After the Full Level of the Profession

Chapter 243: Commander, hold back for now

The Ten Thousand East Road Army of the Desert Kingdom, under the leadership of the lieutenant general and the great witch doctor, rushed northward in embarrassment, throwing their helmets and armor all the way, and fleeing lifelessly.

Behind him, a giant who defeated the Sphinx chased him and threatened to eat people. Who can stand him?

They did not dare to stop at all, lost everything and escaped, passing through the rough stone canyon, all the way to the crystal canyon, and the crystal canyon was originally intended to be occupied and not returned to Sigran, where can they still be taken care of now? Going to occupy the territory of an enemy country, one's own life can't be saved, the ghosts of the territory will take care of it!

Ten thousand people rushed back to the desert after swiping the ground, never daring to leave the place covered by yellow sand.

Of course, Robb didn't chase them at all. He only left the big shaman who betrayed his teammates and the most valuable Duke general. He captured two nobles at once, and the thieves were happy.

These two people, like Madara, can be used not only to provide labor for the prisoners, but also to exchange for ransom. A large amount of income is already beckoning to Robb.

Taking the swaying steps of the ground, Robb walked back to his side of the auditorium.

The few little nobles were shaken by the giant Robb when they walked, so that they could not sit still in their chairs, and stood up one after another.

Only Baron Nolen still has a calm face. He supported his chair with a whirlwind and kept it floating a little bit off the ground. This was already controlled by wind magic with all his strength, but his face Still maintaining a gentleman's hearty smile, a faint feeling of awesomeness, he raised his head and waved to the giant Robb: "Congratulations Godfather has won the game."

Robb threw the two captives in his hand toward the private soldiers. The commander and the big shaman fell from a height of more than ten yards. Opening a shield wall, steel and iron bones and other skills, knocked the ground out of a hole with a bang, but it stabilized.

But the big shaman couldn't do it anymore. He could only put himself on a body-shielded stone skin, and when he fell on the ground, he threw it with a puff, and the shock penetrated into the skin and entered the internal organs.

The two got up and wanted to run, but they looked at the giant Robb next to them, and their hearts were horrified, so they had to temporarily give up their intention to escape.

The commander's eyes immediately turned to the group of private soldiers next to him, planning to knock down a few private soldiers while he was not paying attention for a while.

At this time, a hand next to him stretched out and patted him on his shoulder. It was Madara. He said with a bitter face: "Great handsome, don't hit the idea of ​​these guys. They carry the king given by Robert. Blessings, all of them are bullish, and I can't beat each of them. Although you are much better than me, you will be crushed if you are attacked by two private soldiers."

"What?" The commander was shocked.

The leader of the assassin next to him spread his hands at him: "This is true! Commander, hold back for the time being."

Commander: "..."

Robb removed the giant transformation technique and returned to normal from a huge form of twenty yards high. He stood beside a few nobles and said with a smile: "Okay, now, the biggest threat to our Westwind Town has been lifted. go home."

A little nobleman glanced at Robb’s armor with an unbelievable expression: "Godfather, what's the matter with this iron armor on you? Why does the armor grow bigger when you use the giant transformation technique? When you shrink, it shrinks again. Will it not be burst?"

This armor is made by Robb with the production skills in the game. It naturally enjoys the rules of the game. Whether the person wearing it is fat or thin, tall or short, huge or shrinking, it can change along with it, but , Robb couldn't tell others that way, so he could only smile and said, "Because I can add armor with my giant transformation technique."

"Is that so?" The little nobleman seemed to understand very well, but he couldn't understand, so he just didn't understand.

Robb smiled and said to the nobles: "Now, the main force of the desert kingdom has been killed by me. Those of you who are careful can accept it. I know that several of you have prepared a factory, but deliberately did not open it. Waiting to see if I can solve the problem of the army of the desert kingdom, now, you have seen the result."

The nobles blushed, and they were a little embarrassed by Godfather's blunt point, but they also knew that Godfather was a very reasonable person and would not turn his face with others just because of this kind of thing.

The way he solved the problem was completely different from what nobles had seen from the lords in the past.

In the past, the old lords dealt with problems by intimidating or using small profits to lure you.

But Godfather neither intimidates nor seduces, he is a guide!

He solves the biggest problem for you, and then he helps you come up with a way to make money. You should study for yourself whether there is any benefit in doing so. If you think it is profitable, just follow him. If you don't understand or can't figure it out, Godfather won't come to force you, at most you can say "scum", and then forget it.

It makes people feel very happy to get along with such lords, and there is no need to be as tired as dealing with those old lords.

The nobles almost respectfully said at the same time: "Godfather, don't worry, after we go back, we will make every effort to promote the factory's production immediately, and we won't draw water anymore."

"Haha, just don't draw." Robb smiled at the coachman next to him: "Go on, we are back to Westwind Town."

The coachman was just an ordinary townsman. This time he was fortunate to be able to watch a big show with the nobles. He was already so excited that he was so shocked by Robb’s strength. Now Robb called him, he He rushed over like licking a dog: "Okay, I'll go and prepare a car for Godfather."

Robb got into the carriage!

The nobles also got on the car.

The private soldiers escorted the prisoners into several other carts. The most stinging among these prisoners was originally the assassin leader, but now he looks like an eggplant that has been beaten by frost. , Speechless.

Sofa wanted to get into the car with the assassin leader, but was blocked by a private soldier, and pointed to Robb's cart: "Woman, go to Godfather's car, you know who you are."

Sofa froze, sighed, and walked toward Robb's cart.

After just walking two steps, I heard the private soldier behind him smiling at the other private soldier: "This woman has no consciousness at all. She actually wants to get in another car."

"Yes!" Another private soldier smiled, "Isn't it enough to make Godfather a toy?"

"A great man like Godfather, I don't know how many women want to make toys for him."

"Hahaha! That's for sure."

"This female assassin is unconscious, I think she will be played miserably tonight...hahaha."

The private soldiers are all rogues with little education, and their words are ugly enough.

Sofa was badly hurt by these few words, and took two steps forward, two lines of clear tears shed in his eyes.

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