"Today, neither of you can do without." Spencer said as if he heard Yuan Xi's secret tone, squinting his eyes.

Yuan Xi and Lance looked at him at the same time, with expressions of disdain.

Feeling despised, Spencer coldly snorted: "Lance, I will tear you up and eat your flesh and blood." On the NA-999 spacecraft, it was Lance who killed his brother Spark. Therefore, Lance ranks ahead of Yuan Xi in the revenge list.

"Then it depends on your ability." Lance said lightly, with no expression on his face, but he was a little uneasy in his heart, because the number and configuration of Gary Star really exceeded his expectations.

Spencer didn't talk any more nonsense. He stomped the ground, and the entire ground shook violently, and his strength was clearly beyond normal. After stomping the ground, he kept moving, kicking straight towards Lance.

With Spencer's height, one of his legs is six or seven meters long, and one foot can crush a person.

Lance and Yuanxi moved to both sides. When Lance retreated, he stepped on the ground and jumped up, "Yuanxi, pay attention to safety." Before the voice fell, the power grids from all directions were fired from the mecha's grenades and sealed. All his way.

He saw the corners of Spencer's lips overflowing with cruel arcs.

Spencer deliberately pushed him into the air, thinking that he would be easily captured without any leverage. Of course, the power grid is only one of them. After the power grid, there is a laser muzzle aimed at him. If the power grid can't trap him, then he will directly execute the act of execution.

Lance's eyes were sharp, and his figure turned into a phantom before the power grid touched his body. All the power grids fell through, but they turned to other mermaid and Jin Xiaobao on the ground, including Yuan Xi.

Originally, Field also sweated for Lance, but they unexpectedly continued to attack them on the ground in an orderly manner, as if they were actually the real target.

When the power grid fell, heavily armed people had already fired at them, not laser guns, but poison arrows. The disgusting smell of poison made Yuan Xi disgusted.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me, I surrender ah ah ah ah..." The Cliff that Yuan Xi met a year and a half ago is a mermaid who is greedy for life and fear of death. Today, he is still greedy for life and fear of death. When Jin Xiaobao was ready to prepare for the big deal, he cowardly cried out surrender.

However, the enemy did not give him a chance. Tens of thousands of poisonous arrows shot past from every direction, including the little mermaid who knew that this time should be transformed into a mermaid and use their scales to resist. Only Cliff, He was shot directly into a hedgehog.

The one who didn't become a mermaid was Yuan Xi. He blocked all the poisonous arrow attacks with the Umbrella of Silence, and by the way also protected Mia who needed to protect himself and Jin Xiaobao.

But the poisonous arrow continued, Field said: "Get on the mecha, hurry!"

In fact, the mecha is not helpful, but at least it can give them a temporary safety point. Their sound waves can prevent the attack of thermal weapons, and they are too close to the opponent. If the opponent uses a weapon with high lethality, it will also injure themselves. But there is no doubt that the gap in the number of people cannot be made up unless Yuanxi and Lance can turn the situation around with the two of them.

Although Field knew from Patricio that the two of them were so strong that they were unattainable, and he also knew that he had killed 60,000 troops with the power of four, there are more than 60,000 people in front of him? Unless there is a miracle, they will undoubtedly die today.

Yuan Xi and Lance didn’t know Field’s thoughts. Let’s talk about Lance’s loss of body shape from the power grid. He did not turn back to save Field and others, but appeared behind Spencer, only Spencer’s head. Tall, he grabbed Spencer's hair and pulled it back.

The force from the back of his head caught Spencer off guard, and his whole body fell backwards uncontrollably. At that moment, he felt his head almost torn off.

Spencer reacted very quickly. Every part of his body, even every strand of hair, was almost a gene product, possessing unimaginable abilities.

For example, he can make himself generate an electric current, which is transmitted to the hair.

However, Lance remained indifferent.

As Yuan Xi said, after all nine thunder tribulations, why are you afraid of a small electric current?

The moment Spencer landed, his arms were already raised and grabbed towards Lance. How could Lance let him do as he wished, and a sharp light flashed by, and he cut off half of Spencer's hand neatly. The black blood ran out with a foul smell, and instantly corroded a subordinate close to him, who died before he even screamed.

This is a gene belonging to the Titanium Marxian. The blood is highly toxic and corrosive. Yuan Xi once chopped down a complete Titanium Marxian tentacle monster when he was on Gulan.

Lance frowned slightly, these genetic people really dared to accept everything, and were not afraid to kill themselves.

Spencer didn't get angry because of being cut off, but seized the opportunity to spill the blood towards Lance. Lance's eyes shrank, and the blood that flew towards him turned into ice particles when he approached him. With a wave of his hand, the ice particles turned into countless hidden weapons, flying towards those who were waiting for the attack, penetrating the equipment they believed to be solid.

Lance found a spy mental power, knowing that the Crosius people were tempting, and he did not want to entangle with Spencer anymore. He looked at Spencer who had already stood up, and his voice mocked: "Do you think Electra is waste? In my opinion, you are also waste."

"Shut up! Shut up!" The word "waste" **** Spencer's weakness, and he was furious in an instant. The back of his face and hands showed hideous purple tendons. The eyeballs were bloodshot, and the whites of his eyes and pupils turned into the same blood color, which was very strange.

Lance squeezed the cold front.

A concrete mental body suddenly formed on top of Spencer, shouting angrily: "Spencer, I said, your body is not stable yet..." Before the words fell, the special dress on Spencer was torn apart. Fragments.

At this time, Spencer’s upper body meridian knots, the color is a strange purple-red, the skin is only lighter than the meridian color, densely densely covered with darker red spots, the lower body is turned into a fish tail, there is still The fish tails of the scales are the same weird purple-red.

Just one glance makes people feel creepy.

This is a cyborg, similar to the monsters raised by Douglas in the Terry Institute, but more advanced.

Lance's heart was heavy, Spencer's tail had already been patted at him, and there was still a hint of aura. He wanted to face the enemy head-on, but Yuan Xi came first and blocked the blow with the Silent Shadow Umbrella.

The two of them retreated a dozen meters, and Lance was shocked, "How can he have such a powerful force?"

Yuan Xi's expression was also a little solemn: "The accident made him enter the practice, but without the exercise method, he will die suddenly after a short period of time."

Lance nodded, "Take him out first, I see the Crosius."

"I'll be with you. Before the reinforcements come, you can only rely on the two of us. Please pay attention to replenish the spirit." Yuan Xi said.

"Don't worry, I know it." Even if he cares about his own safety, he will remember that his injury will tire Yuanxi, so he will try not to hurt himself.

Neither of them is a daunting character, Spencer is a monster that must be solved in front of him, and Yuan Xi has discovered that there are still a lot of "Crossius" in his blood, and these "Crossius" have not smoked. His vitality is still alive. He suspects that apart from being an experiment, Spencer is also a Crosius gestating mother, but he will not let any "Crossius" leave alive.

"Frost Secret Art" has been used to its extreme. There is no second type of ice in the material world that can have the high hardness of the ice that they have changed. "The Butcher" Electra will be frozen and unable to move, and Spencer is also the same. In the same way, the fire of ice is also the most domineering flame in the material world. Whether it is a ghost or a monster, it can be burned out.

Spencer watched every inch of his skin stained with frost, unable to move, and was eaten by the white flame bit by bit, without any resistance.

"Spencer--" The Crosius who was spying in the sky let out a stern cry, the invisible mental power turned into a sharp arrow to pierce Lance and Yuanxi, Yuanxi looked back and took a picture of an exorcism. Instantly burned those spiritual powers.

The Nacrosius screamed after being wounded, and instead of attacking, he fled immediately.

"I'll chase him, you must be careful!" Lance said.

Yuan Xi nodded: "So are you."

The two were separated temporarily.

Many people have witnessed the scene of Spencer being burned to **** but unable to return to the sky. Such a scene made them fearful, but it made them even more cruel.

Although Field said that everyone was allowed to enter the mecha, but the mecha recruited, but they couldn't get in as expected. They could only use the mecha as a temporary shield. Every mermaid was in a panic and suffered more or less injuries. , The blood flow does not stop. Field took the time to take out the potion and threw it to Mia, the gray-haired mermaid, and Shelly and his son. The poison that makes people bleed, Seablue Star has developed an antidote.

But if they continue to attack, sooner or later the mecha will be abolished, and their energy and physical strength will not end forever.

"Ka Ka Ka -" The mermaids and Jin Xiaobao hiding in the mecha encirclement heard the thunder cracking, followed by endless screams.

Yuan Xi carried a lot of thunder talismans on his body, and the thunder talismans could make him take a breath, licking two Yuanxi Pills to regain his spiritual power.

Suddenly, he thought of a few Fields, flashed after offering ten more thunder talismans, and also reached the encirclement of the mecha besieged city.

Several mermaids were startled by him, and the little mermaid exclaimed: "Sect Master Yuan!"

Yuan Xi didn't talk nonsense, just asked: "Which one of you entrains qi to become a function to drive spiritual power?"

There was a moment of silence in the small encirclement, and after that, three voices sounded at the same time: "I."

One is Field, the other is Mia, and the other is a gray-haired mermaid.

Yuan Xi took out a stack of thunder talisman and three bottles from the storage ring, "Thunder talisman, use spiritual power to drive, remember to stay away from yourself; this is a spiritual liquid, you can take it when your spiritual power is insufficient."

Field was silent for a second, and then took some thunder symbols and a bottle. Mia did not hesitate to take the second one. Seeing that they took them, the gray-haired mermaid also took hands. To say hate, he did have it in his heart. Resentful, resenting why Yuanxi had to come here, put them all in danger. But what if you hate it any more, these interstellar people are tricky and cruel, obviously they are fully prepared, even if he escaped the room by chance before, what awaited him was already death.

"There is a sea three kilometers east, you can go there." Yuan Xi said.

"Aren't you sending us?" Doyle blurted out.

After asking him, he saw a smile on Yuan Xi's face, as if he had asked such a stupid question.

His girlfriend Ning Ning, also the pink-haired girl who has been a little afraid of Yuan Xi since she came here, was irritated today or for other reasons, but she mustered up the courage and said, "You threatened us not to escape and came here. , Shouldn't you be responsible for our lives?"

Hearing that Yuanxi almost laughed out loud, he hadn't spoken yet, and the little tyrannosaurus Mia sprayed back first: "It seems that you can really escape without threatening. I really think that you can get out by breaking the wall, and you are not afraid of being electrocuted. Die?"

Ningning's face flushed quickly, but she still stalked her neck and said, "Field has successfully induced air, and he can use the mermaid talent to break the net outside without water."

"Ningning, don't say it." Field frowned to prevent her from continuing. He knew how much he was capable of. Ningning was too naive, thinking that he was just like Yuan Xi, who was just like Yuan Xi. , That would be too ridiculous.

Ningning stopped talking when he was drunk by Field, but his face was red and a little purple.

Yuan Xi didn't pay attention to her either, only said: "My thunder talisman broke a hole, I am going out now, they will not pay too much attention to you, I wish you good luck."

"...Thank you." Field knew that Yuan Xi's going out must be the goal of those people, and with his ability, he wanted to leave those people's eyes without being discovered by them.

Yuan Xi turned to Mia and Jin Xiaobao again, the corners of her lips curled up, and said to Mia: "For the sake of you speaking for me, I will give you something." He threw a red pill into Mia. In his hand, "Humans can breathe freely in the water within twelve hours after taking it."

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