After the Full Level of the Profession

Chapter 262: Complex engineering products

Both the Madara and the diplomat thought they had earned it, but they didn't know that Robb was the one who really earned it.

It's hard to imagine how many things can be made with two thousand bath barrels of oil.

Robb slumped on his stone chair, happily looking at the clouds in the sky, imagining the ever-changing scenes of his simulated city.

At this moment, Lilian pouted her cute mouth and came out from the side: "Master, we are losing a lot now. You don't want 2,200 gold coins, but thousands of barrels of this kind of blackness. Huoyou, the badass diplomat from the desert kingdom, the look in his eyes when he left, it was as if he was calling you a fool. Can we go back now?"

"Repentance? That's not good!" Robb smiled and said, "A person cannot stand without trust. If you don't reiterate your promises, you can't do it. In order to barely maintain the appearance of life."

Lilian: "..."

"Okay, okay, don't be depressed, don't underestimate this dark oil." Robb pointed his finger at the small wooden barrel "sample" on the table, and smiled: "I will do it right away. Let you see how this thing can be used to play."

When he said that, Lilian became interested. Even Sofa put down his work and ran over to watch the excitement. There were also two bright little nuns, two dark little nuns, Xuelu, all around the table. side.

Xuelu is actually the one who has the most confidence in Robb, and the magician's IQ is very high. Xuelu is no exception. She laughed and said: "Although Mr. Robert likes to make profit, he doesn't like to care about things, but he only works with people in Westwind Town. Talents don’t care about their own interests, and sprinkle money lavishly on their friends, but the enemy will never give money easily. Since he thinks this thing is more useful than 2,200 gold coins, it must be more useful. We only Just watch quietly what Mr. Robert will come up with."

Robb gave Xuelu a thumbs up: "The beautiful Xuelu knows me best."

Xuelu was praised for beauty, and laughed.

Robb said: "This thing can do a lot of things, but currently there is only a small bucket, so we can't do anything special, let's be the simplest and most basic small robot."

"Engineering, choose the material'crude', and choose the target item'gasoline' to be made."

Robb rubbed his hand, and the black and ugly barrel of oil on the table turned into a clear and transparent oil that looked as beautiful as soybean oil.

The girls were slightly shocked.

Sofa was the first to speak: "Can you eat it?"

"You can eat a ghost!" Robb said, "You people from the desert kingdom only know how to eat? Don't worry, what I am going to do next is very complicated and I can't figure it out in a short time. To all kinds of messy things, subvert the complexity of your cognitive level."

He used the spell to "fetch things from the air", and the materials in the warehouse were brushed and piled up next to Robb.

"Choose iron ingots and coal to make-steel ingots!"

"Choose a steel ingot and make a spring!"

"Choose steel ingots and make-gears!"

"Choose a steel ingot and make a stainless steel cylinder."

"Choose steel ingots and make-engine components."

"Choose gold and make a gold rod!"

"Choose the golden rod and make-the golden core."

"Choose a real silver ingot and make a real silver transformer."

When the girls saw him constantly synthesizing materials one after another into unintelligible things, in a blink of an eye, they were piled up with strange parts, and they couldn't help but feel a little confused.

Robb himself couldn't help sighing: "This thing is really troublesome to make. The second-level intermediate products are just as big as his cat. It's really exhausting."

Xuelu blinked her beautiful big eyes, and then reached out her hand to hang Robb's neck: "Is it the last step? Don't sell it, hurry up!"

"Good, good, the last step."

Robb put together the pile of parts just made, and rubbed the last...

Up to ten seconds of kneading time!

This is considered to be a very slow rubbing in various products. The girls can only see Robb's hand rubbing motion all the time, which is very strange. Ten seconds later, a lot of parts suddenly floated, and then They merged together with a "pop".

Then a light flashed in the air, and the girls closed their eyes by the light.

When they opened their eyes, what appeared in front of them was a robot slightly higher than the real person.

It has a round body like an iron barrel, a round head, and a pair of iron arms. It looks cute and cute.

A group of girls said in unison: "What the **** is this? Iron man?"

"Look at how you got the name? Iron man is so ugly." Robb smiled: "Its full name should be called the mining robot WK0032."

The girls don’t know what this is...

If you are a later generation, you should be able to guess what it is when you hear the name of a robot called "mining robot", but the girls of this era have never seen a robot, and have never heard of anything. The concept of "mechanical automation", even if you hear the name, you can't imagine what it is for.

Lilian also stretched out her hand and made a motion to lift the robot's arm and waved it, wondering: "Use this iron man to mine? How to dig? It is hard to carry it! I can't carry it to mine. "

Robole said: "Are you going to use the robot as an iron pick? No, no, no! It should be because it can use an iron pick."

He pointed at an iron ingot, and the iron ingot instantly turned into an iron pickaxe. He threw the iron pickaxe into the robot's hand and filled its oil tank with gasoline. He smiled and said, "Take it, town. There is a mine in front. Go dig some mine to show the ladies."

The robot said: "Buzzing!"

He took a big stride and ran towards the iron ore cave in Qianshan. When a group of girls saw this "iron man" actually ran by themselves, and they were running fast, they couldn't help being shocked on the spot.

Robb smiled and said, "What are you doing in a daze? If you want to see what it is playing, you can quickly follow up."

"Oh! Yeah! Keep up and see."

Xuelu is a magician, and the magician is always curious about foreign affairs and foreign objects. She stepped on her long legs, followed the robot and chased it, and the four little nuns also hurriedly followed. Lilian thought for a while, it seemed that the housework was almost done today, and she hurried to catch up.

In the end, only Sofa was left. She was a "re-education prisoner" after all. She didn't dare to run around casually. It would be embarrassing if Robb suspected that she wanted to escape from prison.

Robb smiled gently at her: "Go and see! As long as you don't want to run away, I don't mind going out occasionally like this."

Sofa was overjoyed, and quickly ran over.

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