ingredients, sat down, and walked out of the kitchen.

I found that there was not a single customer in the store, and it was deserted.

Only her husband's lonely back was busy alone, and he couldn't help but feel distressed.

Sure enough, it was difficult to get started.

Even if you take a barbecue restaurant and become the boss, it does not mean that the business will definitely be done.

"I'll encourage my husband well in a while, I can't let him have pressure, even if I lose money, it doesn't matter, business is not smooth sailing."

"If you lose it, my husband will be taken care of by me in the future."

"So fragrant!"

Ye Muyan originally wanted to comfort her husband, but suddenly smelled a very fragrant smell, hooked the gluttonous insects in her stomach, and subconsciously swallowed spit.

Obviously he had dinner not long ago, although in order to maintain a good figure, Ye Muyan never ate too full, it was all seventy percent full.

Even if you haven't eaten enough, you won't be hungry so quickly.

"The aroma is coming from the barbecue grill, what is my husband baking, why is it so fragrant, goo..."

Ye Muyan swallowed her spit while coming to her husband and looking at the food he was baking.

Sausage, corn, chicken wings, pork chop.

Already almost cooked, the bee jelly applied on it makes the food golden butter shiny and sells well.

Why very ordinary ingredients can be baked with such a fragrant taste, Ye Muyan did not understand.

Ye Muyan actually rarely eats barbecue, not that she doesn't like to eat, but she didn't have much spare money when she used to study, but now she comes out to work and is busy, and she rarely goes out to shop at night to eat snacks.

The grilled food is indeed fragrant, but my husband's grilled is too fragrant.

The first time I smelled such a fragrant barbecue.


He secretly swallowed his spit again, and pursed his small mouth lightly to avoid the flow of hara.

His face already showed a look of gluttony.

"Husband, what seasoning did you add, why is it so fragrant to bake."

"Added exclusive secret spices, do you want to try it."


Chen Feng handed a bunch of sausages to Ye Muyan.

Ye Muyan took it, because it was still hot, she first blew it with her small mouth to cool it down.

After the sausage cooled down slightly, she couldn't wait to take a small bite, because it was hot, Ye Muyan couldn't chew it immediately, and blew it in her mouth again, a little embarrassed.

After chewing and swallowing, Ye Muyan's eyes widened and she was shocked.

What a fragrance warning!

Not only does it smell good, it tastes better.

Is this really a cheap sausage for a dollar, baked, and it feels even more delicious than the food of a five-star hotel.

Ye Muyan had already eaten the whole sausage, stretched out her tongue to lick the corners of her mouth, and the residual honey spices could not be let go.

It was so delicious, when I came back to my senses, the string of sausages in my hand was gone.

Chen Feng asked, "Is it delicious?"

Ye Muyan nodded: "Delicious!"

Chen Feng asked, "Do you still want to eat?"

Ye Muyan nodded: "Think!"

Chen Feng handed over another bunch of grilled sausages.

Ye Muyan took it, and after blowing her skillful little mouth, she pulled and ate it, and finally extended her tongue to lick her lips.

It's not over.

Without the slightest reserve, eating is completely different from the usual image of the goddess of high cold, like being hungry for a long time, and everything you eat is a delicacy.

Chen Feng looked at his wife eating sausages and found it interesting.

"Wife, I'll bake a few more skewers of sausages for you."

"No thanks..."


Of course, because it will eat fat!

Ye Muyan is not a little fairy, and she doesn't grow meat when she eats anything.

Do you know how hard it is to maintain a good figure?

Once you develop the habit of eating and drinking, you can't change it, and when you are older, you will be miserable, and you will definitely become a yellow-faced woman with a big belly.

Just thinking about it, Ye Muyan felt terrible.

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