After the Full Level of the Profession

Chapter 212: Bad things spread thousands of miles

Director Elsie was overjoyed. From this small request, we can see how much Robb pays attention to the police system. He is really under one person and over ten thousand people.

Before he was happy for two seconds, he heard Robb lower his voice and said solemnly: "Police are a sacred profession and an example of the people. Therefore, if your policemen commit crimes and commit crimes, the crime will be increased."

Director Elsie: "..."

Well, the greater the power, the greater the control.

Chief Elsie was respectful, and then hurried back to arrange what Robb had ordered. He invited a tailor to help design the police uniform. Then he called a few scouts from the Knights Templar and asked them to pretend to be Ordinary townspeople, monitoring the group of 15 refugees from the female assassin.

A team of fifty people must also be prepared, standing by nearby at any time, and the fifteen assassins will be surrounded and arrested at an order.

After finishing all this, a prison guard approached him and gave him a wooden bucket: "Seat, the first batch of juice squeezed by the prisoners has come out."

Director Elsie quickly opened the wooden barrel, poured a glass of freshly squeezed juice out, and tasted it: "The quality is not bad! Come here, quickly send all the juices that have been squeezed to Godfather. He is looking forward to this batch of juice. It’s been a few days, and it’s a great contributor to the delivery of this thing."

At the same time, in a rental villa in Wangjiang Qinghuai District.

Fifteen assassins gathered around and listened to the female assassin's assassination report.

"At the time, my dagger was only 0.1 centimeters from his throat." The female assassin whispered: "Then I stabbed it hard, but I felt that I hadn't cut anything, and the dagger was clearly swept away. After his throat, he was not injured at all. I don't know what happened."

The other assassins were shocked, thinking they had misheard, only the headed middle-aged assassin frowned.

The female assassin continued: "I stabbed him more than ten or twenty times. I stabbed him in the throat, heart, temple, all the places where a fatal blow could be hit, but... I can't stab him at all."

Assassins: "..."

The headed middle-aged assassin said solemnly: "In other words, are physical attacks ineffective?"

The female assassin nodded.

"It seems that we have to use another method." The middle-aged assassin took out a small glass bottle from his arms. There are several milliliters of green liquid in it.

He put the glass bottle in the middle of the room: "Let's use this next."

"This is... poison?" The assassins saw it at a glance.

"That's right!" the middle-aged assassin said: "This is a poison that the great witch doctor made for us. The effect is very terrifying. It only takes one drop to kill people instantly, ensuring that the other party does not even have time to use detoxification. It is very poisonous. It will spread all over the body."

The assassins immediately understood: "Drip into his mouth while he is sleeping."

The middle-aged assassin said: "Who will take the initiative this time?"

Several assassins raised their hands and expressed their willingness to assassinate.

The female assassin said in a deep voice: "Captain, please let me kill him! I've got a familiar face with Robert. It's easier to approach him than you are. I only need to tell the two nuns that I want to spend the night in the church. Was easily accepted by the nuns."

The middle-aged assassin thought for a while and nodded: "It makes sense, then you should go."

The female assassin pinched the poisonous bottle in her palm, and a fierce light flashed in her eyes, huh, that man who looked at me ashamed, I will come to take your life tonight. After killing you, I will remain an innocent woman.

In the evening, the setting sun rode a cane to the west sky, staggered, accidentally fell, and fell from the sky, fell below the horizon, and the sky was dark.

Robb is calling her Majesty the Queen again.

The phone call between him and Her Majesty the Queen is now almost a compulsory course when taking a bath every day, anyway, it just happens to be boring when taking a bath.

Now, Her Majesty the Queen is making a very abnormal request in the crystal ball: "Mr. Robert, I now solemnly request that you sign an exclusive purchase agreement with you. From now on, all military equipment you produce, They can only be sold to me, not to Mondela in Eastgrand, or the desert kingdom of Kurt, or the kingdom of knights, Norma, and other messy competitors."

Robbile said: "Is there anything wrong? Just as soon as the call was made, you slapped my face to show me this! It seems that you are quite satisfied with the equipment I sold you. But...the ghost agreed to your request. I am a money-making machine with no emotions. As long as I have money, I can sell equipment."

The queen didn't move her expression, she seemed to have guessed that Robb would say something like this: "I'll add money."

"How much?"

The queen said in an extremely difficult tone: "Each sword adds 30% to the price."

"Oh, that's a handful of thirteen silver coins?" Robb pulled his finger to calculate the account: "I earn three more silver coins for each sword. One hundred swords is three gold coins, and one thousand swords make more money. Thirty gold coins, the money is so slow, don't do it."

"I can't pay more." The queen said with a trace of fatigue: "I am a child without a father or a mother. It took 16 years to escape to the Lost City with the help of the veterans. I just figured out this family background. It’s only half a year, and it’s about to be spent. can’t look at me because I don’t have a father or a mother. You can help me a little bit? You make dozens of less money. What's wrong with gold coins? What use do you have for money?"

"Buy a maid!" Robb said with a calm face: "Beautiful country girl, only five gold coins, I can buy six more maids if I earn 30 more gold coins. How cool is that? Show me a dance , One squeezed my shoulders, one squeezed my legs, one squeezed my waist, another squeezed my neck, another squeezed my head, one squeezed my arms in my arms, and the other hugged me to bed..."

"Wait!" The Queen interrupted him: "How did you count seven?"

"Huh? Is it enough for seven?" Robb said, "Sure enough, I have to raise the price a little bit more."


There is no reason to talk to such a frenzied guy. The Queen lowered her voice and said, "Don’t fool me. You only have Lilian as a maid, and you have never bought a second one. You don’t want money to buy a maid. Yes. Don’t think I’ve never investigated, you’re clean and self-conscious, and you haven’t gotten involved with any women so far, so it’s not like you said so badly."

"Hey... bad things have spread for thousands of miles again." Robb sighed: "Can't you tell me that I am extravagant and corrupt, and my style is corrupt? Only if it is spread like this is the person who is rich and powerful. The dregs who are too poor to pay for the prostitution will be passed on as clean and self-care. I accidentally spread the poor name thousands of miles away, God!"

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