After the Full Level of the Profession

Chapter 333: Madara is back

Seeing that Miss Queen is serious about this aspect, Robb is inconvenient to continue to molest her. It is not good to say that she wants to kill people in her country in front of a responsible queen, even if it is a joke.

He smiled and said to the queen: "Miss Queen, although the research on weapons is great, military science and technology must be developed in the direction of civilian use. Don't just focus on military science and technology. In "Hegemony", you can’t just build troops but not peasants and not open up bases. You have to go hand in hand. If you focus too much on building guns, you will suddenly find that one day there are no resources to build."

The queen doesn't understand what "StarCraft" is, but of course the reason why military and political leaders go hand in hand is still understood. She calmly said: "Of course I will pay attention to this. Thank you for your reminder. I won't chat with you much today. I have to think about the new magic item."

Robb smiled and said, "Good night!"

After the phone was hung up, Miss Queen was busy playing with new magic items. Robb estimated that she would mass-produce a lot of magic items to catch the princess of Donggrand. That was a very important thing for her.

However, for Robb, it is more interesting to study the temperature control system of the fire box.

He took a branch, and drew a symbol on the ground by the hot spring pool, and wrote a sentence of conditional judgment. At this moment, a man in a police uniform ran over in the night with a shiny gold button. It is Director Elsie.

Recently, Robb has been busy traveling between the two cities, and the number of meetings with Director Elsie has been relatively small. This Director is a bit worried that he is not enough to "brush his face" with Robb, so he will personally do any small things that are a bit sesame and mung beans. I ran, brushing my face frantically, no, here again.

When he arrived at the hot spring pool, he saluted and said with a smile: "Godfather, I am sorry to disturb you so late. Just now, a huge team came to Westwind Town and was waiting outside the North Town gate. This team is more Special, so I came here to ask you for advice."

"Oh?" Robach said: "What team?"

"It's the oil transport team of the Desert Kingdom." Director Elsie said: "The two thousand barrels of kerosene you asked for, the first batch of 500 barrels, are here."

Robb was overjoyed: "Good thing, welcome in. You go to find a safe hole, suitable for storing inflammable and explosive materials, put these oil drums carefully, pay attention, store in separate areas, and store at most in one area. One hundred barrels is good, and the two areas should be very far apart to avoid accidentally detonating one barrel and exploding it all."

Director Elsie quickly noted: "There is one more thing to report to you. A strange guy is also coming with the oil transport team."

"Oh? Who?"

"It's Madara." Director Elsie said, "The land of the desert obviously redeemed him with kerosene, but this guy actually ran over with the oil team again."

Robb smiled: "Let him come and chat with me."

Director Elsie hurriedly went, and after a while, he really brought Matura over.

The shape of Madara is pretty good today, and he has restored the way Robb was when he first saw him. He was dressed in a golden ring and clanging. The nobles of the desert kingdom were particularly rich, but ordinary people were particularly poor. , Go to two extremes. The last time Madara had been stripped of the golden ring by Robb, he did not expect to go home and take a turn, and he was covered with golden rings again.

Robb couldn't help laughing: "What's wrong? Is there a gold mine at home?"

Madara said, "I do have a gold mine in my house. How did Godfather know about it? Oh, your intelligence work turned out to be so good."

Robb: "Mom's mental retardation, stop talking nonsense, didn't I let you go? Why did you come back?"

Madara said pitifully, "I was exiled by the Pharaoh. He told me to roll to a place where the yellow sand could not cover. Otherwise, next time I saw me, he would bury me in the sand, showing only my head, and then take my head. When the ball kicks, let me go whenever I die. I had to leave the desert and there was no other place to go. Thinking that Godfather seems to be pretty good here, I came over, begging to keep it!"

Robbile said, "Oh, it turned out to be applying for political asylum. What did you do to make the Pharaoh so angry to say such unfeeling words?"

Madara embarrassedly said: "I stole some of the seeds here, the seeds that can mature in a day, and brought them back to the Pharaoh, and even blew them up. The Pharaoh was very happy and treated them like treasures. Carefully planted in the Green State, the next day...cough... Pharaoh became dizzy, saying that I deceived his feelings, and said that the desert could not tolerate a **** full of lies like me, so he kicked me out. I I had no choice but to leave my family and follow the kerosene delivery team, and ended up here."

Robb almost laughed out of joy, forcibly held back, can't laugh, can't laugh, I rub, can't help but swell, what should I do? Forget it, just laugh!

Robb: o(*≥▽≤)ツ┏━┓

Seeing Robb's smile and turning around in the hot spring pool, Madara said embarrassingly: "Godfather, don't laugh at me. I know it's my fault. You shouldn't steal your seeds. Could you tell me," What is the mystery of that seed?"

Robb spread his hands: "Actually, there is no mystery at all. Those are just ordinary seeds. It's just that they are planted by me. They can only mature day by day when they are planted in my family's field. In the hands of others, they won't work!"

Madara: "..."

Robb smiled and said, "Because, I have a miracle cast by a god."

Madara admits planting!

Robb smiled and said, "Do you want to live in Xifeng Town in the future?"

"Yes!" Madara said: "I have to admit, this place is very good, at least better than I went to Norma, the country of knights. Norma is a country completely controlled by the Holy See of Light, and the whole people are bright. Fanatics of the Holy See, believers of the **** of the desert like me, have nowhere to stay in Norma, and will be burned to death as infidels, so I can barely maintain my life only in Westwind."

Robb smiled and said: "Those prisoners in the prison, after the labor reform, I can allow them to live in Xifeng Town and give them the status of civilians in Xifeng Town, but you are different. You are not serious with me. The land was reformed through labor and was ransomed by your family directly with kerosene. In other words, you and I are still enemies today, why should I take you in?"

Madara had obviously considered this issue. He said solemnly: "Godfather, although I was exiled by the Pharaoh and cannot go back to the desert, my huge family is still in the desert. If I stay in Westwind Town, I will I can build a bridge with my family, or a business route. I heard that you like to do business the most. If you want to buy anything from the desert, we can ship it for you."

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