After the Full Level of the Profession

Chapter 251: Westwind Institute of Advanced Technology

Robb's attitude not only surprised the old craftsmen, but also surprised everyone around him, including but not limited to Baron Noren, Bishop Elsie, Templar Knights, Number Eight, Dark Priest, Townsfolk...

Everyone was thinking: Does Godfather respect these craftsmen so much? They are not master-level craftsmen, but some expert-level craftsmen, are they not that great?

Of course Robb has his own reasons for doing this. A group of scum townspeople in Xifeng Town are only at the level of villages and towns in terms of knowledge and technology. Now expert craftsmen in big cities have to show "respect for teachers and respect for education." Only by adopting an attitude can improve the quality of the whole people and embark on a broad road.

However, in this era, apart from magicians, most people still don’t know the preciousness of knowledge and technology. Except for master-level and master-level craftsmen who are respected, other craftsmen can only say that their lives are decent. The respect they have received is far less than the contributions they have made.

If Robb wants to change this mainstream consciousness, he has to start with himself and lead by example. As long as he shows respect for the teachers, others will naturally follow.

Sure enough, Robb came to say "Welcome all teachers", and the people next to him had to follow. Nuo Lun, Elsie, No.8 and others hurriedly said in unison: "Welcome all teachers to Xifeng Town to teach and teach. Undoubtedly."

Robb, an extremely lazy guy, was uncharacteristically uncharacteristic this time. He was so diligent that he walked up personally and shook hands with the old craftsmen one by one, showing the leader condolences to the outstanding workers and cadres: "Thank you for coming to Xifeng Town. From now on, we will rely on you to grasp the education work in Xifeng Town."

In an instant, the old craftsmen felt that Beier had face, and almost felt that life had reached the peak.

Robb smiled and said, "Teachers, please come with me and see the school I have prepared for you."

A group of people walked towards the town, and the old craftsmen hurriedly followed Robb. Although they had a peak just now, they still knew their identity. Lord Lord gave you face, you must be grateful, listen to Lord Lord’s words and do A job that helps Her Majesty make money is just right.

The group soon came to the school next to Wangjiang Qinghuai District. A long distance away, they saw the school’s signboard, which was a large number of words: "Westwind Senior Technical School", with a long couplet hanging beside it. : "Shanglian is: Which craftsman has the strongest skill, and the lower is: Xifeng Technical School is the strongest".

This couplet is a bit confusing, but it is Robb's personal touch, no one dares to complain.

This school was built when Robb had negotiated with the Queen last time. The site was chosen very carefully. In front of the school is the beautiful Westerly Canal, and there are waterwheels slowly turning in the canal. Next to the school is Wangjiang Qinghuai District, and behind it is a hillside with beautiful scenery. Learning knowledge in such a place is pleasing to the eye.

The main teaching building is not made of wood, but a high-class brick house. All the plasterers who built the house gave the king blessings and the blessing of the wind, which greatly shortened its construction time. The school adopted the architectural concept brought by Robb from later generations. Spacious, bright, multi-window, large glass...

The old craftsmen glanced at the house from a distance, and liked it too much.

Robb smiled and said: "The bishop's school you see now has a teacher's dormitory behind the teaching school. That is where you will live. I can guarantee that the house is even better than the main teaching building. I can see it."

He led the craftsmen into the school gate. The first thing he saw was a spacious playground. On both sides of the playground, two goals were made of iron racks and hemp rope. Unfortunately, no one knows what the goal is for, Robb. I plan to teach everyone to play football in the future, but it is not the time yet.

Robb pointed to the playground and said with a smile: "This is a place for students to exercise! Teachers should also pay attention to exercise. Keep a good body in order to live a long life."

An old blacksmith smiled and bulged his biceps: "Sports is not a problem for me."

But a thin old tailor next to him shrank in embarrassment...

Robb smiled and patted the old tailor on the shoulder: "It doesn't matter, as long as we eat and dress well here, and run two laps on the playground every morning, your health will not be lost to the blacksmith."

Everyone walked to the playground. There was a long-shaped pool with a drain faucet side by side in the pool.

The old craftsmen recognize this thing, and the faucet has already begun to be popular in Guangming Road. They know that the faucet was invented by Robb, first taught to the craftsmen in Westwind Town, and then passed from Westwind Town to Guangming Road, so here I'm not surprised to see the faucet. However, when the blacksmiths saw this, they thought of Robb's excellent ironmaking skills, and looked at Robb with admiration.

An old craftsman couldn't help asking: "Lord Lord, isn't the tap water available for a fee? If it is placed on the side of the playground and provided for anyone to use..."

"Don't call me Lord Lord, just call me Godfather." Robb smiled and said: "The water towers in this town have begun to use waterwheels for water supply, and screw pumps have been eliminated, so the water supply has basically been fully automated, and only tap water is left. Regardless of the maintenance cost, even if it is provided to the students for free use, there is not much loss."

The old craftsmen were surprised and inexplicable. They all turned to look at the slowly rotating waterwheel on the side of the canal at the entrance of the school, and said in surprise, "That thing is for water supply?"

An expert carpenter stared at the waterwheel carefully, and after a while he understood: "It scoops up the water as it spins and pours it into the water tower next to it! This is so clever. I really want to see this invented at first sight. The carpenter of things! I want to worship him as a teacher."

Robb said in an unpleasant manner: "Hey, I asked you to be a teacher. Instead, you wanted to be a teacher here?"

The expert carpenter said embarrassingly: "I can't make such a clever thing. If there is such a carpenter, how am I ashamed to be a teacher? After all, who invented this thing?"

Elsie, No.8 and others next to him all pointed to Robb: "Godfather invented it!"

The expert carpenter almost knelt down for Robb to apprentice on the spot.

Robb patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Although I know a lot, I don't have time to take the students. In the future, the skills I know will be given priority to your teachers, and then you can teach them to the students. "

When the old craftsmen heard this, they were overjoyed: "Thank you Godfather for the kind gift."

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