After the Full Level of the Profession

Chapter 446: You will live happily

Looking at the cheering workers, Madeleine couldn’t help but look up at the big train that had just stopped and stopped. She looked surprised. Although she had heard a lot about this big train from other ministers, she saw it with her own eyes. When I arrived, I still felt extremely shocked.

This thing is too big, especially with the ten cars behind it, it is too big to imagine.

Such a huge, all-iron car can actually run, which is beyond the common sense of this world.

Not to mention the use of bulls to pull a horse, even with magic, it is impossible to drive such a huge iron cart.

But she saw with her own eyes that this thing was running from a distance. Although the speed is not fast, it runs very steadily. The huge weight does not seem to be a burden to it at all, but adds a momentum to it. .

Robb cut his consciousness back to Robert again, and smiled and said to Madeleine: "Look, our big train in Westwind Town is open to traffic, and you can easily go to the original stone canyon from here. Use this handlebar. If you transport your soldiers to the original stone canyon, you can save a few days of walking."

Madeleine: "How long does it take for this thing to run from Westwind Town to Raw Rock Canyon?"

Robb smiled and said, "Three hours."

"Scared?" Madeleine was shocked. "Three hours?"

The distance between Xifeng Town and Yuanshi Canyon is 150 miles!

The marching speed of the Knights is only 80 miles per day. It is not that the Knights cannot run faster, but the troops must take into account the physical abilities of the horses and soldiers, and cannot run at the maximum speed for life, so the Black Earth Knights rush 80 miles every day. It's already fast.

But even with a daily marching speed of 80 li, it would take two days to travel 150 li from Westwind Town to Raw Rock Canyon.

Now Robert actually said "three hours", how could Madeleine not be surprised.

Robb smiled and said: "The speed of this big train is 50 miles per hour, which sounds much slower than horses. The horse can reach 18 meters per second when running at full strength. However, the horse needs to rest, but the big train does not need it. It has been advancing at a constant speed of 50 miles per hour."

Madeleine: "..."

Robb smiled and said: "So, you can have fun in Xifeng Town, let the soldiers rest for a whole day, and then let the train run a few times and take your five thousand dollars in several times. All the soldiers were transported to the original rock canyon. The soldiers and horses rested for two days, but they rushed for two days, so happy. Then you set off from the original rock canyon and headed to the crystal canyon full of energy."

Madeleine opened her mouth wide in surprise, unable to close it for a while.

"Well, don't be surprised like this anymore." Robb made a "Miss please" gesture to her, and smiled: "Let's go, I'll take you to the Westwind Town for shopping."

"Ah, okay." Thinking of going shopping with Robert, Madeleine instantly threw the big train out of the Jiuxiaoyun cloud, lowered her head and said: "I'm wearing a black armor, it's not pretty, right? ?"

"It's pretty." Robb smiled: "It's very flavorful, but it's actually better than wearing a regular suit."

"Hey? Really?" Madeleine was overjoyed.

One day passed quickly, because happy time always passed quickly. Robb took Madeleine around in Xifeng Town and took her to visit various factories and technical schools in Xifeng Town. , Fishing by the river, picking fruits in the mountains...

In general cartoons, there will be episodes at this time, and then there are various clips of the male and female protagonists shopping, and there are close-up pictures of Madeleine’s smiling faces, but we are novels, so there is no such thing, only a father-in-law using crappy parallelism Describes not beautiful words.

Brush the ground and the happy time is over.

When the sunset was hitting the sky again, Robb invited Madeleine to rest in the church, but Madeleine’s face instantly turned red, and she refused to walk into the New Light Church because it was not the same as with a man. Are you living together? I'm so ashamed that I can't do it, it's too early.

She swept the floor and rushed into the dark church next to her, grabbed a guest room and lived in it. Of course, when she took a shower that night, she was moved by the shower.

the next day!

Last night, the train ran two trains overnight, and first sent a group of soldiers and horses to the original stone canyon. I got up this morning and ran to the third trip, so thousands of soldiers of the Black Earth Knights had been transported to the original stone canyon first.

At noon, the big train was ready to leave for the fourth time, and this time it was the last few soldiers who were going to the original rock canyon.

And Robb, Madeleine, Lilian, Solfa and others, even Baron Noren, Conte, Marianne, the daughter of the court minister, elven elders, and a large group of messy noble children, the town of Stone Canyon Long, Uncle Jonny, all joined the queue.

These ten carriages were originally used to transport railroad tracks, sleepers, and various construction equipment. Last night, they transported soldiers from the Black Earth Knights three times in a row, and they were already dirty and smelly inside. However, the servants of the nobles were dispatched together, and various water magic and purification techniques were thrown around, and the carriage became clean again.

The servants placed red carpets in the carriages, tables, chairs and benches, and silver plates and drinking glasses. All of a sudden, these ten carriages became high-end and high-end, from dirty trucks to Got a beautiful train.

Robb left Godfather in Westwind Town in the name of "laziness" without boarding the train.

But Robert Smith took Madeleine, Solfa, and Lilian on the train and sat in the VIP carriage. He knew that Lilian would be easy to wear if he followed him, so he specifically asked Lilian and Mayor Yuanshi, The three of Uncle Jonny sat down at a table.

As soon as the car drove out of Westwind Town, Lilian looked at the scenery outside the window and shed tears: "Ah, I am finally going home! Last summer, I followed Probo's motorcade from Raw Rock Canyon to Westwind Town, and saw along the way. These are the scenery. I was thinking that I would live in the new owner’s house in my life and I would never be able to return to the original stone canyon. I didn’t expect... Now I actually see these once-traveled scenery going backwards, and I’m going back. Home, I'm going home!"

Robb felt a little bit painful seeing this scene, but his current status was really inconvenient to comfort Lilian in the past.

Fortunately, Uncle Johnny next to him didn't give it for nothing. He smiled and said to Lilian: "Lilian, you don't have to be sad. If it wasn't because you left the original stone canyon, how could you have been with Godfather such a good master? What a happy life now! There is no need to look back on the past, look forward! Forward! You will be very happy in the future."

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