After the Full Level of the Profession

Chapter 259: The ghost woman who doesn't suffer from death

A normal person may be angry.

But Robb was not angry, instead he was happy. He felt that Miss Queen was actually quite a good person. In this kind of matter, if she gave her permission again and again, she would really not look like a qualified national helm.

Robb smiled and said: "Well, you are not willing to let people go, and I are not willing to kill people, so we can only discuss, what terms do you want to offer?"

"I don't accept any conditions." The queen said: "It's a stupid behavior to go back to the mountain. I'm not so stupid enough to ignore the safety of the country for a little profit."

The people of twenty desert kingdoms listened to the queen and Robb talking and talking, and couldn't help feeling anxious, oh my god! Her Majesty the Queen and Lord Lord actually froze, and their furious looks have risen to the level of "even if you kill me" and "national security"?

Do you want to tear your face completely?

Do not! It is impossible for the big men to tear their faces for the little ones like us. In the end, the result of their argument must be to sacrifice the interests of the little ones to achieve harmony between the big ones.

Just when they were in fear, Robb suddenly said in a weird manner: "A pudding is exchanged for a pass."

Queen: "Deal!"

Twenty people vomited blood together: "Puff!"

Then, the expressions of Robb and the queen instantly changed from a life-and-death atmosphere to a very harmonious appearance.

A crescent-like smile appeared in the queen's eyes again: "I made it this time! You are still not as good as I am. At this price, I sold a pass for a gold coin."

Robb spread his hands: "I deliberately let you go! I really want to fight you, you can't fight me."

The queen said: "It's not a question of being uncomfortable, but you think it is very troublesome to be hard with me. It is far better to hand over a few puddings to save trouble. You are always dealing with things from'how to save trouble'. Consider the problem from a perspective, not from the perspective of maximizing benefits. I have already seen you through."

Robb: "Wow! A woman thinks she knows a man very well, so she can easily be tricked into going to bed, and she will always give up after pregnancy."

Queen: "Please pay attention to the style of your speech, don't make yourself like a gangster."

When the two said that, the matter was settled.

The queen's words changed: "That's right! This afternoon, I received a prisoner of war request from the Desert Kingdom to return the book."

"Oh?" Robbile said: "Prisoners of war, please return the books? That is... They want to buy the prisoners back, right?"

"Yes!" said the queen: "It is an official certificate of credence. Therefore, even if it is in a state of war, I have to accept it properly and answer politely, otherwise it will lose its national integrity. But, please pay back this **** please In fact, I shouldn't collect the books at all."

Luo Baile said: "I should take it, right? You have a grievance face that I have troubled you, and I don't want to think about how much I have saved you by blocking the East Road army for you."

"In order to thank you for helping me block the East Route Army." The queen's expression remained unchanged: "The pudding that was discussed just now, just forgive it. I will provide you with a batch of passes to ensure that these people can return to the desert kingdom. , And they can bring their family members here again with the pass, but if these passes are used by them to engage in espionage activities, I will only have to trouble you."

"Walking around, did it turn out to be like this? It's okay." Robb smiled: "It's really a ghost woman who doesn't want to suffer. The little abacus is crackling, and she decides to give me a pass tomorrow morning. In the end, you have to fight with me for a while, and you won’t let go if you don’t win. Why is your character so awkward?"

The queen ignored this question, and was too lazy to answer, and said with an official expression: "The conditions for the desert kingdom are that the commander’s ransom is 1,000 gold coins, the great shaman 600 gold coins, and the Madara 600 gold coins. Agree, I will write back to the Desert Kingdom immediately, agreeing on the time and place to return the prisoners."

"Okay, the price is fair." Robb smiled: "You can reply, I'll sell it."

After speaking, Robb thought of something, and asked with a smile: "They just buy these three people? Doesn't the assassin leader buy them back? There are more than three thousand prisoners of war?"

The queen said indifferently: "The leader of the assassin is not a nobleman. How can a nobleman come out to be an assassin? This person is just a relatively high-ranking civilian, who is not in the eyes of the Pharaoh at all. As for other miscellaneous soldiers, it is even more important. It's worthless, and the Desert Kingdom will not pay them a copper plate. They have long been dead, or we are called as slaves, no one cares about their life and death..."

At this point, the queen stopped suddenly, and sighed after several seconds: "Except you!"

Hearing the Queen’s words, a complex emotion flashed in the eyes of twenty people. Although they had known that this would be the case, it was still difficult to accept it when others said it in person.

The nine people who decided to stay could not help but secretly glad that they made the right decision, and the eleven people who decided to go home first were also thinking: After returning home, immediately take their wives, children, and children, and move to Westwind as soon as possible. Come to town. Only Godfather will consider this world for us. Only in Godfather's territory can we have a real life.

"Okay, let's settle the matter like this." Robb smiled at the twenty people: "You seem to be staying in Westwind Town for a few days, waiting for Miss Queen to send someone to deliver the pass. "

Twenty people hurriedly respected as a gift, and after many thanks, went to the rental house of Wangjiang Feeling.

The next day, a manticore carried an envoy sent by Her Majesty the Queen to Westwind Town, and at the same time brought the first batch of fifty special passes.

Those who hold these passes will be allowed to pass through the gates of the Crystal Canyon.

Robb issued passes to the eleven people who wanted to go home, and then used a visual distance of 5,000 yards to watch them go northward.

These people may come back, or they may never go back, no one can guarantee what kind of judgments they will make in the future.

However, it is indisputable that they have gained freedom, and their exemplary role is extremely powerful. They set a good example for more than 3,000 people in prison and pointed out a new life path for them.

The more than 3,000 reform-through labor prisoners in Xifeng Prison immediately became diligent, their work became harder, and their performance became better. Even the toughest thorns are beginning to become obedient now, and start doing things seriously and cooperatively.

All reform-through-labor prisoners are desperately fighting for commutation of their sentences, working hard towards a new life.

Ten days later, a diplomatic team led by diplomats from the Desert Kingdom came to Westwind Town...

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