All kinds of magic, full of tricks, raged in the goblins, the ice bolt turned the goblins into ice sculptures, the fireball turned the goblins into ashes, and the wind blade cut the goblins in half...

"Boom!" An inflammatory explosion exploded in the densest part of the goblin legion, and the terrifying power instantly burned all the goblins within a few meters of the circle to ashes, and the magical power produced by the explosion was directed towards the surroundings. He rushed out and blasted all the goblins next to him several meters away.

At the same time, an ice ball flew into the Goblin array.

The ice ball is a kind of slow-flying magic. It is a huge hockey puck flying in mid-air at a slow speed similar to walking. It is almost impossible to hit anyone. However, it kept spinning while flying, and at the same time it threw out countless ice arrows, shooting randomly in all directions. (In Diablo 2 and 3, there is a spell called Frozen Orb.)

Where the Frozen Ball passed, all the goblins next to it were frozen into ice sculptures by the ice arrows, one by one, looking like the Harbin Ice Sculpture Festival, except that the statues in this Ice Sculpture Festival are all goblin statues.

Just now under the city, it looked like a neat green skull like a sea of ​​goblins. It has now been blasted to pieces. The rockets were arranged by Robb to aim at a different area before the battle, and when they finally opened fire , Each rocket artillery covered a strike area, so after a wave of magic bombardment, a large area under the city wall was bombarded like a carpet.

The corpses of goblins were everywhere, piece by piece, sloppy, and occasionally there were a few goblins in the corpse pile who had escaped a catastrophe. They were already so scared that they were trembling all over, not knowing what to do next.

Of course, this round of strikes was only aimed at the densest part of the goblin army at the center. The vanguard in front did not fight, nor did the third army behind, only the middle, the thief.

As a result, the last temple army immediately lost the courage to continue to rush forward, and the goblins rushing in front looked back and found that the main force behind was bombarded like this. They were still in the mood to continue climbing. City wall?

Goblins are actually naturally timid and cowardly. They must have numerical superiority to become arrogant and fanatical. Once their numerical superiority is lost, they will immediately become the most timid, cowardly, and useless. Novice Village waste mobs.



The surviving goblins fled in an instant. They did not dare to flee backward, because there were army of half-orcs and ogres behind them, and they would be chopped off by the army of half-orcs when they fled back. Therefore, they can only flee to the two sides, and the formation looks very strange and circumscribes the two sides of the Orc Legion, passing through the black pine forest.

When they were escaping, they were still worried about whether the superintendent would catch up and chop them, but this was a bit more worrying. The superintendent of half-orcs was actually stunned now.

The wave of magic strikes just now not only destroyed the fighting will of the Goblin army, but also deeply shook the Orcs Legion, making them all dumbfounded, looking stupidly at the strange big boxes on the wall, where Are you still in the mood to care about goblin deserters?

The human soldiers in the city are also a bit confused. To be honest, although they have known that they have new weapons, in order to prevent Mondela from stealing learning, these new weapons have been kept secret by Her Majesty, even the soldiers. We don't know what effect they have.

Now that they saw its power with their own eyes, the soldiers were almost shocked...

What kind of equipment is this Nima? Thousands of goblins outside were crushed by the fire, mommy!

"We were deceived! It is not a small unit guarding the North City Gate. All the magicians who can fight in the Light Road are gathered here! There are at least a few hundred." .

"No, General, the other party doesn't have many magicians. The key is those boxes." A half-orc prophet approached: "It's the magic spewed out of those boxes."

"Damn it, what box is that?"

"I don't know." The half-orcs know first: "I only know that they look like some kind of magic items. You know, humans, elves, and dwarves are all good at using magic items, but our half-orcs are not good at using magic items. Play this thing."

Humans, elves, and dwarves are the races that are best at making all kinds of sophisticated tools on the Demon Continent, but the half-orcs race is not good. Their IQ is too low and they are impatient. They only like to be barbaric and don't like fine things.

The Orc general roared: "Then what should I do now?"

The half-orcs first know: "Such a powerful magic radiation should consume a lot of mana in an instant. I think, judging from the volume of the boxes and the magic power they shoot, they have been shot out. There should be no reserve of mana, and we can’t launch it again. We should attack again now, it should be easier."

"Oh? Really?" The Orc General was a little skeptical, but the Orc Prophet was a respected old prophet. He still had to respect what he said. The Orc General waved his hand and ordered loudly: "Prepare for the second round of attack. ."

Without the trash green-headed goblins, the half-orcs did not feel that there was anything great. That was just because the trash was cannon fodder, and the ones who could really fight were the half-orcs and ogres. As long as the main army is okay, the mere thousand human black-armored soldiers are not in their eyes at all.

"Drumming, ready to attack!"

"Ready to attack!"

The half-orcs legion began to move around. Nearly three thousand half-orcs and more than one thousand ogres walked forward slowly.

With their movement, the soldiers in the city became uneasy.

Although it has just achieved a major battle result, but... the magic power of Katyusha's multiple rocket launchers has been emptied. To replenish the magic power of this thing, you need to send them all back to the royal family, and the royal magicians will slow down Chant the spell, cast magic, and fill it in the box.

It takes a lot of magicians to be busy for a long time to get it done.

And now, the magicians should fight Mondela to the death at the East City Gate, how can they have time to recharge this stuff?

Next, with a thousand soldiers to fight against four thousand monsters?

One to four!

It’s not a big problem for the fighters of the Black Earth Knights to fight goblins in one pair of four, but it’s difficult to fight half-orcs. .

At this moment, Robb suddenly brushed the ground and stood at the forefront of the city wall, and said loudly: "Put Katyusha upright again and aim at the army of half-orcs outside."

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