After the Full Level of the Profession

Chapter 219: Eliminate potential threats

Early in the morning, Robb was sitting on the stone bench to eat breakfast again.

The lovely cat girl Huahua also lay down next to his stone chair when it was time to go to bed.

However, she is a bit pitiful today, her expression looks aggrieved, and even the six beards on her face don't look very energetic, and she is a little drooping.

Robb asked softly: "What's the matter? I don't seem to be happy."

Hua Hua flatly said: "Fish is getting harder and harder to catch. The population of Xifeng Town is increasing. Everyone catches all the big fish in this small river. It took me half a night to catch it last night. A little fish can’t get enough to eat.”

Robbile said: "I have said that I will enter my own fish-raising rhythm earlier. By catching river fish, this will definitely be the result. Don't worry too much. Her Majesty's caravan will come in two days and there will be a lot of meat. When the meat is shipped, the price of meat products will drop drastically. Humans are relatively less fond of eating fish, preferring to eat pigs, sheep, cows and chickens, and the competitive pressure of fishing will be less."

"Oh." Huahua still kept her mouth flat, unhappy, until Lilian got her a fried chicken leg, she happily finished the chicken leg, then turned it into a cat cake, and fell asleep next to Robb.

This guy is obviously a cat person, not a cat. I don't know why he can make a pie. Robber really wants to turn her over and look over to see how her hands and feet are placed.

However, before this evil idea could be implemented, Director Elsie came.

He walked to Robb and said in a low voice: "Godfather, the dozen or so assassins you asked me to monitor have been identified. They were sent by the Desert Kingdom. The people I sent to monitor them, look from them. Many people in the Desert Kingdom came out with their unique living habits. The scout reported that the army of the Desert Kingdom camped thirty miles north of Westwind and deliberately did not move forward. It seems that they were waiting for the actions of these assassins."

Robb smiled and said, "Well, I guessed it."

Director Elsie continued: "They had a movement last night."

"Oh?" Robb smiled: "What are they doing?"

Director Elsie: "The female assassin died suddenly, I don't know what happened."

Robb smiled and said, "Oh, that was because she wanted to poison me, so I replied with a drop of venom. I didn't know that she couldn't hold even a drop. I really don't blame me."

Director Elsie thought: So you did it! What a spicy hand, such a beautiful girl would die if she said she was poisoned, she didn't frown, she still had a sunny smile on her face, what a terrible Godfather. Treat yourself as gentle as the sun, but treat your enemies as ruthlessly like winter.

He was thinking of this when he heard Robb smile and say: "Don't destroy the corpse, I will resurrect her when I turn around. Her charge is only attempted murder, and the crime is not dying, but she can still be rescued."

Director Elsie: "..."

You can't make complaints, you lose when you make complaints. Director Elsie can think of it with her toes. The reason why the female assassin can get such a counterpoint is because she is beautiful and has a good figure, and Godfather has taken a fancy to it.

After she is resurrected, she is estimated to be imprisoned in an eighteenth appearance or twenty-four bridge Mingyue Ye. If Godfather is a little frantic, Togenko's thirty-six style and Oedo's forty-eight hands are also possible.

But don't tell the truth about this kind of thing. As a subordinate, you can just pretend that you don't understand it. There is no need to figure out the boss's ideas so clearly, otherwise the boss may find a reason to cut his head any day.

Director Elsie said respectfully: "Understood, his subordinates will pay attention to recovering the corpse. In addition, I want to report that the youngest of the group left Westwind Town in the middle of the night last night and went north. Although I was able to stop him, I thought Godfather had said that if they didn't cause trouble, there was no need to deal with them, so the officials didn't get rid of them."

Robb smiled and said: "You did the right thing. That person should have sent the letter back. The secret of the Xianfengyun Physical Technique will soon be spread to the enemy."

Director Elsie said dumbfounded: "Xianfengyun Physical Skills? What is it?"

"Well, to put it simply, the enemy now thinks that I can easily be killed without water." Robb smiled and said, "They should already be planning to find a place without water to kill me."

Director Elsie said: "Godfather, now everything is found out, are you going to take action against them?"

Robb shook his head and said, "Although I can order you to rush over and arrest all those a dozen people as prisoners of reform through labor, and add a dozen more people to Xifeng Town, this will not work, even if you know that your opponent is a bad guy. If there is no evidence and the current crime of the other party is not caught, we cannot convict others, because that would break the law and order. The only person who can convict now is the female assassin. The other dozen people are innocent. But let ten Several enemy assassins have been lurking in Westwind Town. It will affect the safety of ordinary townspeople. Therefore, the only way to solve them is..."

Speaking of this, Robb dragged a long tone, revealing an evil smile: "Fishing law enforcement!"

"Huh?" Director Elsie was confused by this new vocabulary: "What is fishing law enforcement?"

Robb didn't explain the word because he was worried that Chief Elsie had really learned this trick. He just wanted to use extraordinary means to relieve the potential threat of Westwind Town, but he didn't want his policemen to play this trick in the future.

Turned his head and smiled: "You go and arrange an opportunity for me so that I can leave the church and go to a place where there is no water."

Director Elsie was confused: "Does the fishing law enforcement mean that you are going to deal with the enemy while fishing? Then why find a place without water? How to fish without water?"

"Don't worry about so much. In short, make arrangements so that I can walk to the place where there is no water in a reasonable and reasonable way." Robb smiled and said, "Then, it depends on how the dozen or so assassins are going to perform."

Director Elsie knew, nodded and said: "The next officer will make arrangements immediately."

Half an hour later...

The amethyst mine in the back mountain of Westwind Town suddenly made a loud "bang", and then a large group of miners on the mountain shouted: "It's not good, the mine caved in!"

"Hurry up and call for someone, there are two miners trapped in the cave."

"You will die if you sleep for a long time. Only Godfather has the ability to dig through tunnels in a very short time."

"Yes, right, go get Godfather!"

Under the instruction of Director Elsie, the miners threw out the lines that had already been compiled. Such a major event, of course, spread throughout the entire Westwind Town in an instant, and all of them in the town were all running toward the Houshan Mine.

Some plan to save people, and some plan to go to the theater!

Of course, there will also be opportunistic actions.

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