After the Full Level of the Profession

Chapter 203: Don't pit your money this time

When the female assassin said this, a **** murderous aura flashed in her eyes, and her temperament changed. This cannot be blamed on her. She is still a very young assassin, not as good at hiding herself as an old assassin. Murderous.

When it comes to words like murder, her young blood will boil, releasing her murderous aura without concealment. The expression on his face was also distorted and became very fierce.

This really scared Xiao Yi. The priest is a creature that is very good at capturing other people’s emotions. The same is true for Xiao Yi. She almost instantly felt that the "woman" in front of her had become a little bit at that moment. unusual.

That gloomy, naked, undisguised killing intent caused Xiao Yi to retreat two steps in a row.

The female assassin was also taken aback. Oops, this would expose her identity. She quickly put away her murderous aura and restored the appearance of an ordinary woman, embarrassingly: "Sorry, I didn't mean it just now. I... I am a devout believer in the God of Light. I love everything. The appearance just now was not me. The original intention."

After speaking, she walked out of the church quickly, for fear of being seen through.

Xiao Yi looked at her back, but couldn't let it go for a long time. She thought to herself: The girl just now is just a very ordinary townsman. She said she believes in the God of Light religiously, and she also said that she loves everything. However, when she mentioned the heretics, she showed such a cruel and vicious expression, naked and unabashedly murderous.

OMG! Our "Bright Bible" turns kind believers into demons!

No, this must not be the original intention of the God of Light, it must be that the author of this "Bible of Light" misinterpreted the original intention of the God of Light. Maybe I really need to stand up and think carefully about whether there are areas in this book that need to be revised.

Soon after, Cuckoo and Jiji came. They brought a convoy. After paying a large sum of money, they carried all the iron swords and iron armors in the yard onto the carts, which led to the bright road. , And they also booked more orders.

However, all the iron ingots reserved by the miners in Xifeng Town were collected by Robb a few days ago. New iron ingots have not been created yet, and it will take some time.

Therefore, the second batch of orders will only be completed after a while.

Robb expressed his warm welcome to this kind of order that fell from the sky. As soon as he sent away the gurgling and jiggling, he immediately informed the whole town that he would once again purchase a large amount of iron ingots, and the purchase price this time remained unchanged. Three silver coins and one ingot.

Iron ingots used to be sold for only one silver coin and one ingot. The last time Robb bought it at the price of three silver coins and one ingot, it was already frantically high. The miners thought it was just one benefit, but Unexpectedly, this time I would use this price again.

The miners felt the warmth from Godfather, and desperately digging up the mine, seizing the opportunity to make a war fortune, and they won’t be able to make a profit when the price drops back to the original price.

Without the two weapons hills, the courtyard in the church was much wider.

But for the assassins lurking outside, they were unhappy in their hearts. The female assassin who stepped into the church during the day was hiding behind a big rock in the distance, and couldn't help but cursed in a low voice: "Damn it! Without those two hills, it would be even more difficult to get close to the pool." "

The middle-aged assassin whispered: "Anyway, it is only possible to kill him when he is young. When he is young, it is not so difficult to get close to him, and the presence or absence of those two hills does not matter much."

The female assassin nodded: "Understood!"

"Anyway, look for a chance in the evening. As long as he falls asleep, it is his death date. If he is not in the pool, we will wait until night and sneak into his room to kill him, but this will be more difficult. Because we can't detect in advance whether there are any decorations in his room. Therefore, it is best to assassinate him in the pool."

The evening came, the sun was slanting west, and the heavens and the earth were full of golden light.

The female assassin lurked on the hillside next to the church early. She didn’t hide behind the tree sneakily, because even though she could avoid the gaze from the church, she couldn’t prevent it from coming from other directions. Looking at it, there are a lot of people in this small town, and the church is an eye-catching place, so she sits generously on the hillside, like a person enjoying the evening breeze, but it is not suspicious.

She just sat there quietly, observing the situation in the church yard, waiting for Robb to take a bath.

Robb was really taking a bath, but he was not soaked in the water.

He was immersed in the water with his lower body and his upper body out of the water. He drove the crystal ball and kept talking with the queen. Then Lilian took out a huge pot, placed the pot by the pool, and smiled at the crystal ball. : "Miss Queen, guess what I am going to do today?"

The queen had a proud expression: "Nothing can deceive me of money."

After speaking, she added in a low voice: I have no money.

Robb smiled and said, "Okay, okay, don't always think that I will lie to you for money. I am actually very kind. I am a well-known good person in Xifeng Town.

The queen said blankly: "You are only good to the people in Westwind Town, but I am not from Westwind Town."

Robb smiled and said: "Okay, okay, I really don’t lie to you today. The materials I will use today are all you can get. You see, this is a big pot, and the pot is made of soybeans. The resultant milk is the soy milk that you have been drinking every morning recently."

The queen said "Oh". Since Robb planted soybeans a few days ago, she taught her the technique of making soy milk. Adding sugar to the soy milk can make sweet soy milk. Drinking a cup every morning is really happy. immortal.

So, soy milk is something familiar to her.

She curiously said: "What are you going to do with soy milk? What else can it change?"

Robb smiled and said, "This soy milk is slightly stronger than the soy milk you usually drink."

After speaking, he took out a handful of strange particles and smiled: "Do you know what this is?"

The queen shook her head: "I don't know."

A chef behind her who was already ready to steal technology took a step forward and whispered: "Your Majesty, that thing is bittern. It is the crystals precipitated by the evaporation and cooling of the mother liquor remaining in the salt pond after the seawater has been made into salt."

The queen wondered: "Oh? What's the use of that thing?"

The chef shook his head and said he didn't know.

Robb smiled and said, "Okay, don't ask the chef. I won't cheat you this time. I will teach you well. Dissolve this crystal called bittern in water and it will turn into brine. Then, Adding the right amount of brine to the soy milk will make a very, very, very awesome food."

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