In the open space in front of the prison cafeteria, there was an assassin dancing naked.

Three circles on the left, three circles on the right, twisted neck, twisted butt...

More than 3,000 prisoners of war clapped their hands and laughed. The cheerful atmosphere made people forget for a while that they were all prisoners who had lost their personal freedom.

So, as long as human beings can eat and wear warm clothes, where can they hang around?

Only the assassin leader was not in the mood. He fumbled and searched among the crowd, and finally found the general of the vanguard, Madara.

While observing the prison guards in the distance, the assassin leader cautiously approached Madara and made sure that no guards were monitoring them. Then he whispered: "General Madara, hello, I am the spy of the main force. , And Captain of the Assassin."

"Oh?" Madara fixed his eyes on the assassin dancing naked, clapping his hands and matching the rhythm of the naked dance. More than three thousand prisoners of war clapped together and hummed the ancient desert folk songs.

After taking two shots, he whispered: "What do you want to say when you come to me? Are you going to escape from prison?"

"Yes!" the assassin leader whispered: "I'm good at sneaking, landing silently, and know all kinds of flashing footwork. If I want to escape, the chance is great. I think, if your subordinates To cooperate, if you deliberately create a little confusion, I can even take you out. We can take out what we have seen and heard in Westwind Town, and even the information of Robert, and give it to the commander of the Eastern Army. ."

Madara shook his head and sighed: "Don't be silly, you can't get out! You don't know how terrible these three hundred prison guards are. My men have tried various escape methods, but they can't They took one off their hands."

"How terrible can it be? Isn't it only three hundred people?" The assassin leader said: "We have more than three thousand people."

Madara smiled bitterly: "These three hundred people plus the blessing of the king, there is no suspense in slinging over three thousand of us. I really don't think we have any chance."

The assassin leader was a little angry: "General, don't you even have the courage to give it a try?"

"What is there to try?" Moran Luo said: "If there is a fight between three hundred and three thousand, the noise will be very loud. The shouting and killing will reach the church. When Robert hears it, he will definitely take action. Yes, as soon as he shot, the battle was instantly over."

The assassin leader couldn't help being surprised: What made a brave dual-armed warrior so embarrassed? Why would three thousand people be afraid of one person?

He said solemnly: "Then you are willing to be imprisoned here all the time? Oh...No..." He suddenly thought of something: "You are a nobleman, you can wait for the country or family to pay you back. I'm such a fool to consult with you."

Madara shrugged: "I'm doing this for your own good, so that you will suffer less from the ceiling fan."

"Huh!" The assassin leader snorted coldly, and stopped talking nonsense with Madara. He continued searching in the crowd, and soon found an old acquaintance, a shaman belonging to the vanguard, this shaman In the vanguard's attack on Westwind, he was severely injured by Robb's huge fork-shaped lightning. He was later cured and thrown into a prisoner of war camp. Now he has become a glorious reform-through-labor prisoner.

The assassin leader dragged the shaman to the corner and whispered: "Would you like to escape with me?"

The shaman was stunned: "You want to escape?"

"Yes!" the assassin leader whispered: "I must run away. One of my subordinates went to report the commander with wrong information. I must run back and correct the wrong information, otherwise it will harm the commander. of."

He explained the "Fairy Wind and Cloud Physical Technique" at a very fast speed, and then concluded: "I must hurry up before the commander formulates a new strategy and tell him this is false information, otherwise the commander will definitely be Yin."

The shaman looked at him with a look of Erbi, shook his head and said: "Don't be stupid, even if you correct the information, no one can beat Robert, and the East Road army is destined to be hanged, so don't bother. "

The assassin leader said: "Do you really don't want freedom so much?"

Shaman said: "Yes! That's why I worked hard to reduce my sentence. I performed well in the last month. I was named a model of Xifeng Prison's reform-through-labour. He was an advanced individual and had a demonstrative role. Therefore, Godfather granted me a one-year sentence reduction. Now I only have two. Years in prison, if I behave well, the remaining two years may be reduced in a blink of an eye. Maybe in two months, I will be able to walk out of the prison in a big way. Why am I risking death?"

Assassin leader: "..."

What happened to this group of people? Could it be that their fighting spirit has been polished by the mere green vegetables and sweet soy milk? Do not! This is not a citizen of my desert kingdom. Well, I wanted to take you to escape together, but you are so unambitious, so don't blame me for just taking care of myself.

That night, the assassin leader used an expert-level unlocking technique to easily open the door of the prison, and then led his twelve men to use stealth skills, sticking to the root of the wall, and slowly sneaking out of the prison like a ghost.

Their stealth strength is indeed extraordinary. They were not found all the way to the prison wall. They went over the wall and the guards were unaware. After turning out of the prison, they crawled slowly against the shadow of the valley edge.

They are indeed excellent, setting the record for the farthest escape from the Westwind Town Prison, and they sneaked to the exit of the valley without being found.

However, when he was about to get out of trouble, the assassin leader suddenly realized that he seemed to have stepped on something... a mark flashed on the ground.

"No, Frozen Trap!"

The leader of the assassin only had time to shout, and he felt an extremely cold ring of ice swaying against the ground. He and his men were all frozen in their feet, stuck to the ground and unable to move.

More than a dozen assassins looked at each other and were at a loss for a while.

Then, several patrolling prison guards rushed over, raised the scepter, and bumped them. The assassins were all stunned to the ground.

When they woke up, they realized that they were hung on a strange thing. Several prison guards were looking at them with weird eyes: "You try to escape. According to the rules of Xifeng Prison, you must be tortured by a ceiling fan in three gears. "

An assassin whispered: "Is this a ceiling fan?"

The other hummed: "What's so scary about hanging people like this?"

The assassin leader also said: "We are the people of the desert. We are not afraid of any torture. Let the torture be more violent."

The prison guard chuckled: "Now you can still be **** your mouth, and you won't be **** it soon."

He put his hand on the rotating handle of the ceiling fan and said with a smile: "You tell me, I still like to play with this."

After speaking, he violently exerted his force and shook the spinning rod so fast...

Assassins: (@[emailprotected])

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