It's not early.

When Chen Feng was about to go to bed, the director of the station called.

The director came to report to Chen Feng on his work, and the arson incident had been strangled in the cradle without causing any damage.

The director knew that Chen Feng was a person valued by Mayor Fan, and Mayor Fan had already strictly ordered that it was okay for businessmen to compete with each other, but it was absolutely not allowed to break the rules.

Some time ago, the military was dispatched, and several underworld organizations in Donghai City were wiped out with a snap of their fingers, and they are still in front of them.

Now Fang Huahai wants to commit crimes against the wind, break the rules, and officially treat them as hello kitly.

If there really is a picture of fire in the industrial zone, then he, the director, does not have to do it.

Therefore, after Chen Feng called the police, the director attached great importance to this matter, and assigned personnel to act thunderously, ambushing around the industrial zone, waiting for the arsonist to throw himself into the net.

"Fang Huahai had a car accident and was seriously injured in the ICU?"

From the mouth of the director, I learned that Fang Huahai was also at the scene of the crime, and he should have wanted to see his masterpiece up close, who knew that he was ambushed.

In a traffic accident during the escape, the navigator was hit by a mud truck and caught fire.

Although Fang Huahai did not die, he was seriously injured and burned, and has been sent to the hospital ICU.

What a surprise.

It is also blamed that Fang Huahai suffered from himself and took the blame for himself.

"The director is tired of you, and you have to attend work in the middle of the night."

"Do things for the citizens, as they should."

"The next time I see Mayor Fan, I must say a few nice words, the citizens need a responsible official like you!"

"Thank you Chen Dong!"

After ending the call, Chen Feng continued to hold his fragrant wife to sleep.



Chen Feng drove his wife to work together and came to Mufeng Group.

Call Ouyang Tao to the chairman's office.

"I heard that Fang Huahai had a car accident and was hospitalized, you send someone, on behalf of our group, to visit Huahai in the hospital."

"Okay, boss."

Although Chen Feng did not say it explicitly, as a confidant, Ouyang Tao had already understood that with the incompatible relationship between the two sides, how could he really visit, it was clear that he was angry with each other.

Ouyang Tao had already thought about it, and he would find an employee at random, buy a large bunch of white chrysanthemums, and write two angry words on the white chrysanthemums and send them to the hospital.

But in the next second, Ouyang Tao felt that this was inappropriate, and let the group employees go over, they still looked up to Fang Huahai too much.

Let's call the takeaway brother to go.

Under the premise of not losing grace, you can disgust the other party to the greatest extent.

"Chen Dong, Mr. Xu of Fan Hui Chemical wants to see you, he said that he wants to continue to cooperate with Mufeng Group, and the previous order price can be reduced by half."

"Cut it by half, then does he still have money to earn."

"Mr. Xu said that even if there is no money to earn, it doesn't matter, as long as he can cooperate with Mufeng Group, it is his honor."

"Tell him that if you don't turn back to eat the grass, you should quickly sell Fan Hui Chemical to me, otherwise the evidence of his corruption and bribery over the years and the substandard product quality will appear on the desk of the director of the Administration for Industry and Commerce."

"I see, Dong Chen."

Until now, I still want to let go of my previous suspicions and think beautifully.

In the adult world, if you do something wrong, you have to pay a price.

Only after a child has done something wrong, he can be forgiven by saying sorry!



ICU ward.

Fang Huahai has been rescued from life-threatening danger, but he cannot leave the ICU ward for the time being.

Wearing an oxygen mask, more than seventy percent of his body was wrapped in bandages, and he knew that he was seriously injured at a glance.

It's a miserable look!

Detailed injuries: crushed fracture of the tibia of the left leg, fracture of the fibula of the left leg, fracture of the radius of the right arm, three broken ribs, concussion, minor intracranial hemorrhage, loss of five teeth, burns of fifty percent....

Long-term treatment and at least thirty surgeries are required to have a chance of returning Fang Huahai to normal.

But this probability is not high, just five or five.

In short, Fang Huahai must wait for a long time in the hospital.

When Fang Zhenhong saw the detailed injury list, his eyes were torn, and he couldn't believe that the person lying on the hospital bed, dying, wrapped in bandages, was his son.

I didn't see him for a few hours, and my son became this ghost.

Not only seriously injured, but also became the main suspect of the arson case.

Two police officers guarded outside the door of the ward, in order to prevent Fang Huahai from absconding.

Absconded a fart, wrapped in rice dumplings, how to escape.

"What's going on!"

Fang Zhenhong asked sharply to the driver with less serious injuries.

Because the driver wore a seat belt, he was not injured after the overturn and escaped from the car in time.

And Fang Huahai sat in the back seat and did not wear a seat belt, so he suffered after the overturn.

The driver did not dare to hide it and told the matter through one fifty and ten.

"Chen Feng, I swear against you!"

Although Fang Huahai took the blame, as his father Fang Zhenhong didn't care about this, it was Chen Feng's fault.

"May I ask if Fang Huahai is here."

A delivery man came over.

"Yes, what's the matter."

"This is Fang Huahai's takeaway, remember the five-star praise."

The delivery man handed the large bunch of white chrysanthemums in his hand to Fang Zhenhong and left.

The corners of Fang Zhenhong's eyes were twitching, and he was sending white chrysanthemums to the seriously injured in the hospital, is this making people die as soon as possible.

Seeing that Bai Ju had a piece of letter paper pinned to it, I picked it up and looked at it.

"The driving is not standardized, and the relatives have two lines of tears."

"Mufeng Group sends condolences!"

It doesn't hurt much, but it's extremely insulting.

Fang Zhenhong was murderous and let people throw Bai Ju into the trash.


At this time, Fang Huahai woke up and let out a weak cry.

Fang Zhenhong hurriedly stepped forward, his bloodshot eyes, looking at his son's haggard appearance, his heart was dripping blood.

"Dad, what's wrong with me, why am I weak..., I can't feel my left leg, am I crippled."

"No, it's just that the bone is broken, it will get better soon, I will ask the best doctor to cure you!"

"Dad, don't lie to me, tell me the truth, am I crippled..."

Knowing that he was not crippled, Fang Huahai's gray eyes recovered a little, and then he was concerned about his burns.

Touching his bandaged face, a tingling pain came out.

"How about the burns, what happened to my face, my handsome face..."

"Eh, don't worry, I will find the best plastic surgery doctor in the cold country to make you more handsome than before!"

That is to say, he was disfigured, and Fang Huahai almost fainted with anger.


At this time, the door of the ward opened, and Huang Yizhen, Huang Youying's father and daughter, walked in with a fruit basket.

Apparently he came to visit the sick.

When she saw Fang Huahai on the hospital bed, Huang Youying frowned, and her eyes were a little disgusted.

I already knew that Fang Huahai's injuries were very serious, there were fractures all over his body, and the burn area reached fifty percent, and he was disfigured.

Without a few years, it is impossible to fully recover.

If the two really get married, Huang Youying will be responsible for taking care of Fang Huahai, a cripple, for several years.

If Fang Huahai is not disfigured, Huang Youying can still accept it, but now Fang Huahai removes the bandage on his face, which is a horror movie picture.

Huang Youying really couldn't accept it.

"Hua Hai, how are you now."

"It's a little uncomfortable."

"Yes, recuperate well, it will definitely get better."


"I'm leaving."

"By the way, Uncle Fang, in fact, I already have someone I like, so I'm sorry for my marriage with Huahai."

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