After the Full Level of the Profession

Chapter 217: Delicious, so sweet

After talking about something, the female assassin didn’t think about it anymore, she casually perfunctory all kinds of questions raised by Robb, quietly waiting for the passage of time, wait, wait, the opportunity can’t necessarily wait, but The assassin had great patience while waiting for the opportunity.

Sure enough, Huang Tian paid off, she finally waited.

After eating the second batch of skewers sent by Lilian, Robb stretched out his arms lazily and said with a smile: "I’m full, I don’t know why, every time I eat supper, I want to sleep. A nap."

The female assassin was overjoyed.

Robb said, "But, it's rare for you to be here with me to soak in the hot springs. If I don't talk to you and doze off by myself, I would be too rude to beautiful women."

The female assassin hurriedly said: "It's okay for me. I was here to disturb Godfather's leisurely life. How can I disturb your sleep for me?"

Robb said: "Well, then I'm going to bed."

The female assassin smiled and said: "Okay, please sleep as much as you want, sleep soundly."

She thought to herself: This is the last opportunity for you to see the world with your eyes open. See clearly, you will lose your life in your sleep soon.

Robb smiled and said meaningfully: "Then I'm going to sleep, you have fun yourself, have fun."

The female assassin did not hear the ridicule in Robb's tone, because she was already thinking about how to do it for a while, and smiled and replied: "Okay, I will have a good time."

Robb leaned against the pool and closed his eyes.

At this time, the sky was completely dark, and Xifeng Town became quiet again.

Robb's breathing gradually stabilized, as if he was slowly entering a state of deep sleep.

But the female assassin was not in a hurry, soaking in the pool motionlessly, it was not the time to take action.

Sure enough, Lilian quickly got out of the church, took away the plate by the pool gently, and smiled at the female assassin.

The female assassin gave her a smile. It was correct to not move just now, because the tray had not been confiscated. She knew that the maid would come out at any time, and it was too easy to be seen just now.

When Lilian was gone, the female assassin felt that it was time for her to do her hands. She looked around and found that the nuns hadn't come out tonight, and they seemed to rest early. There was no activity in the dark church nearby, only a few cat people squatting by the river in the distance, but these cat people were so far apart that they couldn't see the situation in the pool here.

The female assassin dug out the poison bottle buried just now from the edge of the pool, pinched it tightly in her palm, and then slowly moved closer to Robb again, just like last night, getting closer and closer.

However, there is one place that is different from yesterday. Today she is also in the pool. In this case, if she is close to a man, the body under the water must be very close, which is completely different from yesterday's situation when she squatted down and approached by the pool. .

The point is that she only wore a few shameful cloths, and most of her shame was not covered at all, and Robb also only wore a pair of small flat-leg swimming trunks, which is not very different from not wearing them. , In this case, the two bodies are so close...

This made her own breathing a little messy.

No, hold on! Your breathing can't be messed up, you are a killer! It's cold and cool, no emotion.

She forcibly resisted the shaking in her heart, and slowly moved her face to Robb's face, still using the same trick yesterday to test whether the target was asleep.

No man can pretend to sleep in this situation!

And Robb's breathing remained steady and unchanged, and the female assassin was secretly delighted in her heart, great, this guy really fell asleep, now is a good opportunity to kill him.

She opened the poison bottle at a rapid speed. As soon as the green liquid in the bottle touched the air, a few bubbles immediately rose up. The whole bottle of potion seemed to be boiling, terrifying.

It is indeed a poison prepared by the great witch doctor, and you can feel its violent poison at a glance.

The female assassin carefully put the bottle to Robb's mouth...

When he was sleeping, he leaned his head back against the pool and opened his mouth slightly. This is the seam!

The female assassin aligned the mouth of the bottle to this slit, and slowly tilted the mouth of the bottle. The green venom slowly and slowly flowed out from the bottle, and a drop of green liquid dripped into Robb’s. In the mouth, then another drop, another drop.

The female assassin was overjoyed in her heart. Are you still alive now?

However, she didn’t know that the plot effect of this venom was roughly equivalent to the poisonous spell thrown by the small BOSS around level 50 in the game "Black Blade". Said that the sustained damage caused could not keep up with Robb's own blood recovery speed.

Robb smashed his mouth, pretending to be talking in a dream, and said in a daze: "It's so sweet, so sweet syrup, so good... so good... give me some more..."

Female assassin: "..."

Is there a mistake? She looked at the bottle in her hand with a look of horror? No, the dose must be insufficient, I will give you the entire bottle. She turned the bottle upside down, and the few milliliters of poison all dripped into Robb’s mouth. It was poured too quickly, and even a drop on her lips stained Robb’s lips green.

Robb pattered his mouth and said in a daze, "Good time, sweet, great time!"

The female assassin was shocked, thinking to herself: Could the captain give the wrong medicine? What was given to me was not poison, but a cure? The witch doctor is an obscure profession, and the poisons and healing medicines made are green and green. Maybe it's mixed up.

At this moment, Robb moved suddenly, looking like he was about to wake up.

The female assassin was startled, she slapped her backhand on the muddy ground by the pool, and slapped the glass bottle into the mud. After finishing this action, Robb’s eyes were already open, and she didn’t have time to escape from Robb. Open, still keeping a very close distance from Robb, the two faces close together, breathing each other.

At this moment, the atmosphere became weird and embarrassed.

Robb pretended not to know anything, even with a drop of green venom on his lips: "Miss refugee, you... weren't you across the pool just now? Why... did you sit next to me? Put your face so close in front of my face?"

The female assassin bit her lower lip. At this time, she had no choice but to act according to the pre-set words. She pretended to blush, and said shyly: "I think you are asleep and look handsome. I want to... I want to come... and give you a secret kiss while you are asleep. Who knows that you woke up at this time? , It's... really shameful."

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