After the Full Level of the Profession

Chapter 348: He must be in the room

After Director Elsie joined the "New Bright Holy See", he immediately began to develop congregations vigorously.

He is completely different from Xiao Yi's passive development method. He does things more hard and motivated, or in other words, more purposeful and political, and he will never give up unless he achieves his goals.

He simply organized all the policemen under him, and used his off-duty time to distribute the leaflets of the New Guangming Vatican throughout Xifeng Town. These leaflets were all made of expensive cotton cloth. Each leaflet was written with a few words "Guangming". The doctrines and canons in the Bible.

In particular, the most important ones are "anyone can believe in the new Illuminati Vatican", "you don't need to abandon your old beliefs", "you can join and withdraw at any time", and "you don't need money anyway, just believe it." , "Godfather is also taught by this."

This kind of gameplay is very effective, especially the last sentence, which is almost a final word in Westwind Town. In the face of Godfather, the townsfolk will also believe it a little bit.

The "New Bright Holy See" is booming!

This afternoon, school time came again.

Robb walked out of the classroom and saw Madeleine sitting on the playground again, a black armor in this school where all the students wore noble gowns, which looked unusually dazzling.

He was also used to seeing her often on the playground, waved his hand and said, "Oh! I'm idle again?"

Madeleine turned her head: "It's not idle, I'm patrolling."

Robb murmured, "How can we patrol the academy?"

Madeleine didn’t mind being spit out at all, and said solemnly: “I’ve visited a lot of places recently, such as casinos, racetracks, orphanages, etc., anyway, places where the nobles in the city often go, I always go on patrols, because the main targets of assassins are the nobles, so patrolling these places can't go wrong."

Robb said: "It seems to have gotten into a strange place. Is the orphanage also a place often visited by the nobles?"

Madeleine hurriedly covered her mouth: "Ah! The weather is really good today."

Robb: "..."

How does this kind of forcibly changing the subject resemble a certain ghost woman? Oh, yes, these two women are girlfriends, they influence each other and learn from each other. It's not surprising that some small movements are the same.

He didn't know that Madeleine had recently turned around the places where the nobles in the city used to go to activities. In fact, they were looking for him, because Robb would "run out and hey" every time after school, but he didn't go there. Find a prostitute. So where did Robb go, it became a very serious problem.

Madeleine was worried whether Robb had a tryst with the eldest lady of which noble family, so she desperately tried to find out where he went, but she couldn't send her hands to do this kind of thing, because once she sent her hands to investigate Robb might be spotted by Robb. When Robb found out that Madeleine sent someone to follow him, he would definitely be angry.

She didn't even dare to follow her, because it was too easy to be found, so she could only use the "random encounter" method.

She would "patrol" a place every day to see if she could meet Robb. In the past few decades, she has stepped on almost every place Robb might go in the city. However, she still failed to patrol. "Encountered" with Robb once.

The doubts in my heart are getting bigger and bigger...

Robb said: "Alright, I'm going out, you can continue patrolling." After speaking, he turned and walked to his dormitory.

Madeleine watched him walk into the dormitory and closed the door, leaving only the female assassin named Sofa standing at the door. Her heart struggled violently: Do you want to follow? No, no! Tracking is too easy to be spotted. However, if you don't follow it, do you go to chance encounters everywhere?

It's no different than finding a needle in a haystack, I have been fishing for dozens of days without any gain. No, I can't be so passive anymore, I have to follow it...

She looked at the heavy set of iron armor on her body, which was obviously not conducive to tracking. She quickly turned over to the back of the flower garden, unloaded the iron armor, and then turned out a pre-prepared bag behind the flower garden, and took out a set of assassins from inside. The kind of lightweight leather armor that we often wear, which is easy to move, is covered with a black cloak to cover the head and face.

After all this work was done, she squatted behind a bunch of flowers and trees opposite Robb’s dormitory door, patiently lurking, waiting for Robb to go out so that she could continue to follow.

However, she waited and waited, waited and waited, and waited and waited for a long time, Robb never went out, even the maid who was guarding the door just went in and closed the door.

One master and one servant, none of them came out.

Madeleine wondered: Huh? Isn't he going to go out today? Oops? Did he make out with the maid in the room? This...this possibility is not unavailable. His maid looks very beautiful. It is not unusual for a beautiful maid like this kind of aristocrat to warm the bed for her master. It is also seen in aristocratic circles.

Madeleine wouldn't take the jealousy of a maid, because this kind of thing was so common that her father had two maids who were warm in bed back then, and her mother didn't take it seriously. She just felt curious, would you not come back at night when it gets dark if you want to make love to the maid? Why did it just leave school this afternoon?

No, no, it must not be doing that kind of thing, just staying in the room.

I don’t know how long I’ve been waiting, Baron Noren’s nephew Junkant came, drunk, and with a wine bottle in his left hand. He walked to the door of Robb’s dormitory and knocked. door.

The door opened immediately, and Sofa came out, all dressed neatly. It was obvious that she was not warming the bed for the owner just now, and Madeleine confirmed her idea and was quite happy.

Just listen to Kangte drunkenly said: "Where is Brother Robert? Tell him to come out, let's go drink together!"

Sofa smiled and said, "Mr. Conte, I'm sorry, my host went out and hi."

When these words came out, Madeleine, who was hiding in the woods opposite, was shocked: Going out? This is impossible! I have been staring here. He never came out after he entered the house. How could he go out?

Conte was drunk and said loudly, "Is there anything wrong? Go out every day, can his waist stand it? I don't believe it, he must not go out. He must be hiding in the room, but he doesn't want to drink with me."

Sofa hurriedly said: "No, the master is not in the room."

"Come less!" Conte said: "It must be hiding and not ignoring me. I will ask Brother Robert to make it clear today."

He stretched out his hand to push Sofa away, but Sofa gave way to the side in advance, and Conte pushed aside and threw himself into Robb's room with a "puff".

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