"After the box office of the medicine immortal is a big seller, let's hold a celebration banquet together."

"In this case, it seems that Chen Dong must participate in the celebration banquet, because I have a hunch that the box office of the medicine immortal will definitely sell well!"


The call is over.


This side of the capital.

The official really found the Lin family, and the Lin family naturally denied it, this matter has nothing to do with them, it is all a good thing done by professional managers, and they deceive and conceal it.

The Lin family did not know about this at all!

Of course, the official will not believe these words, but there is no evidence, and there is no way to take the Lin family for a while.

Moreover, the funds transferred from the Qincheng Group have been fully returned.

Generally, as long as all the funds can be recovered, the big thing can be reduced to a small matter, and the pressure from the top officials will be sharply reduced, and there is no need to continue to investigate.

The Lin family calculated this accurately.

The culprit behind the embezzlement of Qincheng Group's funds is the Lin family, there are photos, videos, and audio recordings!"

"You don't know the Lin family? "

Does the hidden family know..." Another

enthusiastic netizen broke the news, this time the news was more ruthless, and there was evidence.

There is a recording of how the Lin family instructed professional managers to transfer the funds of Qincheng Group, as well as where the funds were used after returning from overseas, and all the evidence is clear and coherent.

The evidence is conclusive!

The Lin family was completely panicked at this time.

"Hurry up and send a lawyer's letter to warn and ask

the other party to delete the post!" "What, the other party dares not to cooperate and buy the website!" "

The owner is not good, the whole network is full of breaking news posts, and there are many reprints, which can no longer be controlled." "

The official came again.

This time, without questioning, the relevant personnel involved were directly arrested, and several important members of the Lin family wore silver bracelets and got into the police car.

Lin Jiang was so angry because of this matter that he needed to be hospitalized.

At the same time, the revelations did not stop, and all the companies under the Lin family were exposed.

Even some companies that have gone bankrupt are on the list.

Many people have found that many of these companies are bad, and four of them are microfinance companies, which are loan sharks.

Online lending, which is now very popular, has caused young people who do not understand things to go into debt and force them to become prostitutes.

These four microfinance companies still have a particularly bad reputation in the industry, and it is said that they have forced several people to death in order to collect debts.

There are also more than a dozen construction companies, which are also short of capital chain, falling into poor operation and stopping construction.

If it weren't for someone breaking the news, who could know these things, there was such a family in the Dragon Kingdom, wantonly fishing and fleshing the people.

The sins are monstrous.

The power

of the people is strong, and all the companies under the Lin family, one by one, have been boycotted, and the market value has plummeted.

The Lin family's total assets shrank by half.

"Here comes the opportunity.

Mr. Yuan said.

The bigwigs in the capital, who had eaten with Chen Feng, saw the opportunity to suddenly attack the Lin family and attack their companies.

Their commercial attacks were fast and ruthless, and it seemed that they had been planning for a long time, and one by one, many companies of the Lin family were crippled.

Change is too fast.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the Lin family became stormy.

However, after all, the Lin family is a top hidden family, with an intricate relationship, even in the midst of the storm, it is still strong.


Lin Jiang was lying on the bed, in fact, it was not a big deal, but the doctor told him that he needed to rest.

"Master, there are a lot of scolding about our Lin family on the Internet.

"Let them scold, how long can the scolding of the untouchables last, the world will always be a king and a loser, as long as we are the victors in the end, we can erase all the scolding."

"Since some companies are boycotted and can't hold on, they give up and use all the money to buy food."

"Food is becoming increasingly important, and as long as we have a lot of food in our hands, we don't have to worry about anything else."

"Food is our biggest bargaining chip."

"This instructs all professional managers to use their money to buy food."

"But the master, what if the price of grain does not rise but falls in the future?" Lin

Jiang expressed his conceit: "It is impossible, as long as the war is not over, the price of grain cannot fall, this war has long been not decided by the two countries concerned, and the beautiful country controls everything behind it."

"It will continue for at least two more years, during which time the global energy food will only rise but not fall."

"I have been looking at the international market for decades, and I have never missed it, and this time will be no exception!" Everyone

thought deeply, the ability of the owner, they all know, it is impossible to make a mistake.

Immediately let professional managers buy a large amount of food, regardless of the cost.

Then, in the Lin family, most of the money was spent after buying grain.

Mufeng Group officially announced the launch of a new product, Mufeng fertilizer, and held a press conference.

"With the use of Mufeng fertilizer, the yield of wheat per acre is 1,000 eight, one bag for two bags

!" "No loss, no evaporation

, no waste!" "Longguo no longer needs to import grain, but can also export a large amount!" After

the press conference, Mufeng fertilizer was a great success, and the orders in the live broadcast room that day were as high as 10 million bags, and the shopping system collapsed several times.

The next day, the overall price of grain in Longguo fell overall, which had a knock-on effect.

Mufeng Group's products must be high-quality, even if the advertising words are magical, but no one will doubt the effect of fertilizer.

Everyone in the Lin family panicked, Mufeng Group actually launched fertilizer at this time, and it was a great success, and the grain fell in response.

Let the Lin family directly lose a lot.


and see, I don't believe that Mufeng fertilizer is really as good as advertised!"

In the past few days, Fang Qiuyao has been admitted to the hospital because she has reached her due date, ready to give birth at any time.

Today is finally going to give birth.

After Lin Lingtian got the news, he rushed to the hospital and waited outside the VIP delivery room.

Three hours later, the delivery room door finally opened, and a doctor and a nurse came out.

Lin Lingtian immediately greeted him, a little nervous, after all, he was a new father.

"How, did you give birth?" "

Congratulations, mother and son are safe."

Lin Lingtian breathed a sigh of relief, and his brows, which had been tense, loosened.

The Lin family added another little, which is a great thing.

Recently, the Lin family has been very unlucky, bad things have happened one after another, and now a good thing has happened, which is just right to be happy.

"Is the child healthy?

"Very healthy..." For

some reason, the doctor looked at Lin Lingtian with a somewhat wrong look in his eyes, full of pity.

"Can I watch the child now.

"Yes, I'll ask the nurse to bring your son."

Lin Lingtian did not notice the doctor's strangeness and was full of expectation.

The nurse had already come holding the child and handed it to Lin Lingtian.

Lin Lingtian's face was originally full of joy, but when he saw the child in his arms clearly, his expression stiffened.

I saw that the child's skin was black.

"Doctor, is my child sick?

"No, the child is healthy.

"Then why is his skin black?" "

It's genetically caused and doesn't affect health."

"Doctor, I asked bluntly if this child is mine."

"In theory, no. "

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