After the Full Level of the Profession

Chapter 267: I'd better sell the excess iron

On the drawings Robb took out, he drew an integrated transportation system that combines "rails", "mine carts", "pulley systems" and so on.

Of course, this thing is very simple when viewed by later generations, but it is a track on the ground, a small mine cart is placed on the track, and a rope is hung on it. When the person outside the mine pulls the rope, the small mine cart will Will be pulled from the depths of the mine along the rails to the ground.

It can be said that it is a very basic transportation system, very old.

However, taking out this thing in this era surprised both the old blacksmith and the old carpenter.

"This...I want to fill the mine with this kind of thing called rails?" The blacksmith teacher took the blueprints with a dazed expression. With his iron-stripping experience, he knew it only with his eyes to make this kind of rails. It requires a lot of iron.

He curiously said: "Godfather, how much iron is needed to fill the mine with rails? The purpose of opening the mine is to dig iron, but it takes so much iron to make the rails. Isn't this putting the cart before the horse?"

Robb smiled: "No! There is no turning the cart before the horse. The iron is put in to dig out more iron."

Teacher Blacksmith understands that he can’t...

It was the crappy blacksmith who had played with Robb once in tap water, but he was blindly confident in Robb. He helped him to the side and said, "Teacher! Since Godfather said that using this can dig more iron, then this one will definitely be able to dig out more iron. Dig more iron, what Godfather said is absolute."

The old blacksmith spread his hands.

Robb smiled and said: "The follow-up effect can be seen after it is built. You can also see that this project cannot be done by one or two blacksmiths, or two or three blacksmiths. The railroad track is a huge project. Each section of the rail must be exactly the same, and it needs to be standardized. Therefore, it needs to be cast and spliced. It is also necessary to make a track changing mechanism. It is necessary to make a pulley block and make a small iron car that can slide on the rail..."

"This requires a large number of blacksmiths to work together, and the blacksmith class of the Westwind Technical School is the most suitable group of blacksmiths to make this project. You will treat this as a topic and you will lead the students to complete it together. Of course, I will also What do you think of paying a sum of money?"

The old blacksmith nodded: "Since it was Godfather's request, of course I have no different meanings. This project looks really ambitious and can exercise the students' abilities in all aspects. I think, if my students can complete this project, Then they can basically go to school."

Robb turned to the carpenter teacher next to him, and said with a smile: "The railroad sleepers, the wooden arms for installing the hoisting pulley blocks, etc., are up to you and your students."

The carpenter teacher smiled and said, "I am willing to work for Godfather."

When things are settled, Robb is about to start work.

He does not intend to make this set of things on the basis of the existing mines, because the existing mines in Xifeng Town are the legacy of the ancestors of the townspeople, and they were digging and playing spontaneously. The small black coal kilns built by private individuals in Shanxi Province ten years ago were not suitable for Robb to take over the development.

He needs to develop a mine that is completely operated and managed by himself. All the output of this mine belongs to him. In this way, he can avoid the destruction of the backward ideas of small producers and the individual economy, and all use hired labor. Management can improve overall efficiency.

Therefore, the mine has to be digged by yourself!

This is difficult for others, but it couldn't be easier for Robb. Let Lilian push him to the top of the mine vein in front of the town, and then throw a few tricks on the ground, a brand new mine appeared in front of everyone.

Robb also deliberately dug his mine next to the original "wild mines" in the town, because he intends to use the efficiency of his mine to guide the individual miners and attract them to abandon themselves. The backward method has shifted to more advanced production methods.

Of course, this matter can't come in a hurry, you have to move forward slowly, step by step.

This night!

Robb was soaking in the hot spring pool again, not alone, sitting next to Xuelu wearing a red one-piece swimsuit. After this woman asked Robb for a one-piece swimsuit, she often ran to bathe with Robb in the hot springs, nicknamed "Enjoy life", but in fact she was a frantic slap on Robb, and wanted to take him Lie into the tomb of the marriage, and then drag it out to take an adventure.

Of course Robb wouldn’t be fooled, letting her seduce me in a thousand ways. I stood still, didn’t kiss, touch, or hug, and only used my eyes to take advantage of her, so that I could guarantee that I would not be tempted. I did something.

There was a sound of water.

Xuelu's jade leg was deliberately lifted out of the water in front of Robb, and she said with a tired voice: "Does people's legs look good?"

"It's not good-looking!" Robb picked up a roasted pig's knuckle from the pool: "It's not so good-looking yet."

Xuelu: "..."

The two were talking about this, the crystal ball placed by the pool lit up, and Her Majesty's contact came.

This queen, she will call when she has nothing to do. Sometimes she talks about state affairs, and sometimes she talks about sweets. In short, Robb is used to the things she often calls.

He stretched out a hand and gently twisted the crystal ball three times, so the phone went through.

Her Majesty’s beautiful face appeared in the crystal ball. After a second, she said in a weird manner: "Excuse me, I will disturb you to take a mandarin duck bath."

"I'm really embarrassed to hang up." Robb murmured: "While saying excuse me, while staring at the crystal ball blankly, he didn't disturb the consciousness of others."

The queen didn't say this at all, and pretended not to see Xuelu next to Robb, calmly said: "I heard that you have dug a new mine, and you have to fill the mine with rails..."

"Yo!" Robbile said, "You are really well informed. It seems that I have already mixed in with your spies in Westwind Town."

The queen’s expression remained the same: "The dark church next to your church is full of my people. There is no way to say that spies are not spies. If I tell you that two dark nuns betrayed you, you will kill you. If they can’t do it? Cut! You won’t even be able to kill you."

Robb: "..."

Her Majesty said: "Furthermore, as the queen of Siegland, do I need to send spies to inquire about the news in my own territory?"

"Yes, you are right!" Robb smiled: "The news you heard is true. I am indeed planning a new mine, and the auxiliary rails are also true."

The queen seemed to pouted, but when Robb looked at it carefully, she found that she had a straight face and did not make any gestures of pouting at all. It was weird. Could the pouting just now be an illusion of her own?

Just listen to Her Majesty the Queen said unhappily: "You have extra iron to help with the ground, it is better to make a weapon and sell it to me."

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