After the Full Level of the Profession

Chapter 265: Do it yourself

In fact, Robb had long discovered that the iron ore output in Xifeng Town was terrible.

The last time he negotiated an arms business with the queen, he took away all the iron ingots in the hands of the miners in Westwind Town at three times the price, and then hung up the phone overnight, all of which were turned into iron swords and iron armors.

There are two hills piled up in the yard, it looks like there are many, but...

Her Majesty didn't blink, she bought them all, and it was not serious enough. It was only enough to arm a panther army, a bear army, and then it was gone.

Her Majesty still wants to get more of this "high-quality" equipment.

However, the production capacity of iron ingots in Xifeng Town is extremely bad. The miners are "unmanaged" wild digging operations. There is no government intervention, no one to organize and coordinate. Everyone digs themselves by an ancestral mine. Do it yourself.

Their gameplay is doomed to low productivity. One person has to dig and dig in the mine for a long time before knocking out a few ore from the vein, and then relying on his own strength to carry out the hole, smelt, Purification involves a series of processes, and I don’t know how many days it will take to produce an iron ingot.

In the past, iron ingots were only worth one silver coin, and they could only earn two or three silver coins a month, which was too hard.

Last time Robb offered three silver coins for the purchase, which made everyone's income increased to six to nine silver coins, but this income was even worse than that of sugar workers.

The typical self-struggle is not as good as a part-time job series!

When Robber chatted with the mayor a few days ago, he also inquired that the Xifeng Mine had actually collapsed many times. Because the miners were digging blindly by themselves, no one organized them. Once the mine collapsed, it was all on other townspeople. The rescue was organized spontaneously, and the rescue efficiency was extremely low. Basically, when the mine collapsed, all the people inside died, and none of them could survive.

The proposal that Robb just proposed to build a small railroad track and transport the mine out with a car fell into the hands of a group of unorganized miners. In fact, it cannot be implemented because no one is willing to pay to repair the railroad track, and there will be no one. Willing to pay for mine carts.

If fundraising is done, the right to use the mine truck and maintenance costs will also be unrepaired.

As for the unified smelting of ore into iron ingots, it is even more impossible. At that time, the distribution of iron ingots does not know how many skins it will take.

With these guys, it will never be possible to increase the production of iron ingots in Westwind Town.

And Robb is about to get a lot of oil soon, and he can make all kinds of things by then, brightening people's eyes, and seeing the world as mentally retarded.

But only relying on the current iron ingot production in Xifeng Town, the mentally retarded person will become Robb!

Because of the things Robb can make, every piece requires a lot of iron ingots.

It’s impossible to find Her Majesty to buy iron. Her Majesty herself lacks iron. Last time, she wanted to find Westwind Town to buy iron ingots instead of weapons and equipment. She was also facing a protracted war with Mondela. All the iron ore production in Siege will be scraped off by the Queen to serve the war.

If Robb wants to play engineering happily, increasing the iron ore output in Xifeng Town is what he must do.

After thinking about this question, Robb waved his hand: "Fall! Solfa, you go to the wealthy area of ​​Wangjiang Qinghuai District, and ask Baron Nolan if there is any nobleman who is interested in playing a mineral development company. "

Sofa nodded, hurriedly went, and returned after a while: "Godfather, Baron Nolan said, the little nobles have already taken over an industry, and now they are all in the start-up period, and they don't have the energy to engage in other industries. NS."

"This way, I can't do anything, and I can only start a company myself, oops! I'm tired."

Even though Robb did a lot of things in Xifeng Town, there are actually only two companies that he really started. One is a silk stocking factory and the other is Wangjiang Qinghuai District. In addition to these two industries, he Transfer everything that can make money to other people.

Because there are hundreds of poisonous spiders in the stocking factory, he is not at ease if they are handed over to others.

After the first few phases of the Wangjiang Feeling Community, Robb also gave it to the mayor of Baihua and a little nobleman, who had already withdrawn from it.

This is called: not competing for profit with the people.

A good (lazy) ruler should give up the money (tiring) to the people!

Now I can't let it go...Forget it, do it, it seems that I have to go to the West Wind Technical School tomorrow and find some talents to help me get something.

Early the next day!

The sun was shining in the sky, Hua'er smiled at me, and Sofa said: Early, early, why are you carrying the dynamite bag?

So Robb smiled at Sofa and said, "I'm going to school."

"School? Does it mean the West Wind Advanced Technical School?" Sofa Daqi: "Why do I need to carry an explosive bag when I go there? You lazy fellow, don't I let Lilian and I carry everything we usually need to carry? Why do you have to carry it by yourself today?"

Robb patted the bag with the words "dynamite bag" written on the back, and he laughed, "Because you have to carry a dynamite bag when you go to school, it's boring to let someone else pick it up. What do you know?"

Solfa: "..."

Okay, she understands. Robb is talking weird things again. At this time, you can't cooperate with him, don't ask him at all, so that he won't be in trouble. She snorted and turned her head away.

Lilian ran up from behind with a grin, and said with a smile: "Master, here comes the kettle."

"Oh!" Robb took the kettle filled with Happy Fat House water and put it in the "dynamite bag" on his back.

Sofa took a look inside when he opened the lid of the bag, and found that there was no explosives in the bag at all, only a pile of parchment scrolls. Sofa took a peek at Robb's room before going to bed last night and saw He was picking out something to paint at night. It seems that these parchment scrolls were painted by Robb overnight, and he doesn't know what he painted.

She said grumpily, "Why does a bag with parchment rolls have to write the word bomb bag on the outside?"

"All said it is respect for the school." Robb smiled and sat in the wheelchair: "Lilian, Solfa, let's go."

Lilian smiled and pushed Robb's wheelchair, and Sofa followed, one master and two servants, slowly walking towards the Westwind Advanced Technical Institute.

It didn't take long for the West Wind Advanced Technical Institute, which is located on the side of the West Wind Canal, to appear in front of you.

Rob, this lazy fellow, has never been to the technical school since he personally greeted the teachers in the school, and it has been dozens of days in a blink of an eye.

This time, I discovered that the technical school was completely different from what I saw last time.

The last time I came here, the crowds were left indifferent, but this time, there is already a stream full of people.

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