After the Full Level of the Profession

Chapter 413: To facilitate his commuting between the two places

Opposite the crystal ball appeared not only Her Majesty, but also a large group of ministers. It turned out that Robb had already made an appointment with Her Majesty to make this call today and asked her to call all the ministers she trusted.

As soon as the call was connected, the queen said in a majestic voice: "You asked me to call all the ministers to call this phone. What are you going to show me?"

Robb smiled and held the crystal ball in his hand, with its fisheye lens facing the train: "Look! Big train."

It is actually difficult to judge the size of an object from the crystal ball. However, there are many townspeople standing next to the train. Once there is a comparison, the volume of the locomotive is very clear.

Her Majesty the Queen has always been calm and calm, not easily moved by anything, so she didn't express anything.

However, the ministers standing behind her exclaimed together: "What a big iron cart."

"How heavy is such a big iron car?"

"How many horses can you pull?"

The voice of these guys came through the crystal ball, which made Robb laugh dumbly. The townspeople of Westwind Town were talking about this just now. I didn’t expect Miss Queen’s ministers to react in the same way. Your vision is that of the townspeople. Degree?

Only one minister put forward a more interesting view: "This thing is the same as the mine cart in the mine, except that the mine cart is moved by a rope. This cart seems to be going to run by itself. Moreover, the mine cart is hollow. Ah, this car is not empty. I only saw a very narrow cab that can’t fit much. What can this thing do?"

"Have you not seen a carriage hanging behind the locomotive? Use the rear carriage to load things! Of course, I feel that how many things can be loaded is the second thing, and how much power is needed to pull it up and running is the biggest problem."

After the ministers finished their discussions, the queen calmly said: "Don't sell it, hurry up and demonstrate. I have a lot of government affairs here, but I don't have time for the ministers to show you a monkey show."

Robber said: "When you speak, you say that he is acting in a monkey show, not that I am acting in a monkey show. This proves that you have guessed that I am very good at this thing."

The queen is noncommittal, but her attitude has already expressed her opinion.

"Well, I also hate wasting time. Let's start testing." Robb smiled: "Actually, I'm not sure whether this thing can run normally. I won't know until I have tried it."

He waved his hand, the blacksmith teacher of the West Wind Technical School climbed into the cab of the train, and at the same time two apprentices followed in.

"Ready to drive!"

"Strictly observe the train operation manual."

The old blacksmith yelled a few words, and the two apprentices hurriedly agreed.

Soon, they started the diesel engine. Because Robb cheated, he skipped the steam train stage and directly played with the diesel train, so there was no whistle at all. However, in order to ensure that no one was on the rails when the train was moving, Robb installed a large horn that could make a sharp sound on the train.


Smoke came out of the train, and black smoke came out when the diesel was burning, accompanied by a pungent smell.

The townspeople around the car hurriedly pinched their noses and stepped back.

When everyone showed a disgusting face at the train, the huge locomotive actually moved. It moved very slowly, very slowly, and at a snail-like speed, it provokes the ministers on the opposite side of the crystal ball. There was a sneer.

However, before their smiles expanded, they saw that the snail-like train began to accelerate. Its speed was getting faster and faster. The huge locomotive dragged a carriage behind and began to roll forward. When the carriage passed by Robb, Robb suddenly stood up from the wheelchair, stepped onto the train, and sat in the back carriage.

As a result, the perspective of the person on the opposite side of the crystal ball suddenly shifted from outside the train to inside the train.

Only then did they see that the carriage was actually full of sleepers and railroad tracks. The carriage was full of railroad tracks, and they didn't know how heavy it was. If all these things were pulled by carriages, it would be hard to imagine how many carriages could be moved.

The queen, who has always been calm, finally moved: "Can you transport so many things at once?"

Robb smiled and said, "It's not just transportation. It's only a testing stage, so only one carriage is hung. When the technology becomes more mature in the future, I will hang 20 carriages behind."

"Twenty?" The queen couldn't help being startled. She just visually observed that this carriage weighs 100,000 catties. If there are twenty carriages, wouldn't it weigh millions of catties? If this car is really so transportable, it would be terrible.

At this time, the speed of the train was getting faster and faster. The queen looked at the scenery passing by the train window through the crystal ball, and silently estimated its speed. After dozens of seconds, she suddenly smiled: "Just scared I jumped and thought it was such an amazing thing, but now that I see it, it is not as fast as a horse."

The ministers also said, "Yes, obviously not as fast as a running horse, and the more carriages you hang, the slower the speed will be."

"That's nothing great, haha."

Robb laughed and said: "Yes, the trains in the early days really couldn't run galloping horses. After all, there are still many technical problems on my side that have not been completely dealt with. The diesel engine is also a very rudimentary imitation. The most important thing is that the rails are also only used. It’s only twenty li long, and if you run fast now, you will run without a railway in a blink of an eye. Look, I am pulling the railroad ties and rails. Isn’t it just going to the railway?"

The queen now understands why these things are piled up in the carriage. Just now I thought Robb was deliberately adding weight to the carriage for testing. Now I think about it carefully and understand: "You use this car to pull materials to repair the rails, the rails The extension speed can be greatly increased."

"That's right!" Robb smiled: "Miss Queen is still the smartest! My railroad track was very slow at first, because the train hadn't been built at the time. A large number of horse-drawn carts, ox carts, camel carts, and a lot of manpower can be used to transport sleepers and railroad tracks for installation. However, once there are trains, the speed of railway construction will increase exponentially. Before long, I will It can take the road iron one hundred and fifty miles away."

Miss Queen glanced at the map and then at the direction of the railway extension, and whispered: "One hundred and fifty miles north of Xifeng Town, is the original stone canyon. What are you going to do to assist the railway there?"

Robb laughed smirkly: "That's the territory you gave to Robert Smith. He is my apprentice of magic. On the one hand, he wants to learn magic from me, and at the same time he wants to manage his own territory. What should I do? Of course it is the railway. , I will pass the railway assistant and he will be able to commute between the two places."

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